FSS PSPHR12 Social Policy and Employment Policy
Name in Czech: Social Policy and Employment Policy
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS N-PSPHR Public and Social Policy and Human Resources

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state examination for the PSPHR master’s degree program takes place each semester and has two components:
    1. defense of the diploma thesis, and 2. a written test of the ability to write an expert analysis on a chosen theme.
    Defense of the diploma work
    The standard length of the basic text of the master’s diploma work (without footnotes, explanations or annexes)
    must be between 18,000 and 22,000 words (144,000 to 162,000 characters including spaces).
    The quality of the diploma thesis is assessed according to theoretical-methodological and formal criteria. The theoreticalmethodological
    criteria serve as a tool for assessing the diploma work during the thesis-reader procedure.
    The formal criteria are the starting point for determining the conditions for granting credit for the subject called Final Thesis.

    Written examination of the ability to draw up an expert evaluation on a given topic.
    The task of the student is to write a report (expert evaluation) within a time limit.
    This form of examination verifies the student’s ability to synthetically apply the theoretical and empirical knowledge, methodological procedures and analytical skills and abilities acquired during the studies in order to analyze and solve
    a specific problem in public and social policy and human resources development. In particular, emphasis is placed on the interconnection/synthesis of knowledge from the various subjects that the student has undergone, on the choice
    and consistent application of a methodologically appropriate procedure for the analysis of the problem and/or the formation of proposals for its solution (the key areas include the knowledge and skills acquired from the subjects of
    evaluation research, the implementation of public programs, and other compulsory subjects of particular specializations).
    Students choose one of the types of assignment. Possible types of assignment include, in particular, the theoretical reflection of a particular problem or the ways to solve it, a proposal of a methodology for problem-analysis or its
    solution, the methodology of writing a project/proposals for the solution of a problem, the evaluation of a particular project or measures to solve a particular problem, and finally the writing of (a part of) a project or a proposal for the
    solution to a problem in the area of public and social policy, social services, employment policy or human resources development and organizational development.
    The student subsequently selects from a list of topics, problems, situations or areas of social policy or social services, employment policy, human resources management and social development. Instructions for the completion of the diploma thesis and for the final state examination are available on the website
    of the department.
    These lists always contain topics, problems, situations, areas that were the subject of the Master's follow-up study of the program.
    The topics of the Master's state examination are therefore generally defined by the commonly available Master's programme of the Master's degree programme of PSPHR or the syllabi of the courses listed therein. The second level of selection allows each of the students to choose for their treatise the topics of the elective courses they have taken.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Family policies and the aspirations of women to return to work after parental leave
    The main reasons for migration of young educated people from Georgia
    Is there a convergence? Family policies in Norway and the Czech Republic
    The Role and Progress of Active Labor Market Policy and Programs in Addressing Youth Unemployment in Turkey During Recent Years
    Assessment of Poverty alleviation Programmes in Nigeria

Recommended progress through the study plan

Common section

Students must complete 64 credits of required courses (including 20 credits for diploma thesis courses).

Diploma Thesis

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PUPn4519Diploma seminar T. Sirovátkaz 0/1/08 4P
FSS:PUPn4581Conceptualisation of the thesis T. Sirovátkaz 0/2/08 3P
FSS:PUPn4598Methodology of Master Thesis T. Sirovátkaz 2/0/04 2P
20 credits

Required courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PUPn4403Economics Z. Schwidrowskizk 1/1/08 1-
FSS:PUPn4405Evaluation research O. Horazk 2/2/012 3P
FSS:PUPn4468Statistics and Research M. Suchanecz 1/1/012 2-
FSS:PUPn4513Public Policy Process T. Sirovátkazk 1/1/012 1Z
44 credits

Elective courses

Students can get at most 16 credits (optional) for the courses tought in the orher programmes at FSS MU.

Specialisation section

Required courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PUPn4402Employment and labour market policy: European perspective T. Sirovátkazk 1/1/012 4P
FSS:PUPn4419Contemporary problems in European welfare states T. Sirovátkazk 1/1/012 1Z
24 credits

Selective courses

Blok 1

Students must complete at least 16 credits of selective.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPH_AHMR -- 0/0- 2-
ESF:MPV_ARPMApplied Research in Public Policy Making M. Guzizk 2/0/04 3-
ESF:MPV_CSESCivil Society, Economy and the State V. Hyánekzk 1/1/06 3-
FSS:PUPn4455Globalization and its phases: History, economy and migration flows Z. Schwidrowskizk 1/1/08 2-
FSS:PUPn4457Gender and labour market in different European contexts B. Plasovázk 1/1/012 2-
FSS:PUPn4466Governance, Agency and Problems of Public Administration T. Sirovátkazk 1/1/08 --
FSS:PUPn4568Multivariable Statistics M. Suchanecz 1/1/012 --
FSS:SPRn4485Social Enterprises and Poverty Alleviation P. Navrátilzk 1/1/08 3-
58 credits