doc. JUDr. Bc. Jaromír Tauchen, Ph.D., LL.M. Eur.Int.

učo 53531
Department head KDSP PrF MU
docent na Katedře dějin státu a práva; soudní překladatel jazyka německého
549 49 5231 call
tauchen(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz Jaromir(tečka/dot)Tauchen(zavináč/atsign)law(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz

Academic and managerial posts


Department of the History of the State and Law – Faculty of Law
Positionassociate professor
Room323B (Veveří 70, Brno – 4. nadzemní podlaží)
Phone number549 49 5231 call
Mobile phone733 625 742 call

Membership in academic institutions

Faculty of Law
Programme Boards
Doctoral Boards
Doctoral Committees
  • Doctoral Committee (fields of study History of the Law and Roman Law and History of the Law and Roman Law)
Boards and councils
Contact person of the degree programme: