Bc. Václav Novák

učo 505947
Šumavská Tower
budova A – 7. nadzemní podlaží
505947(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz vaclav(tečka/dot)novak(zavináč/atsign)ics(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz


Web Applications – Information Systems – IT Operations and Development – Institute of Computer Science (part-time cooperation)
Roomkancelář, 7.13 (ŠT, Šumavská Tower, budova A – 7. nadzemní podlaží)

Membership in academic institutions


Visual informatics, Faculty of Informatics
Programme FI N-VIZ Visual informatics, Master's degree programme
Study Modefull-time specialized
PlanFI AZO Image Processing and Analysis
4th term, 2nd year

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