FI GD Graphic design
Name in Czech: Grafický design
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FI N-VIZ Visual informatics

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state final exam consists of two separately classified components: master's thesis defence and professional final examination. The entire state exam lasts about one hour (approximately 30 minutes for the defence, 30 minutes for the examination). The presentation of the master's thesis is 15 minutes, the next 15 minutes is devoted to the review analysis and discussion. In the following oral exam, the student responds without preparation to the questions asked, typically there are two to three questions to be debated, with at least one question being asked within the topic of the study program and at least one question from the specialization.

    For successful completion of the final the student must be able to explain the basic concepts she learned in the profiling subjects of the program, must demonstrate the ability to use basic techniques, methods and concepts explained in profiling subjects program, and must be able to respond to relevant additional questions or, if necessary, develop the selected topic in depth. If a student is not able to meet one of these requirements, the grade is inappropriate. Condition access to the final exam is the submission of the diploma thesis. In the case of negative opinions on the master's thesis the student can give up the defence, accept the rating "failed" and go straight to the test. In case of failure at the defence, it is not possible to withdraw from the oral examination.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    1) "Creating of Software Application presenting the History of Communication":<br/><a href="" target="_blank" class="okno"></a><p-><br/>2) "Gamification form the Perspective of Graphic Design and the Creation of the Online Educational Guide":<p><br/><a href="" target="_blank" class="okno"></a><p><br/>3) "Design of the Web Site User Interface of the Job Fair JobChallenge": <a href="" target="_blank" class="okno"></a><p><br/>4) "Foodsharing web application": <a href="" target="_blank" class="okno"></a><p><br/>5) "Web Presentation of 0+1 Type Foundry": <a href="" target="_blank" class="okno"></a>

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty studijního programu

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IV003Algorithms and Data Structures II I. Černázk 2/2/03+2 2Z
FI:MA018Numerical Methods J. Zelinkazk 2/2/03+2 1P
FI:MV013Statistics for Computer Science P. Hasilzk 2/2/03+2 2P
FI:PA103Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems R. Ošlejšekzk 2/0/02+2 3P
FI:PA010Intermediate Computer Graphics B. Kozlíkovázk 2/0/13+2 1Z
FI:PV021Neural Networks T. Brázdilzk 2/0/24+2 3Z
FI:PV182Human-Computer Interaction S. Kriglsteinzk 2/1/03+2 2Z
FI:PV189Mathematics for Computer Graphics P. Matulazk 2/0/02+2 1Z
FI:VV0353D Modeling J. Chmelíkk 0/2/13+1 1-
FI:SOBHADefence of Thesis D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- 4-
FI:SZMGRState Exam (MSc degree) D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- 4-
43 credits

Master's thesis

Povinnost získat 20 kreditů z předmětu SDIPR.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:SDIPRDiploma Thesis D. Svobodaz 0/0/020 4-
20 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PV067Typography II J. Malíkovázk 1/1/02+2 1-
FI:PV083Graphic Design II J. Malíkovázk 1/1/02+2 1-
FI:PV085Type Design II H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 2P
FI:PV257Graphic Design and Multimedia Project H. Lukášovák 0/2/02+1 2-
FI:PV259Generative Design Programming H. Lukášovák 1/2/13+1 1P
FI:PV268Digital Design D. Echeverri Giraldok 2/0/02+1 3P
FI:VV051Animation H. Lukášovák 1/12+1 4-
25 credits

Graphic Design I

Pass at least 1 course of the following list

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PV112Computer Graphics API J. Byškazk 2/2/03+2 2-
FI:PV239Mobile Application Development B. Bühnovák 2/1/14+1 2-
FI:VV0363D Character Modeling H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 2-
14 credits

Graphic Design II

Pass at least 3 courses of the following list

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PV156Digital Photography V. Kovalčíkk 1/1/02+1 3-
FI:VV067Concept and Intermedia H. Lukášovák 0/2/02+1 3-
FI:VV050Motion Design H. Lukášovák 1/12+1 3-
FI:PV110Basics of Film Narratives P. Sojkak 0/4/14+1 3-
FI:PV101Type Design III L. Pevnýk 1/12+1 3-
FI:PV251Visualization B. Kozlíkovázk 2/1/03+2 3-
FI:VV034Photography - artificial effects H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 4-
FI:PV097Visual Creativity Informatics J. Chmelíkzk 2/1/03+2 4-
FI:PV113Production of Audiovisual Artefacts P. Sojkak 0/3/25+1 4-
37 credits

Volitelné kredity