FF FNIJpJ Italian Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Italský jazyk a literatura
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech
![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Included in the programme: FF N-IJ_
Italian Language and Literature
Introductory information / Instructions
POZOR: Tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter - pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu a příslušnou kontrolní šablonu.
ATTENZIONE: griglia valida per gli studenti iscritti a partire dall'autunno 2024.
Gli studenti che hanno cominciato il corso di laurea magistrale in italianistica in
semestri precedenti devono far riferimento soltanto alla griglia di controllo (kontrolní šablona)
Students who choose a "single-subject" study programme in Italian studies will ideally choose between a philologically-literary curriculum and a curriculum in linguistics. In addition to the eight compulsory courses (32 credits), they must take 54 credits of type B, most of which within the selected curriculum (ideally at least 32 credits, subject to the actual offer) and 16 from the 5th group of subjects (which is common to both curricula). Students will write a diploma thesis (two thesis seminars with a total value of 30 credits) within the scientific area of the selected curriculum: within the philological-literary curriculum, they can write a work in history of literature or Italian philology (textual criticism); within the curriculum in linguistics, they can write a thesis in linguistics, dialectology, or history of Italian language. In the first semester, students are advised to take subjects from both curricula. In case of doubts, please contact the guarantor.
Povinné předměty (32 kr.)
Students must take all these courses.
Please note that some of these compulsory courses must be taken in a certain order.
The philological-literary series, four subjects on three semesters, in this order:
- IJ2A221 Textual Criticism I
- IJ2A222 History of Italian Literature I (from the Origins to Dante)
IJ2A224 Textual Criticism II
- IJ2A225 History of Italian Literature II (from Petrarch to Baroque)
And the history of language series, two subjects on two semesters (the first two courses are offered in the same semester and must be taken together in the very same semester), in this order:
- IJ2A231 History of Italian Language I
- IJ2A232 History of Italian Language II
Povinně volitelné předměty (54 kr.)
Students ideally choose either the philological-literary curriculum (blocks 1+2) or the curriculum of linguistic (blocks 3+4), then they must take 54 credits of type B, most of which within the selected curriculum (ideally at least 32 credits, subject to the actual offer), plus 16 credits from the group of common subjects (block 5). Almost all the compulsory-optional subjects offered by the section of Italian studies can be taken more than once because the programme of the courses changes every year. It is recommended that students choose the curriculum with regard to the future topic of the diploma thesis. Students can consult the suitability of selection of subjects with the guarantor of the study programme and the supervisor of the diploma thesis. In the first semester, students are advised to take subjects from both curricula. Subjects that are not listed within the template (except for courses attended abroad, for example within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme) cannot be accounted for as credits of type B.
Bloky 1-4 - filologicko-literární zaměření nebo lingvistické zaměření (min. 32 kr.)
Blok 1+2 - filologicko-literární zaměření
Blok 1 - filologicko-literární zaměření (P)
Blok 2 - filologicko-literární zaměření (-)
Blok 3+4 - lingvistické zaměření
Blok 3 - lingvistické zaměření (P)
Blok 4 - lingvistické zaměření (-)
Blok 5 - kurzy společné pro všechny studenty (16 kr.)
Students must take at least 16 credits from the compulsory-optional subjects of this block, independently of the curriculum they have chosen.
Diplomová práce (30 kr.) + Written Test + SZZ
30 credits (Seminar I: 15 credits; Seminar II: 15 credits)
The diploma thesis must be written within the selected curriculum:
- students who choose the philological-literary curriculum can write a work in history of literature or Italian philology (textual criticism);
- students who choose the curriculum of linguistics can write a work in linguistics, dialectology, or history of Italian language.