FI VPH Computer Games Development
Name in Czech: Vývoj počítačových her
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FI N-VIZ Visual informatics

Introductory information / Instructions

To complete other subjects so that the total credit gain is at least 120 credits for the whole study of this study program.

Povinné předměty studijního programu

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IV003Algorithms and Data Structures II I. Černázk 2/2/03+2 2Z
FI:MA018Numerical Methods J. Zelinkazk 2/2/03+2 1P
FI:MV013Statistics for Computer Science P. Hasilzk 2/2/03+2 2P
FI:PA103Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems R. Ošlejšekzk 2/0/02+2 3P
FI:PA010Intermediate Computer Graphics B. Kozlíkovázk 2/0/13+2 1Z
FI:PV021Neural Networks T. Brázdilzk 2/0/24+2 3Z
FI:PV182Human-Computer Interaction S. Kriglsteinzk 2/1/03+2 2Z
FI:PV189Mathematics for Computer Graphics P. Matulazk 2/0/02+2 1Z
FI:VV0353D Modeling J. Chmelíkk 0/2/13+1 1-
FI:SOBHADefence of Thesis D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- 4-
FI:SZMGRState Exam (MSc degree) D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- 4-
43 credits

Master's thesis

Povinnost získat 20 kreditů z předmětu SDIPR.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:SDIPRDiploma Thesis D. Svobodaz 0/0/020 4-
20 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PA213Advanced Computer Graphics B. Kozlíkovázk 2/0/02+2 4Z
FI:PA215Game Design I J. Chmelíkzk 2/0/02+2 1P
FI:PA216Game Design II J. Chmelíkzk 2/0/02+2 2P
FI:PA217Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games H. Rudovázk 2/0/02+2 2Z
FI:SA300RegRegistration for SA300 J. Chmelíkz 0/0/0- 2-
FI:SA300Internship - Computer Games J. Chmelíkz 0/0/0 Stáž v minimálním rozsahu 480 hodin.16 3-
FI:PV227GPU Rendering J. Byškak 0/2/02+1 1P
FI:PV255Game Development I J. Chmelíkz 2/2/14 1P
FI:PV266Game Development II J. Chmelíkk 0/1/23+1 2P
FI:VV0363D Character Modeling H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 2P
47 credits

Game development

Absolvovat alespoň 1 předmět z následujícího seznamu.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PA199Game Engine Development J. Chmelíkzk 2/1/03+2 3-
FI:PV283Games User Research Lab S. Kriglsteinz 0/2/13 3-
8 credits

Volitelné kredity