PdF NDE2hp Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in History
Study-related information
- Parts of the final state examination and its content
In the follow-up master's study, graduates of the field of study History Teacher Training for Primary Schools demonstrate a broad knowledge of the disciplines of their subject approval and understanding of these disciplines, the principles of their structure, relations within and outside the disciplines of their approbation. They demonstrate deep knowledge of subject didactics, curriculum theory, interpret and evaluate forms and methods of teaching history. The defense of the diploma thesis may also be a part of the final state examination. During the defense, the student demonstrates the ability to formulate new ideas and present conclusions that will bring new knowledge about the phenomenon under study.
- Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
Thesis defense; History from the Middle Ages to the present in a broader context; Didactics of history
I. History
1. Christianity from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age.
2. The Czech state in Central Europe.
3. The Czech Kingdom and the neighboring countries.
4. Territorial development of the Czech state.
5. Czech and European Reformation.
6. The Czech question in the context of history.
7. Meeting and fighting between Czechs and Germans in the Czech lands.
8. Significant cultural epochs in comparison.
9. The current ethnic structure of Europe and its history.
10. Medieval society, education and culture.
11. Development of medieval and modern city.
12. National issues of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.
13. Colonialism in the modern age.
14. Revolution in the modern age.
15. The origin and development of civil society in the 19th and 20th centuries.
16. Absolutist monarchies from 17. to the 19th century.
17. "Eastern question" in international relations of the 19th and 20th centuries.
18. World wars, their causes and consequences.
19. Totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.
20. A divided and integrating world after 1945
21. Medieval historiography.
22. Positivist historiography.
II. Didactics
1. Origin of didactics of history, characteristics of the subject
2. The relation of history as a science to history as a subject
3. The place of history in the system of subjects
4. The concept of history
5. What do you understand by the system of history teaching and in which basic pedagogical documents it is embedded
6. Theory of selection of historical curriculum
7. Theoretical questions of didactic analysis
8. Planning of history teaching
9. Educational process and its peculiarities in teaching history
10. Problems of teaching forms of history teaching; their classification and characteristics
11. Problems of teaching methods of history teaching; their classification and characteristics
12. The importance of illustration for teaching history; classification and characteristics of teaching aids
13. Specific meaning of textual aids in history teaching
14. Basic questions of pedagogical research and its application in the theoretical work of a history teacher
15. New trends in the didactics of history
Recommended progress through the study plan
Učitelská propedeutika (20 kr.)
Selective courses
Student během studia zapisuje jeden z nabízených předmětů.
Povinné předměty (P+PV 23 kr.)
Selective courses
Pravidla pro výběr: 2 předměty za studium
Volitelné předměty (4 kr.)
Oborové didaktiky (10 kr.)