FF FNIJpH Italian Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Italský jazyk a literatura
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-IJ_ Italian Language and Literature

Study-related information

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (32 kr.)

POZOR: Tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter - pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu a příslušnou kontrolní šablonu.

Students must take all these courses.
Please note that some of these compulsory courses must be taken in a certain order.
The philological-literary series, four subjects on three semesters, in this order:

  1. IJ2A221 Textual Criticism I
  2. IJ2A222 History of Italian Literature I (from the Origins to Dante)
    IJ2A224 Textual Criticism II
  3. IJ2A225 History of Italian Literature II (from Petrarch to Baroque)
And the history of language series, two subjects on two semesters (the first two courses are offered in the same semester and must be taken together in the very same semester), in this order:
  1. IJ2A231 History of Italian Language I
  2. IJ2A232 History of Italian Language II

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:IJ2A221Textual Criticism (Filologia italiana) I P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 1Z
FF:IJ2A222History of Italian Literature I (from the Origins to Dante) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 1Z
FF:IJ2A224Textual Criticism (Filologia italiana) II P. Diviziazk 1/1/04 2Z
FF:IJ2A225History of Italian Literature II (from Petrarch to Baroque) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 3Z
FF:IJ2A231History of Italian Language I (from Vulgar Latin to Dante) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 1Z
FF:IJ2A232History of Italian Language II P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 2Z
FF:IJ2A235Italian Linguistics E. Mocciarozk 1/1/04 1Z
FF:IJ2A237Linguistics of Early Italian E. Mocciarozk 2/0/04 1Z
32 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty (18 kr.)

Students choose either the philological-literary curriculum (blocks 1+2) or the curriculum of linguistic (blocks 3+4), and then take at least 18 credits from the group of compulsory-optional subjects in blocks 1+2 or 3+4 according to the curriculum they have chosen, or from the group of common subjects (block 5). Almost all the compulsory-optional subjects offered by the section of Italian studies can be taken more than once because the programme of the courses changes every year. It is recommended that students choose the curriculum with regard to the future topic of the diploma thesis. Students can consult the suitability of selection of subjects with the supervisor of the diploma thesis.

Bloky 1-4 - filologicko-literární zaměření nebo lingvistické zaměření

When you will see a green circle beside blocks 1 & 2, or beside blocks 3 & 4, conditions will be met. You are not required to have a green circle beside each block.

Blok 1+2 - filologicko-literární zaměření
Blok 1 - filologicko-literární zaměření (P)
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:IJ2B001Early Italian Literature (A) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 1P
FF:IJ2B002Early Italian Literature (B) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 2P
FF:IJ2B005Textual Criticism (Filologia italiana) III P. Diviziazk 0/0/24 3P
FF:IJ2B006Textual Criticism (Filologia italiana) IV P. Diviziazk 0/0/24 4P
FF:IJ2B009Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (A) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 1P
FF:IJ2B010Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature (B) P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 2P
FF:IJ2B011Authorial Philology and Criticism of variants P. Diviziazk 2/0/01 --
25 credits
Blok 2 - filologicko-literární zaměření (-)
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ESA082Dante Alighieri: Art, Aesthetics, and Culture of the Middle Ages P. Osolsobězk 2/0/04+1 --
FF:LJ303Introduction to Medieval Latin Literature P. Mutlovák 1/1/04 --
FF:LJMedA05Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe from 5th to 11th century D. Stehlíkovák 1/1/04 1-
FF:LJMedA06Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe, 12th and 13th century P. Mutlovázk 1/1/04 2-
FF:LJMedC01Reading The Vulgate D. Urbanováz 0/0/0- --
FF:PV2B105Medieval Fridays: selected issues from Medieval history from an interdisciplinary perspective D. Kalhousz 3/0/03 2-
20 credits
Blok 3+4 - lingvistické zaměření
Blok 3 - lingvistické zaměření (P)
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:IJ2B054Sociolinguistics of Italian E. Mocciarozk 2/0/04 2P
FF:IJ2B055Italian Linguistics E. Mocciarozk 2/0/04 3P
FF:IJ2B057Linguistics of Early Italian E. Mocciarozk 2/0/04 3P
FF:IJ2B064Italian Dialectology E. Mocciarozk 2/0/04 2P
16 credits
Blok 4 - lingvistické zaměření (-)
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2B036Computers in Romance Philology Ch. Cusimanozk 0/2/05 2-
FF:IJ2B061Seminar of Italian Language (A) K. Garajovázk 0/2/04 1-
FF:IJ2B062 -- 0/0- 2-
FF:IJ2B063Practical Italian VII Z. Šebelováz 0/2/03 1-
FF:LgBB06Italic and Romance languages V. Blažekzk 2/0/05 2-
FF:LJ153Medieval and Humanistic Latin I D. Stehlíkovák 1/1/04 --
FF:LJMedA07Interpretative Seminar: Medieval Latin I D. Stehlíkovák 0/2/04 1-
FF:LJMedA08Interpretative Seminar: Medieval Latin II P. Mutlovák 0/2/04 2-
29 credits

Blok 5 - kurzy společné pro všechny studenty

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ARTS004Homer and European literature I. Radovák 2/0/05 --
FF:ARTS016Literary Life at Medieval Universities P. Mutlovák 2/0/05 --
FF:LJ453Expert lectures: Romanisation and Latinisation of the Roman Empire D. Urbanovák in blocks - Lectures held by foreign lecturers.4 --
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 1-
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II P. Ševčíkzk 1/1/04 2-
FF:LJ603Latin for the Non-Latinists III P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 3-
FF:LJ604Latin for the Non-Latinists IV Z. Čermáková Lukšovázk 1/1/04 4-
FF:ROM2B105Research Seminar - Guest Lecturers Series (A) P. Diviziaz 2/0/01 1-
FF:ROM2B106Research Seminar - Guest Lecturers Series (B) P. Diviziaz 2/0/01 2-
FF:ROM2B107Romance Philology (Filologia romanza) A P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 3-
FF:ROM2B108Romance Philology (Filologia romanza) B P. Diviziazk 2/0/04 4-
40 credits

Diplomová práce (30 kr.) + Written Test + SZZ

30 credits (Seminar I: 15 credits; Seminar II: 15 credits)

The diploma thesis must be written within the selected curriculum:
- students who choose the philological-literary curriculum can write a work in history of literature or Italian philology (textual criticism);
- students who choose the curriculum of linguistics can write a in linguistics, dialectology, or history of Italian language.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:IJ2A051Master's Thesis Seminar I P. Diviziaz 0/0/015 3P
FF:IJ2A052Master's Thesis Seminar II P. Diviziaz 0/0/015 4P
FF:IJ2A053Master's Thesis P. Diviziaz 0/0/0- 4P
FF:IJ2A054Written Test P. Diviziaz 0/0/0 3 hodiny.- 4P
FF:IJ2A055maiMaster's State Exam (major) P. DiviziaSZk 0/0/0- 4P
30 credits