
Study plan is completion only

FSS DCPAJ01 Clinical psychology (closing out)
Name in Czech: Clinical psychology
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS D-CPAJ_ Clinical psychology

Required courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0001Theory and Methodology of Science I. Čermákzk 0/0/010 --
FSS:PSYd0150Peer reviewed publication I a T. Řiháčekk 0/0/015 4-
FSS:PSYd0151Peer reviewed publication I b T. Řiháčekk 0/0/05 7-
FSS:PSYd0152Peer reviewed publication II a T. Řiháčekk 0/0/015 5-
FSS:PSYd0153Peer reviewed publication II b T. Řiháčekk 0/0/05 8-
FSS:PSYd0155Publication in a journal with IF (a) S. Ježekk 0/0/015 7-
FSS:PSYd0156Publication in a journal with IF (b) S. Ježekk 0/0/05 8-
FSS:PSYd0112Review of dissertation-relevant literature I. Čermákk 0/0/015 2-
FSS:PSYd0113Dissertation: finalization P. Macekz 0/0/020 8-
FSS:PSYd0115Presentation and defense of the dissertation project P. Macekz 0/0/010 1-
FSS:PSYd0117Peer-reviewing I Z. Vybíralk 0/0/02 6-
FSS:PSYd0118Peer-reviewing II Z. Vybíralk 0/0/02 7-
FSS:PSYd0029Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 4-
FSS:PSYd0030Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 5-
FSS:PSYd0031Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 6-
FSS:PSYd0032Participation on research and teaching L. Lacinováz 0/0/02 7-
127 credits

Společný seminář

Student si každý semestr zapisuje kurz Společný seminář (alespoň 8x).

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0107Seminar 1 Z. Vybíralz 0/0/08 --
8 credits

Vystoupení na konferenci

Student si opakovaně zapisuje Vystoupení na konferenci. Vystoupeními má za úkol získat minimálně 20 kreditů. Alespoň jedna konference musí být zahraniční. Za zahraniční konferenci student získává 10 kreditů a za tuzemskou 5 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0108Conference presentation I S. Ježekz 0/0/0- --
0 credits

Konzultace bakalářské/diplomové práce pod supervizí

Student má za úkol alespoň dvakrát vést bakalářsko či diplomovou práci. Opakovaným zápisem tohoto kurzu musí získat alespoň 6 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0157Thesis consulting I L. Lacinovák 0/0/03 --
3 credits

Profiling course

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0137Clinical psychology: psychotherapy research II T. Řiháčekz 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0139Clinical psychology: psychometrics II S. Ježekz 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0141Clinical psychology: public health research II A. Ševčíkováz 0/0/015 --
45 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PSYd0136Clinical psychology: psychotherapy research I T. Řiháčekk 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0138Clinical psychology: psychometrics I S. Ježekz 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0140Clinical psychology: public health research I A. Ševčíkováz 0/0/015 --
FSS:PSYd0114Popularization of science S. Ježekz 0/0/04 --
FSS:PSYd0154Peer reviewed publication V J. Roubalk 0/0/010 --
FSS:PSYd0158Research in international context (invited lecturers) J. Roubalz 0/0/01 --
60 credits

Foreign-stay courses

Every student must complete a stay at a foreign academic institution. This requirement is formally fulfilled by taking one of the 20-credit courses in this section. For more details, please see the course syllabi.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:FSSd0900Research Abroad T. Řiháčekk 0/0/020 --
FSS:FSSd0910Study Visit V. Hloušekz 0/0/04 --
FSS:FSSd0990Placement Abroad T. Řiháčekk 0/0/020 --
44 credits