FSS EVIS11 Joint Master Programme in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrad Perspective
Name in Czech: Joint Master Programme in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrad Perspective
master's full-time in cooperation with another higher education institution, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS N-EVIS Joint Master Programme in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrad Perspective

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination consists of thesis defense and oral examination in three areas.

    The topics for the three areas consist of following compulsory courses:

    History and Theory of International Relations;
    Current Developments in International Public Law;
    Political and Social History of CEE in the 20th Century: from the turn of Centuries to the end of World War II;
    European Governance and Multilevel Politics;
    Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe;
    Europe in Global Economy;
    Political Culture in CEEC/V4 in Comparative Perspective;
    V4 in Transition – Democracy in V4;
    International Political Economy – the V4 States and the Economic Transformation;
    Political System of Visegrad Countries;
    Security Environments in the Visegrad Group Countries;
    Central Europe and the EU Internal/External Borders
  • Requirements of the study
    To pass all compulsory courses, to receive at least 180 ECTS for comuplsory and selective courses, to write and defend master thesis, and to pass final state oral examination.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022: towards international disorder? The dividing power of the Nord Stream 2 project

    Bleeding Tentacles of Octopus: Understanding the Role of the Post-Soviet De Facto States in Russian Foreign Policy

    Migration and Asylum Policies as a Uniting Platform for the Visegrad Four Group

    The Future of Visegrad Cooperation in the Face of Emerging Multipolar World Order

    The effects of the economic development of China on relations with the European Union

Recommended progress through the study plan

Required courses

The compulsory courses are the basis of the program studied and must be completed during the study period.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:VISn4001European Governance and Multilevel Politics P. Kaniokzk 1/1/08 2P
FSS:VISn4002Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe V. Hloušekzk 1/1/08 2P
FSS:VISn4003Europe in Global Economy O. Krpeczk 1/1/08 2P
24 credits

Selective courses

Selective courses form a compulsory segment from which the student chooses, according to their interest and future professional orientation, at least several subjects to achieve the required number of ECTS in the overall programme - i.e. at least 36 ECTS over the two years of study.

Blok 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:EGOn5005Politics of Euroscepticism P. Kaniokzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:EGOn5006EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries P. Kuchyňkovázk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:ESSn4001Social Science Methodology J. Osičkazk 1/1/08 2-
FSS:EVSn5067How do they see us? The Czech Republic and its European Partners M. Brusenbauch Meislováz 2/0/03 2-
FSS:IREn5016Comparative Politics of EU countries V. Hloušekzk 1/1/06 2-
FSS:IREn5502Theory of International Relations and European Integration. M. Brusenbauch Meislovázk 2/0/03 2-
30 credits