master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF N-FYG Physical geography
Study-related information
- Parts of the final state examination and its contentThe final state examination consists of the following individually classified parts:
- Thesis defense
- Oral exam in two subjects
Oral examination includes the following subjects:
Compulsory subject: General physical geography
Otional subject (students selects 1 of 3):
- Meteorology, climatology and hydrology
- Geomorphology and pedogeography
- Biogeography and landscape ecology
By defending the diploma thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to solve a research topic with the help of a supervisor at a level corresponding to the current state of the field. The defense of the diploma thesis takes place in a debate, during which the candidate acquaints the Commission with the topic of the thesis, the objectives, the methods used, the results obtained and their interpretation. During the defense of the thesis, the assessment of the requirements of the assignment, professional level, formal and linguistic adjustment are considered.
The oral exam verifies whether the student has expanded his/her knowledge of physical geography, is able to synthesize the knowledge of its sub-disciplines, is able to apply them in regions of different hierarchical levels and gained an overview of methods of physical geography research.
Test issues of the compulsory subject are based on the knowledge gained by completing more general courses of the master's degree program aimed at synthesis of partial disciplines of physical geography, but also subjects dealing with more advanced methods of physical geography research (eg. Landscape assessment, Climate change and fluctuation, Environmental history, Applied physical geography, Methods of physical geography).
For the optional subject of oral examination, the student decides in accordance with his/her professional profile and the topic of the thesis. The test issues of these courses are based on knowledge gained by completing narrowly focused courses that allow students to develop their specialization (eg. Fluvial geomorphology, Glaciers of planet Earth and methods of their research, Landslide hazard and risks of landsliding, Tectonic geomorphology,, Selected topics of biogeography, Landscape science).
The test issues of the subject General physical geography include atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphological, biogeographic and pedogeographic processes, environmental changes, natural hazards and risks, the use of physical geography in practice and methods of physical geography research.
The test issues of the subject Climatology, meteorology and hydrology are focused on methods of collecting data on atmospheric and hydrological phenomena, their modeling and forecasting, climate change and fluctuations, extreme hydrometeorological events, air pollution and protection and water management planning.
The test issues of the subject Geomorphology and pedogeography are focused on the principles of geomorphological and pedogenetic processes, environmental changes in Quaternary environments, soil properties, impact of human activities on landforms and soils, research methods of landforms and soils.
The test issues of the subject Biogeography and landscape ecology are concerned with spatial distribution of organisms and their communities, biodiversity and biological invasions, biogeographic regionalization, ecology of freshwater ecosystems and landscape changes in the Holocene. - Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended thesesSuggestions of diploma theses:
- Analysis of hot waves occurrence in Brno
- Spatiotemporal variability of permafrost temperature on James Ross Island
- Time and spatial variability of drought in the Czech Republic based on meteorological measurements and documentary evidence
- Evaluation of the extent of sea ice in the area of interest using selected methods of remote sensing
- Environmental history of selected region
- Interaction of road network and watercourses in selected region
- Microscopic investigation of supposed aeolian sediments in the locality Kolnovice
- Design of biocorridors with regard to their optimal function
- Comparison of flood extent determined by hydrodynamic models and AIZM tool
- Variability of terrestrial gastropod communities in natural forest habitats
Examples of defended diploma theses in Physical geography study programme:
- Analysis of long-term changes of erythemic UV solar radiation measured at SOO Hradec Králové
- Analysis of the relationship between Teritorial system of ecological stability and game clashes on the roads of South Moravia
- Dendrogeomorphological research in selected localities of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy and the White Carpathians
- Dynamics of erosion-accumulation processes in meander bends
- Extreme runoff situations in the Rusava River basin
- Geomorphologically interesting localities of the Vysočina Geopark within the Jihlava Hills
- Evaluation of the hydromorphological quality of the river network in the Brno agglomeration
- Evaluation of the influence of atmospheric factors on changes in erythemic ultraviolet radiation in South Moravia
- Evaluation of the impact of land consolidation on hydrological risks in the Trkmanka river basin
- Hydromorphological survey and evaluation of selected river reaches in the Morava River basin in the context of flood events
- Hydrological connectivity and sedimentation processes in the Strážnice and Kenice oxbow lakes
- Landscape character in the Zlin region
- Sediment transport conditions in the Černá Opava catchment - analysis of (dis) connectivity of the fluvial system
- Contribution of extensive orchards to the landscape character of South Moravia
- Influence of atmospheric circulation on temperature stratification of the atmosphere in the Svalbard archipelago
Defended theses, including reviews of the supervisor and the opponent, can be found in the Archive of Theses of the Masaryk University Information System ( You can search through the items Faculty of Science = "Faculty of Science", Department = "14315030 GeogÚ VoZ PřF").
Recommended progress through the study plan
Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z7001 | Diploma Thesis 1 (geography) | z | 2 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z8001 | Diploma Thesis 2 (geography) | z | 4 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z9002 | Diploma Thesis 3 (geography) | z | 8 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z1002 | Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) | z | 16 | 4 | - |
PřF:Z1002x | Diploma Thesis 4 (geography) | z | - | 4 | - |
30 credits |
Compulsory courses
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z7900 | Landscape Evaluation | zk | 5 | 1 | P |
PřF:Z8338 | Quaternary environments | zk | 5 | 1 | Z |
PřF:Z8818 | Applied Geoinformatics | zk | 5 | 2 | Z |
PřF:Z0151 | Climate variability and climate change | zk | 5 | 2 | Z |
PřF:Z7000 | Applied Physical Geography | zk | 5 | 3 | Z |
PřF:Z7887 | Environmental History | k | 4 | 1 | P |
PřF:Z8309 | Anthropogeomorphology | zk | 5 | 2 | P |
PřF:Z8876 | Paleoclimatology | zk | 5 | 3 | P |
PřF:Z0017F | Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 - Physical Geography | z | 2 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z0018F | Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 - Physical Geography | z | 2 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z7017F | Seminar 1 | z | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z9017F | Seminar 2 | z | 2 | 4 | - |
47 credits |
Selective courses
Jazyková příprava
Studenti navazujícího magisterského programu musí před podáním přihlášky ke státní závěrečné zkoušce úspěšně složit zkoušku z Pokročilé odborné angličtiny JA002 nebo zkoušku 2. úrovně z jiného cizího světového jazyka (JF002, JN002, JR002, JS002).
Studentům navazujícího magisterského studia, kteří složili zkoušku z Pokročilé odborné angličtiny JA002 již v bakalářském studiu, bude tato zkouška uznána na základě písemné žádosti i pro studium magisterské.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:JA002 | Advanced Examination in English for Specific Purposes - Science | zk | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:JF002 | Advanced Examination in French for Specific Purposes - Science | zk | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:JS002 | Advanced Examination in Spanish for Specific Purposes - Science | zk | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:JN002 | Advanced Examination in German for Specific Purposes - Science | zk | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:JR002 | Advanced Examination in Russian for Specific Purposes - Science (B2) | zk | 2 | 2 | - |
10 credits |
Metody FG
Student si zapisuje alespoň dva předměty z bloku v souladu se zaměřením diplomové práce a povinně-volitelným předmětem SZZ.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z7551 | Methods in Physical Geography 1 - geology, geomorphology | zk | 5 | 2 | P |
PřF:Z8076 | Methods in Physical Geography 2 - climatology, meteorology, hydrology | zk | 5 | 1 | P |
PřF:Z8055 | Methods in Physical Geography 3 - biogeography, pedogeography | zk | 5 | 1 | P |
15 credits |
Bloky specializovaných předmětů
Student povinně vybírá jeden blok podle zaměření diplomové práce a musí z tohoto bloku získat alespoň 20 kreditů.
Student si zapisuje předměty z bloku alespoň za 20 kreditů. Volba bloku podle zaměření diplomové práce.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z0084 | Protection of atmosphere | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z7777 | Environmental law | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z8307 | Bioclimatology and agrometeorology | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z0075 | Meteorological instruments and measurements | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z0060 | Applied Hydrology and Water Management in Landscape | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8778 | Flood Risk | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8005 | Polar geosciences | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z6101 | Introduction to geostatistics | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:ZX100 | Professional practice in geography and cartography | z | 3 | 4 | - |
43 credits |
Student si zapisuje předměty z bloku alespoň za 20 kreditů. Volba bloku podle zaměření diplomové práce.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z8308 | Fluvial Geomorphology | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z7777 | Environmental law | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z6101 | Introduction to geostatistics | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8051 | Glaciers of the Earth and methods of their research | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8086 | Contemporary changes of the pedosphere | zk | 5 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z8351 | Tectonic geomorphology | zk | 4 | 3 | - |
PřF:ZX100 | Professional practice in geography and cartography | z | 3 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z8005 | Polar geosciences | zk | 5 | 4 | - |
37 credits |
Student si zapisuje předměty z bloku alespoň za 20 kreditů. Volba bloku podle zaměření diplomové práce.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z0084 | Protection of atmosphere | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z7505 | Biogeography | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z7777 | Environmental law | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z8025 | Spatiotemporal changes of freshwater ecosystems | zk | 4 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z8066 | Landscape Science | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8005 | Polar geosciences | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z6101 | Introduction to geostatistics | zk | 5 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z0128 | Landscape Ecology - field studies | z | 2 | 2 | - |
PřF:Z8825 | Ecological linkages of streams to adjacent landscape | zk | 4 | 3 | - |
PřF:ZX100 | Professional practice in geography and cartography | z | 3 | 4 | - |
43 credits |
Elective courses
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
PřF:Z6035 | Utilization of renewable energy sources | zk | 5 | 4 | - |
PřF:Z7262 | GIS in public administration | zk | 4 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z8149 | Alternative GIS – freely available programs and data | k | 3 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z8210 | Introduction to spatial data infrastructures in Europe | k | 4 | 3 | - |
PřF:Z0104 | Regional policy and development | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z0136 | Territorial planning and town planning | zk | 5 | - | - |
PřF:Z7890 | Methods and Techniques in Regional and Social Geography | z | 2 | - | - |
PřF:Z0046 | Geography of Slovakia | k | 3 | 1 | - |
PřF:Z5099 | Geography of Polar regions | zk | 5 | 1 | - |
36 credits |