PdF NCJC2cp Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Czech Language and Literature for Pupils with a Different Mother Tongue
Name in Czech: Učitelství českého jazyka a literatury pro základní školy a se specializací na žáky s odlišným mateřským jazykem
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF N-CJC2 Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Czech Language and Literature for Pupils with a Different Mother Tongue

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
PdF:CJp401Czech fonetics for foreigners D. Sochorovázk 0/1/04 P P
PdF:CJp402Stylistic in the Theory and in the Practice M. Lollokzk 0/1/03 P P
PdF:CJp403Development of Standard Czech H. Svobodovák 2/0/03 P P
PdF:CJp404Methodology of Czech language for pupils with a different mother tongue 1 M. Šubrtováz 0/2/02 Z P
PdF:CJp405Methodology of Teaching Literature for Pupils with a Different Mother Tongue M. Šubrtováz 0/2/02 Z P
PdF:CJp406Chapters from Literature Methodology M. Šubrtováz 1/0/02 - P
PdF:CJp407Alternative Methods of the Czech Language Teaching 1 A. Veřmiřovskýz 0/2/02 - PV
PdF:CJp408Literary Comparative Studies O. Sládekz 0/2/02 - PV
PdF:CJp503Internationalisation in the field of Czech language and literature J. Poláčekz 0/0/0 jinak.- - P
PdF:JVp013English for Teachers - C R. Heroutz 0/2/03 - PV
PdF:SZ6039Educational Psychology (Exercise) P. Macekzk 1/1/04 Z P
PdF:SZ6041Seminar on Teaching Practice P. Svojanovskýz 0/1/0 4x za semestr/90 minut.1*2 P P
PdF:SZ6042School Education H. Horkázk 1/0/02 Z P
PdF:SZ6061School Education - Seminary H. Horkáz 0/1/02 Z P
PdF:SZ6099Teaching Practice 1 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/10 120 hodin.4 P P
37 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
PdF:CJ6007Teaching Practice 2 J. Zítkováz 0/0/10 120 hodin.4 P P
PdF:CJ_DPpDiploma Thesis - Project M. Šubrtováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 P P
PdF:CJp409Communication with a Foreigner R. Ošmerak 0/2/04 P P
PdF:CJp410Methodology of Czech language for pupils with a different mother tongue 2 M. Šubrtovázk 0/2/04 Z P
PdF:CJp411Textbooks, teaching materials and authentic texts in teaching pupils with a different mother tongue H. Svobodovák 0/1/03 - P
PdF:CJp412Speech and recitation in educational practice D. Kročak 0/2/04 P P
PdF:CJp413Literature in the context of religion O. Sládekzk 1/0/04 P P
PdF:CJp414Seminar on literature in the context of religion O. Sládekk 0/2/04 - P
PdF:CJp415Alternative Methods of the Czech Language Teaching 2 A. Veřmiřovskýz 0/2/02 - PV
PdF:CJp416Theories of Bilingualism J. Tuškovák 1/0/03 - V
PdF:CJp417Media Education D. Sochorováz 0/2/03 - V
PdF:CJp418Czech life M. Šubrtováz 1/0/02 - V
PdF:CJp427Basics of Dialectology H. Svobodováz 0/2/02 - PV
PdF:CJp504Chapters on Old Czech literature O. Sládekz 1/0/02 - V
PdF:CJp505Forms of recent Czech and world literature for youth M. Šubrtováz 1/0/02 P P
PdF:CJp508Using of Corpora in Teaching Praxis I. Kolářováz 0/2/02 - PV
PdF:CJp517World Literature in the 20th Century J. Poláčekz 1/0/02 P P
PdF:JVp014English for Teachers - D R. Heroutzk 0/2/04 - PV
PdF:SZ6047School Management D. Veseláz 0/2/02 P PV
PdF:SZ6048Inclusive Education K. Pančochaz 0/2/02 P PV
PdF:SZ6069Alternative and Inovative Education H. Horkáz 0/2/02 P PV
61 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
PdF:CJ6008Teaching Practice 3 J. Zítkováz 0/0/10 120 hodin.4 P P
PdF:CJ_DPDiploma Thesis M. Šubrtováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 P P
PdF:CJp210Forms of recent Czech and world literature M. Chocholatýzk 0/1/03 P P
PdF:CJp419Spoken Czech I. Kolářovázk 1/0/03 - V
PdF:CJp422Testing and Evaluation of Individuals with a Different Mother Tongue H. Svobodováz 0/1/02 - P
PdF:CJp423Pupil with a Different Mother Tongue in the Czech Educational System M. Lollokz 1/0/02 - P
PdF:CJp424Methodology of Czech language as a foreign language for adults H. Svobodovák 0/1/03 - V
PdF:CJp425Sociology of reading and readership M. Šubrtovák 1/0/03 - V
PdF:CJp426Literary topography J. Poláčekk 0/1/03 - V
PdF:CJp506Linguistic Analysis 1 D. Kročaz 0/0/0 předmět je v tomto období realizován distanční výukou s využitím distančních výukových materiálů, online konzultací (MS Teams), případně individuálními a skupinovými kontaktními konzultacemi podle potřeb studentů.3 - V
PdF:SZ6046Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) J. Kratochvílovák 1/1/03 Z P
33 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
PdF:CJ_DPdDiploma Thesis - Completion M. Šubrtováz 0/0/1 Odevzdání DP.8 P P
PdF:CJp421Czech literature of the 19th century and its reception of other nations E. Novákováz 0/2/03 - PV
PdF:CJp501Linguistic Excursion H. Svobodováz 0/0/0 1 den.2 - V
PdF:CJp507Linguistic Analysis 2 D. Kročaz 0/2/03 - V
PdF:CJp516Guide to the Czech Literature M. Chocholatýk 0/2/04 P P
20 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
PdF:CJp211Chapters on Newest Czech Literature M. Chocholatýz 1/0/02 - V
2 credits