PdF NHV2Shp Secondary School Teacher Training in Music
Name in Czech: Učitelství hudební výchovy pro základní a střední školy
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF N-HV2S Secondary School Teacher Training in Music

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination in pedagogy and psychology is an aptitude test in which the student demonstrates his/her knowledge of basic pedagogical and psychological disciplines, connects them, integrates them into theoretical contexts and derives practical implications from them. The student prepares for the exam according to the specified areas with support for professional publications (including the results of pedagogical and psychological research) and student portfolio (preparation for lessons, video recordings, written self-reflection, seminar work, portfolio assignments, etc.). Emphasis is placed on a critical grasp of knowledge, their interconnection, relation to the current pedagogical experience of the student and the solution of pedagogical-psychological problems in teaching practice. The exam in pedagogy and psychology is evaluated together with music didactics, exam areas are integrated.

    For the field of didactics, it is important that the student connects his/her knowledge from the study of professional literature with his/her previous pedagogical experience, being able to critically evaluate them and use in formulating his/her own approaches to solving didactic issues.

    The content of the field final exam is as follows:
    Music education, including subject didactics
    The second field, including subject didactics
    Thesis defense
    Pedagogical-psychological basis for subsequent master's studies

    Structure (parts) of the master's state final examination in Music Education:
    1. Diploma thesis defense (if assigned).
    2. Oral and practical part:
    History of music
    Didactics of music education (integrated with the pedagogical-psychological module)
    Broader scientific basis (areas of Introduction to Music Aesthetics, Theory of Art and Music Semiotics, Music Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology)
    Choir mastery (theoretical and practical part)
    Instrument playing and voice education

    For more detailed information, see https://khv.ped.muni.cz/studium/magisterske-studium
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Proposal of diploma thesis topics in Music Education:
    1. Dances in the works of Czech and world composers
    2. Humor in Czech music
    3. Use of the work of Brno composers in music education
    4. History and present of the National Theater in Brno
    5. Musical and high school youth
    6. Gymnasia cantant – history and present
    7. Organ, piano, harpsichord, clavichord – history and literature of instrument, interpretation, organology
    8. Spiritual and liturgical music of the European West
    9. Mass culture as a sociological phenomenon of the 20th century
    10. Current issues of Czech and world music pedagogy
    11. Musical preferences of children and youth
    12. Musicality as a issue of music education
    13. Methodological issues of music sociological research
    14. Value orientation of youth and music
    15. Interpretation in the system of musical communication
    16. Use of multimedia applications in music education
    17. Issues of traditional folk culture and folklore in relation to music education
    18. Comparative analyzes of music works of Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism and 20th century
    19. Values and evaluation of art work
    20. Relationships between different types of art
    21. Developmental changes of the music paradigm
    22. Mutual relations between individual genres of music
    23. Functions of art
    24. Artwork reception issues
    25. Problems of mass culture from the point of view of general art theory

    Selection of successfully completed master's theses written in English:

    The Integration of English Language and Music at Lower Secondary Schools with an Emphasis on the Development of Practical Skills, Mgr. Marie Stodůlková, 9.6.2020

Recommended progress through the study plan

Učitelská propedeutika (20 kr.)

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6039Educational Psychology (Exercise) P. Macekzk 1/1/04 1Z
PdF:SZ6042School Education H. Horkázk 1/0/02 1Z
PdF:SZ6046Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) J. Kratochvílovák 1/1/03 3Z
PdF:SZ6061School Education - Seminary H. Horkáz 0/1/02 1Z
11 credits

Povinně volitelné

Student během studia zapisuje jeden z nabízených předmětů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6047School Management D. Veseláz 0/2/02 2P
PdF:SZ6048Inclusive Education K. Pančochaz 0/2/02 2P
PdF:SZ6069Alternative and Inovative Education H. Horkáz 0/2/02 2P
6 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVp013English for Teachers - C R. Heroutz 0/2/03 1-
PdF:JVp014English for Teachers - D R. Heroutzk 0/2/04 2-
7 credits

Oborová část (27 kr.)

Povinné předměty (P+PV 23 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:HV051Instrument playing 1 P. Halaz 0/1/02 1P
PdF:HV052Music Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology O. Musilz 1/0/02 1P
PdF:HV053Introduction to Music Aesthetics M. Sedláčekzk 1/1/04 1P
PdF:HV062Seminar to Music History 1 L. Kučerováz 0/2/02 3P
PdF:HV063Relations Between Types of Art M. Sedláčekzk 1/1/04 3-
PdF:HV069Internationalization in Music Education M. Sedláčekz 0/0/0- 2-
PdF:HV257Instrument playing 2 P. Halaz 0/1/02 2P
PdF:HV258Choirmastering V. Richterk 0/2/03 2P
PdF:HV059General Theory of Art and Music Semiotics M. Sedláčekzk 1/1/04 2P
23 credits

Volitelné předměty (4 kr.)

Uvedené předměty jsou pouze příkladem, student si vybírá z nabídky volitelných předmětů Pedagogické fakulty MU předměty v hodnotě 4 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:HV054Seminar on Interpretation P. Halak 0/1/01 1-
PdF:HV055Chamber Music Playing P. Halak 0/1/01 1-
PdF:HV061Modern Popular Music M. Sedláčekz 0/2/03 3-
PdF:HV064Instrument playing 3 P. Halaz 0/1/03 3-
PdF:HV065Keyboards M. Sedláčekk 0/1/03 3-
PdF:HV067Multimedial Computer Applications M. Sedláčekk 0/1/03 4-
PdF:HV068Seminar to Music History 2 M. Sedláčekz 0/2/03 4-
17 credits

Oborové didaktiky (10 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:HV050Didactics of Music Education for Elementary Schools 1 J. Kučerováz 0/2/02 1Z
PdF:HV056Didactics of Music Education for Elementary Schools 2 J. Kučerovázk 0/2/03 2Z
PdF:HV060Didactics of Music Education for Secondary Schools 1 M. Sedláčekz 0/2/02 3Z
PdF:HV066Didactics of Music Education for Secondary Schools 2 M. Sedláčekzk 0/2/03 4Z
10 credits

Praxe (7 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6040Teaching Practice 1 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 1P
PdF:SZ6041Seminar on Teaching Practice P. Svojanovskýz 0/1/0 4x za semestr/90 minut.1 1P
PdF:HV6002Teaching Practice 2 D. Taylorz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 2P
PdF:HV6003Teaching Practice 3 M. Tomanováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 3P
7 credits

Diplomová práce (16 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:HV_DPpDiploma Thesis - Project M. Sedláčekz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 2P
PdF:HV_DPDiploma Thesis M. Sedláčekz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 3P
PdF:HV_DPdDiploma Thesis - Completion M. Sedláčekz 0/0/1 Odevzdání DP.8 4P
16 credits