FF FNCJpV Czech Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Český jazyk a literatura
master's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-CJ_ Czech Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:CJJ14Vademecum of Czech Z. Hladkák 2/0/04 P -
FF:CJJ15Czech Comparative Grammar M. Zikovázk 1/1/05 Z -
FF:CJL09Czech Literature since 1989 for MA Z. Fišerzk 2/0/04+1 Z -
FF:CJLB303Czech Literature of the 19th century Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Urválkovázk 0/2/03+1 P -
18 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:CJJ16The Development of Standard Czech P. Kosekzk 2/0/04+1 Z -
FF:CJL10Theory of Lit. for MA J. Tlustýzk 2/0/04+1 Z -
FF:CJLB404Czech literature since 1895 Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/03+1 P -
14 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:CJLB405Czech Literature since 1945 - Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Fišerzk 0/2/03+1 P -
4 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:CJLB203Czech Literature from the Beginning to the 18th century - MA M. Hanzelkovázk 0/2/03+1 P -
4 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:CJA055Grammar and Lexicon, Pt. P. Karlíkzk 2/0/06 - -
FF:CJBA11Czech Dialectology Z. Hladkáz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB110Pragmatics, Pt. II P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB112Passive voice in Czech P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB133Historical Grammar of Czech P. Kosekz 0/2/04 - V
FF:CJBB166Time and Space in Language P. Cahaz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB175Chrematonyms in Czech Republic J. Pleskalovák 2/0/03 - -
FF:CJBB179Czech Syntax: a transition course P. Karlíkzk 0/2/04 - V
FF:CJBB184Language Typology P. Cahaz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB192Are there sentences without a subject? P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB40Stylistics - an optional seminar M. Křístekz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB54Orthography: theory and practice, cultivation of communication J. Vojtováz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB66Pragmatics P. Kosekz 2/0/04 - -
FF:CJBB72Aspects of language cultivation (An introduction) M. Křístekz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJBB85Linguistic Software D. Hlaváčkováz 0/2/03 - -
FF:CJBC155Editorial Work Z. Fišerz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJJ36Morphophonological explorations M. Zikovák 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJJ37Czech in the context of the Indo-European Languages (introduction to etymology) P. Kosekzk 2/0/05 - -
FF:CJLB101Gaps and Indeterminacy in Literary Work J. Tlustýk 0/2/05 - -
FF:CJLB102Literary Critique for MA M. Balaštíkz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJLB105Multilingualism of Czech countries from an intercultural perspective Z. Urválkovák 2/0/05 - -
FF:CJLB306Project seminar on 19th century literature Z. Urválkováz 0/2/02 - -
FF:CJLB602Interpretation of Fantastic literature T. Dědinováz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJLB603Literature for Children -Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJLB604The Idyll in the Modern Czech Literature M. Fránekz 2/0/0 0.4 - -
FF:CJLB605Young adult iterature Z. Fišerz 0/2/04 - -
FF:CJLB702Editorial Work L. Novákovázk 2/0/05 - -
FF:CJLB707Crossroads of literary traffic Z. Urválkovák 2/0/04 - -
FF:CJLB708Crossroads of Literary Traffic: Field Research Z. Urválkovák 0/2/05 - -
FF:CJLB709From manuscript to book edition Z. Urválkovák 2/0/05 - -
FF:LMKB_a213Modern and Postmodern Novel Z. Foniokovák 2/0/0 0.4 - -
FF:LMKB_a432Vybrané umělecké a myšlenkové směry v intermediálním pohledu P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/0 0.4 - -
FF:UCJL06Theory of Literature J. Tlustýk 2/0/04 - V
FF:UCJL07Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century for Bachelor M. Hanzelkovázk 0/2/04 - V
FF:UCJL17Insights into 20th Century World Literature Z. Fišerz 1/2/05 - -
145 credits