RNDr. Terézia Slanináková

učo 445526
Research and development staff I VSTR CERIT-SC ÚVT MU
Šumavská Tower
budova A – 6. nadzemní podlaží
549 49 6930 call
slaninakova(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz slaninakova(zavináč/atsign)ics(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz


Tom Rebok´s Research Group – CERIT-SC – Institute of Computer Science
Positionresearch and development staff I
Roomkancelář, 6.13 (ŠT, Šumavská Tower, budova A – 6. nadzemní podlaží)
Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing – Faculty of Informatics
Positionresearch and development staff I
Phone number549 49 6930 call


Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics
Programme FI D-INF Computer Science, doctoral degree programme
Supervisordoc. RNDr. Vlastislav Dohnal, Ph.D.
ConsultantRNDr. Matej Antol, Ph.D.
Study Modefull-time specialized
Statusreturned from a stay abroad
Research topicAplikace umělé inteligence pro zpracování nestrukturovaných dat
PlanFI DIIA Computing Technology and Methodology
9th term, 5th year