FSS IREP01 International Relations and European Politics
Název anglicky: International Relations and European Politics
bakalářský prezenční jednooborový, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: FSS B-IREP International Relations and European Politics

Informace o studiu

  • Součásti SZZ a jejich obsah
    The final examination is in written form (anonymized PC exam), consists of 2 fields (International Relations; European Politics - graded separately), and 8 questions reflecting the content of key compulsory courses of the bachelor program.

    The duration of the exam is set to a maximum of 3 hours. The exam results in two grades. These are averaged with the thesis defense grade to form the final examination grade.


    IREb1004 Contemporary History of Europe (EP)
    IREb1005 European Integration (EP)
    IREb1007 International Security (IR)
    IREb1010 Theory of International Relations and European Integration (IR&EP)
    IREb1011 Human Rights and Democracy, (IR)
    IREb1013 Economic dimension of international relations: an introduction (IR)
    IREb1014 Institutions of the EU (EP)

    Required literature is suggested at the bottom of every section.
    Required literature forms the basis but is not all-encompassing nor does it fully reflect the content of lectures within the given course.
    IREb1008 Research Methods and Tools is reflected via the thesis and in the thesis defence.
  • Návrh témat kvalifikačních prací a témata obhájených prací
    Students choose among four following types of thesis formats with specific guidelines. Examples of theses included:

    1) Research paper
    Saudi Arabia's regional engagement through the prism of offensive realism
    Baltic participation in EU CSDP capabilities development

    2) Literature review
    The role of pre-negotiation in international crisis management
    Europeanisation of municipal governments

    3) Policy paper
    Coordinating immigration policies in the Visegrad Group
    EU communication strategy on minority rights in Central Asia

    4) Extended position paper
    Microfinancing as development remedy in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    Normative power Europe after operation Sophia.

Doporučený průchod studijním plánem

Bachelor thesis

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
FSS:IREb1500Diploma seminar I. M. Chovančíkz 0/2/08 5P
FSS:IREb1501Diploma seminar II. M. Chovančíkz 0/2/08 6P
16 kreditů

Compulsory courses (A)

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
FSS:IREb1100Introduction to IR and EP K. Fridrichovázk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:IREb1002History of International Relations and World Politics Z. Křížzk 1/1/06 1-
FSS:IREb1003Academic Skills V. Havlíkzk 2/0/06 1-
FSS:IREb1004Contemporary History of Europe M. Chovančíkzk 2/0/08 2P
FSS:IREb1005European Integration V. Havlíkzk 1/1/08 2Z
FSS:IREb1006Global Politics: Current Issues M. Chovančíkzk 2/0/06 2-
FSS:IREb1007International Security M. Chovančíkzk 2/0/08 3Z
FSS:IREb1008Research Methods and Tools Z. Ringlerovázk 0/2/08 3P
FSS:IREb1109Human geography P. Marekzk 2/0/06 3-
FSS:IREb1010Theory of International Relations and European Integration. M. Brusenbauch Meislovázk 2/0/08 4Z
FSS:IREb1011Human Rights and Democracy J. Lhotskýzk 1/1/08 4P
FSS:IREb1012International Organizations and Diplomacy J. Urbanovskázk 0/2/06 4-
FSS:IREb1013Economic dimension of international relations: an introduction O. Krpeczk 1/1/08 5Z
FSS:IREb1014Institutions of the EU P. Kaniokzk 1/1/08 6Z
99 kreditů

Optional courses (B)

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
FSS:IREb2001Arctic Geopolitics B. Halaškovázk 1/1/04 1-
FSS:IREb2002Peace economics M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 3-
FSS:IREb2003Rise of Asia M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 3-
FSS:IREb2004Turkish Politics and Foreign Policy M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREb2005Humanitarian Intervention K. Fridrichovázk 1/1/04 2-
FSS:IREb2007Contemporary Issues in the European Union V. Havlíkz 1/1/03 --
FSS:IREb2011Diplomacy in East Asia M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 2-
FSS:IREb2012Politics and Society in the Middle East M. Chovančíkzk 2/0/04 3-
FSS:IREb2014Culture, Society and Politics in the German-speaking Countries M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 6-
FSS:IREb2015Politics and Society in Israel M. Higginszk 2/0/04 4-
FSS:IREb2016Statehood, Identity and Foreign Policy in Western Balkan countries V. Vučkovićzk 1/1/05 4-
FSS:IREb2017Introduction to Hungarian foreign policy V. Havlíkz 1/1/04 4-
FSS:IREb2019British Foreign Policy 1714-2015 V. Černýzk 2/0/04 6-
FSS:IREb2020The European Union - System in Crisis: EU’s Enlargement Policy V. Vučkovićzk 1/1/05 5-
FSS:IREb2022Development in Africa M. Chovančíkzk 2/0/04 --
FSS:IREb2023Nations in conflict M. Higginszk 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREb2024Electoral Observation Missions in the Contemporary World: A Tool of Democratization? M. Chovančíkz 1/1/04 --
FSS:EVSb2021France and Italy: Comparative History and Politics P. Kaniokz 1/1/04 --
FSS:EVSb2069Deutschland und EU V. Havlíkzk 1/1/05 --
FSS:EVSb2096Britain and the European Union M. Brusenbauch Meislovázk 1/1/05 5-
FSS:MVZb2010The Western Balkans in Transition: Post-Conflict Transformation of BiH, Croatia and Serbia J. Urbanovskázk 1/1/05 5-
FSS:EVSb2011EU Elections and Public Opinion Z. Ringlerovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREb2025Populism in EU: Challenges to European Integration Perspective V. Vučkovićzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREb2900Internship CZE/SVK A. Konvalinováz 0/0/05 --
FSS:IREb2901Summer/Winter school M. Chovančíkz 0/0/03 --
FSS:MVZb2012The Evolution of British Politics Z. Křížzk 1/1/03 --
FSS:MVZb2024American Political System Z. Ringlerovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:MVZb2065Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Innovation – Practitioner’s Perspective Z. Křížzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREb2006National Security and Grand Strategy: Israeli and American Perspectives M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:MVZb2084Modern Peacekeeping M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 --
123 kreditů