FSS EGO11 European Governance
Název anglicky: European Governance
navazující prezenční ve spolupráci s jinou vysokou školou, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: FSS N-EGO European Governance

Úvodní informace / Pokyny

Information About Study

Master on European Governance is a graduate study program taught in cooperation of the Utrecht School of Governance of the Utrecht University and the Faculty of Social Studies of the Masaryk University, Brno. The 2-year (4-semester) program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience the environment of both schools. The first year is organized in Brno and the second year in Utrecht; moreover, during the program, joint seminars with participation of lecturers from both universities are to be held. Typically, the first three semesters are devoted to coursework, while the last semester consists of a research internship and writing of the thesis. Coursework includes reading assignments, written assignments, class presentations and exams. All courses are taught in English. The language of assigned readings, exams and individual consultations is also English.

Courses are divided into two categories: compulsory and optional courses. Compulsory courses constitute the core of the program. All of them must be completed in the course of study. In addition, the program offers optional courses. The number of optional courses taken must be such that the ECTS credit requirements for optional courses are fulfilled. Credits are awarded for successful completion of the courses.

The first year of the program (in Brno) consists of two semesters, titled “Development of Institutions and Governance” and “Economics and Organizations”, respectively. It is aimed at the introduction to theoretical concepts of governance with focus on multilevel governance perspective of the contemporary European Union and its member states achieved through detailed attention paid to domestic politics, European Union politics and mutual interdependence between these two levels. Structure and composition of compulsory courses should establish solid knowledge of politics both at level of the EU and level of member states with special focus on new member (and candidate) countries with post-communist heritage. The faculty includes lecturers who combine political science approach with law, history, and economy which helps the student to connect comprehensive orientation in political science with interdisciplinary perspective. Interdisciplinary approach is further developed in the set of optional courses that allow the student to shape his or her qualification according to own preference inside the studies of European politics.

The second year of the program at Utrecht University combines teaching and research in the fields of law, economics and governance studies, the third semester is titled accordingly – “Markets, Law and Welfare States”. In research and teaching the Utrecht School of Governance seeks to integrate the study of the EU into the broader thematic concerns of political science, public administration and organizational studies, such as public accountability, administrative organization, and public policy-making. The fourth semester consists of a research internship and writing an MA thesis.

The number of students in the program shall fit between 15 and 25. The smaller size of the class enables interactive mode of teaching and critical discussions of the assigned problems and literature. Active close interaction both within the class and with lecturers from Brno and Utrecht and also among lecturers bolsters community feeling. The program is intended not only for the Czech and Dutch students. It aims to serve broader international community of students. This will increase the complexity of views presented during the courses, provide encounter of different students with different pre-graduate national background, and allows them enjoy the opportunity of multinational settings.

Recommended Study Plan

The following study plan is meant to help students enrolled in the Master in European Governance program make effective choices of courses with a view of earning the required number of credits. It specifies the sequence of compulsory courses that is deemed to be the most effective study plan for students enrolled in the program. The sequence of optional courses is not specified.

The strategy is specified so as to ensure that students would have earned 120 credits at the end of the program (110 credits will be earned in compulsory courses and 10 credits in optional courses). In each of the first two semesters students are expected to take three and four compulsory courses (specified in the table below) and at least one optional course. In the third semester students take four compulsory courses (specified in the table below). In the fourth semester students conduct research internship and focus on completing their Master’s theses. At the end of the fourth semester, the public thesis defence and a state exam is held.



Compulsory Courses

Optional Courses


(31 ECTS)








EGOn4001 Introduction to Governance and Multilevel Politics


EGOn4002  EU Law and European System of  Human Rights Protection


EGOn4003 European Union in European Politics since 1989

EGOn5002 Europeanisation: EU impact on national, regional and local governance



(19 ECTS)







EGOn4004 European in Global Economy


EGOn4005 Comparative Politics of EU countries


EGOn4006 Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe


(10 ECTS)


(30 ECTS)

7.5 ECTS



7.5 ECTS


7.5 ECTS



7.5 ECTS

Labour Markets and Welfare States in Europe         


Regulating Markets          


Designing Institutions in a Multi-level Context


Enforcement and the Rule of Law in Europe



(30 ECTS)


A research internship

Thesis and public defence


Compulsory Courses

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
FSS:EGOn4001Introduction to Governance and Multilevel Politics P. Kaniokzk 1/1/08 1Z
FSS:EGOn5002Europeanisation: EU impact on national, regional and local governance V. Havlíkzk 1/1/07 1P
FSS:EGOn4002EU Law and European System of Human Rights Protection I. Pospíšilzk 1/1/08 1P
FSS:EGOn4003European Union in European Politics since 1989 M. Brusenbauch Meislovázk 1/1/08 1P
FSS:EGOn4004Europe in Global Economy O. Krpeczk 1/1/07 2P
FSS:EGOn4005Comparative Politics of EU countries V. Hloušekzk 1/1/06 2P
FSS:EGOn4006Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe V. Hloušekzk 1/1/06 2P
50 kreditů

Optional Courses

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
FSS:EGOn5001Energy Policy of the EU F. Černochzk 2/0/05 1-
FSS:EGOn5003The European dimension of local policymaking V. Hloušekzk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:EGOn5005Politics of Euroscepticism P. Kaniokzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:EGOn5006EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries P. Kuchyňkovázk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:EVSn5011Judicialization of International Politics I. Pospíšilzk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:EVSn506270 years Schuman Declaration, Birth of the EU P. Kaniokzk blokově - 16. 3. 2020 – 20. 3. 20204 2-
FSS:IREn5006German foreign policy J. Urbanovskázk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:EGOn4007Social Science Methodology L. Lehotskýzk 1/1/07 --
FSS:IREn5021EU crisis management J. Urbanovskázk 1/1/05 2-
46 kreditů