PřF MIKR Microbiology
Name in Czech: Mikrobiologie
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-MIKR_ Microbiology
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: PřF D-MIKR_ Microbiology
Study-related information
- Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesisThe theoretical state exam is possible to pass in fifth semester and with fulfilment of all required obligations given by individual study plan (ISP) (e.g. additional courses increasing the knowledge, seminars, assistance in practices and seminars, thesis, soft skills). The exam will be pass in front of board of five experts nominated by academic council of Faculty of Science, Masaryk University. At least two board members are experts outside of Masaryk University.
The defence of PhD thesis (in form of commentary articles or in fulltext thesis) is realized again in front of five experts board supplemented with at least by two reviewers of thesis. To submit the thesis proposal for defence is possible after completion next study requirements specify for second part of study (seminars, stay in abroad, active participation in international conference, publishing). - Requirements of the studyResearch activities:
Work on PhD thesis - is in progress for all study period and represents about 60% of workload.
Publishing - at least two articles in journals with impact factor and the applicant must be the first author of these articles. The IF value of one article is above median of microbiology programme. This activity represents aprox. 10% of workload.
Educational activity - the PhD student is responsible of assistance in practices and seminars as well as in participation on supervise of bachelor or master thesis, The maximum amount of teaching activities is 120 hours during the whole disertation period (up to 10% of workload).
Stay in abroad - must be executed in minimal duration of one month (anytime during PhD study).
Attendance in conference - it is required active participation in at least one intermational conference (lecture in English language).
Specialized courses (only in the first two years of study; altogether up to 20% of workload):
Additional courses increasing the knowledge in resaerch area.
Doctoral seminar - minimal presence 3 times per semester in all standard study time.
Life Science/Mendel Lectures - minimal presence 3 times per semester in the first two years of study.
Soft skills (e.g. professional English). - Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertationsResearch topics of Microbiology programme
- Microorganisms and healthy human population
- Biodiversity of Antarctic habitats
- Antibiotic resistance within bacteria
- Zoonosis and emergent infections
- Taxonomy and typing of prokaryotes
- Methanogenic archaea - detection and application