FSpS SS Sports Sciences
Name in Czech: Sports Sciences
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSpS D-SS Sports Sciences

Required Courses

Student completes all subjects.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:de4001Kinanthropology Z. Regulizk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.12 1-
FSpS:de4002Quantitative Research Methodology J. Zhánělzk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.12 2-
FSpS:de4003Qualitative Research Methodology J. Zhánělzk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.12 1-
FSpS:de4004Applied Mathematical Statistics M. Seberazk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.12 2-
FSpS:d4005Academic Writing E. Hurychk 0/0/0 18 hodin/semestr.8 5-
56 credits

Study requirements


Student fulfills all subjects. Milestones are present - PoD2, PoD5.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4101Preparation of dissertation 1 E. Hurychz 0/0/015 --
FSpS:d4102Preparation of dissertation 2 E. Hurychk 0/0/015 --
FSpS:d4103Preparation of dissertation 3 E. Hurychz 0/0/015 --
FSpS:d4104Preparation of dissertation 4 E. Hurychz 0/0/020 --
FSpS:d4105Preparation of dissertation 5 E. Hurychk 0/0/025 --
FSpS:d4106Preparation of dissertation 6 E. Hurychz 0/0/030 --
120 credits

Language competence

The student must complete both subjects. Outputs eligible for these subjects may not be used to recognize other duties.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4304Conference lecture in foreign language E. Hurychz 0/0/08 --
FSpS:d4303Publication in foreign E. Hurychz 0/0/08 --
16 credits


One of the following four variants must be met:

  • 1 journal article with IF (main author)
  • 2 articles in a WoS journal (main author)
  • 1 article in a journal published in WoS (main author) and 2 article in a journal recorded in WoS (co-author)
  • 1 article in a journal published in WoS (main author) and 1 journal article with IF (co-author)
The student enrolls the subjects d4401 – d4407 and according to the chosen variant and gets the given number of credits accordingly.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4401Publication in Impact Factor Journal (main author) E. Hurychz 0/0/016 --
FSpS:d4402Publication in Impact Factor Journal (co-author) E. Hurychz 0/0/08 --
FSpS:d4403Publication in Web of Science (main author) E. Hurychz 0/0/08 --
FSpS:d4404Publication in Web of Science (co-author) E. Hurychz 0/0/04 --
FSpS:d4405Peer-reviewed publication (main) E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
FSpS:d4406Peer-reviewed publication (co-author) E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
FSpS:d4407Conference lecture E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
66 credits

Pedagogical Cooperation

Students can enrol into the subject repeatedly, maximum credit gain in one semester is 6 (expressed in hours).
Obligation: 2 credits are minimum

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4201Cooperation in the classroom E. Hurychz 0/0/06 --
6 credits


The student is obliged to complete a foreign internship of at least 1 month.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4501International internship E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
10 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:d4502International Project Publication or Result Presentation Abroad E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
FSpS:d4503Other Form of International Cooperation E. Hurychz 0/0/010 --
20 credits

Obligatory-optional courses

The student chooses subjects for a total credit of 240 credits for study.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:de4901Anthropomotorics and Sports Anthropology M. Zvonařk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4902Limiting Factors of Human Movement Performance J. Cacekk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4903Sports Pedagogy V. Jůvak 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4904Biomechanics of Human M. Zvonařk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4905Informatics M. Seberak 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4907Sport Training J. Nykodýmk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4908Psychology of Sports M. Světlákk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:d4909Introduction to Academic Writing in Sports Sciences R. Prucklovák 0/0/0 12 hodin/semestr.5 --
FSpS:de4910Experiment in Biomechanics M. Zvonařk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4911Sociology of Sport E. Hurychk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4913Sport Diagnostics J. Cacekk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4914Movement and Health of Children H. Hrstkovák 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
FSpS:de4915Philosophy of Sports E. Hurychk 0/0/0 12 hours/term.5 --
65 credits