FI GD Graphic design
Name in Czech: Grafický design
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FI N-VIZ Visual informatics

Introductory information / Instructions

To complete other subjects so that the total credit gain is at least 120 credits for the whole study of this study program.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:MA018Numerical Methods J. Zelinkazk 2/2/03+2 P P
FI:PA010Intermediate Computer Graphics B. Kozlíkovázk 2/0/13+2 Z P
FI:PV067Typography II J. Malíkovázk 1/1/02+2 - P
FI:PV083Graphic Design II J. Malíkovázk 1/1/02+2 - P
FI:PV189Mathematics for Computer Graphics P. Matulazk 2/0/02+2 Z P
FI:PV259Generative Design Programming H. Lukášovák 1/2/13+1 P P
FI:VV0353D Modeling J. Chmelíkk 0/2/13+1 - P
30 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:IV003Algorithms and Data Structures II I. Černázk 2/2/03+2 Z P
FI:MV013Statistics for Computer Science P. Hasilzk 2/2/03+2 P P
FI:PV085Type Design II H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 P P
FI:PV112Computer Graphics API J. Byškazk 2/2/03+2 - P
FI:PV182Human-Computer Interaction S. Kriglsteinzk 2/1/03+2 Z P
FI:PV239Mobile Application Development B. Bühnovák 2/1/14+1 - P
FI:PV257Graphic Design and Multimedia Project H. Lukášovák 0/2/02+1 - P
FI:VV0363D Character Modeling H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 - P
36 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:PA103Object-oriented Methods for Design of Information Systems R. Ošlejšekzk 2/0/02+2 P P
FI:PV021Neural Networks T. Brázdilzk 2/0/24+2 Z P
FI:PV101Type Design III L. Pevnýk 1/12+1 - P
FI:PV110Basics of Film Narratives P. Sojkak 0/4/14+1 - P
FI:PV156Digital Photography V. Kovalčíkk 1/1/02+1 - P
FI:PV251Visualization B. Kozlíkovázk 2/1/03+2 - P
FI:PV268Digital Design D. Echeverri Giraldok 2/0/02+1 P P
FI:VV050Motion Design H. Lukášovák 1/12+1 - P
FI:VV067Concept and Intermedia H. Lukášovák 0/2/02+1 - P
35 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FI:PV097Visual Creativity Informatics J. Chmelíkzk 2/1/03+2 - P
FI:PV113Production of Audiovisual Artefacts P. Sojkak 0/3/25+1 - P
FI:SDIPRDiploma Thesis D. Svobodaz 0/0/020 - P
FI:SOBHADefence of Thesis D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- - P
FI:SZMGRState Exam (MSc degree) D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- - P
FI:VV034Photography - artificial effects H. Lukášovázk 1/1/02+2 - P
FI:VV051Animation H. Lukášovák 1/12+1 - P
38 credits