FF FBHIpJ History
Name in Czech: Historie
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-HI_ History

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Bakalářská práce (min. 16 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:HIAb16IcDissertation supervision I B. Chocholáčz 0/2/08 5P
FF:HIAb16IIcDissertation supervision II B. Chocholáčz 0/2/08 6P
16 credits

Povinné předměty (92 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:HIAb01Introduction to History M. Wihodak 2/0/04 1Z
FF:HIAb01IProseminar I T. Malýz 0/2/03 1Z
FF:HIAb01IIProseminar II T. Malýzk 0/2/03 2Z
FF:HIAb02Introduction to the Historian's Work M. Wihodak 0/0/0 blokově.3 1-
FF:HIAb03The History of Prehistory K. Šabatovázk 2/0/03 1-
FF:HIAb04Auxiliary Historical Sciences O. Schmidtzk 1/1/03 1-
FF:HIAb05The History ot the Classical World M. Habajzk 2/0/03 2-
FF:HIAb06Exam: Medieval History L. Janzk 0/0/02 2P
FF:HIAb06aMedieval History of Eastern Europe P. Bočekz 1/1/03 2P
FF:HIAb06bMedieval History of the Czech Land L. Janz 1/1/03 2P
FF:HIAb06cMedieval History of Western Europe M. Wihodaz 1/1/03 2P
FF:HIAb06uIntroduction to Medieval History L. Jank 1/1/03 1Z
FF:HIAb07Exam: Early Modern History T. Knozzk 0/0/02 3P
FF:HIAb07aHistory of the Early Modern Age in Eastern Europe P. Bočekz 1/1/03 3P
FF:HIAb07bHistory of the Early Modern Age in the Czech Lands B. Chocholáčz 1/1/03 3P
FF:HIAb07cHistory of the Early Modern Age in Western Europe T. Knozz 1/1/03 3P
FF:HIAb07uIntroduction to the History of Early Modern Age T. Malýk 1/1/03 2Z
FF:HIAb08Exam: 19th-Century History L. Fasorazk 0/0/02 4P
FF:HIAb08aHistory of Culture and Civilization (1789-1918). General History of the Nineteenth Century East J. Hanušz 1/1/03 4P
FF:HIAb08bCzech History in the 19th Century L. Fasoraz 1/1/03 4P
FF:HIAb08cHistory of Culture and Civilization (1789-1918). General History of the 19th Century - West J. Hanušz 1/1/03 4P
FF:HIAb08uIntroduction to Modern History J. Německ 1/1/03 3Z
FF:HIAb09Exam: 20th-Century History T. Dvořákzk 0/0/02 5P
FF:HIAb09aGeneral History in the 20th Century T. Dvořákz 1/1/03 5P
FF:HIAb09bCzech History in the 20th Century J. Němecz 1/1/03 5P
FF:HIAb09cEurope after 1945. General History of the Twentieth Century D. Nečasováz 1/1/03 5P
FF:HIAb10History of ideas T. Borovskýk 1/1/03 6-
FF:HIAb11Economic and Social History B. Chocholáčk 1/1/03 5-
FF:HIAb12Historical geography T. Dvořákk 1/1/03 2-
FF:HIAb13History of Historiography P. Bočekzk 1/1/04 5P
FF:HIAb14IGerman Language I A. Urválekz 0/2/02 3-
FF:HIAb14IIGerman Language II A. Urválekzk 0/2/02 4-
92 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (47 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:HIB002bIThe Childhood and the Youth of a Morav.Nobleman (Moravian Nobleman I.) T. Knozz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB002bIIThe Lifestyle of Moravian Nobleman (Moravian Nobleman 1600 II.) T. Knozz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB003bForming of the Nations of the Modern Balkans (19th Century - 1918) L. Hladkýk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB004bRural History of Czech Lands in the Early Modern Period B. Chocholáčk 1/1/03 --
FF:HIB008bIFood, aliment and eat L. Vykoupilk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB010bThe Czech Womens Movement in the First Half of 20th Century D. Nečasováz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB012bCulture-History of Wine M. Markelk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB014bReligion and culture of Russia in the 18th century in political contexts R. Vlčekk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB015bTravelling in the 18th and 19th centuries Z. Stokláskováz 1/1/03 --
FF:HIB016bCrusades in the Holy Land M. Wihodak 1/1/03 --
FF:HIB019bThe World of Medieval Cities T. Borovskýz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB021bThe American Civil War and American Society M. Vlhaz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB022bEarly Modern Towns in Bohemian Lands II Economic and Social Aspects T. Malýk 1/1/03 --
FF:HIB023bSoutheastern Europe in the shadow of the Ottoman crescent (15th - 18th centuries) L. Hladkýk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB024bRural Population of Czech Lands in Early Modern Sources B. Chocholáčk 1/1/03 --
FF:HIB026bEnglish V. Slovákováz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB028bEU on the Way to the Community of Foreign Policy and Security and Defence Policy (1948-2010) V. Goněck 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB029bHistory of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from establishment of the Party to The Prague Spring V. Kaškaz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB031bNicholas II and his friend Rasputin. The Crisis and the Collapse of Imperial Russia R. Vlčekk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB032bEconomic and Political History of Western Europe (1945-present day) V. Goněck 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB033bPostwar History of Visegrad Four Countries through Cinema as Historical Source J. Mervartk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB034bHistorical workshop J. Hanušz 0/0/0 blokově v termínu 9. 12. - 13. 12. 2024.3 --
FF:HIB035bSaints and their Cult in the Middle Ages L. Zajícz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB036bChapters from the history of the USSR T. Šmídz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB038bFemale Rulers, Wives and Holy Women in Byzantium in the 4th - 14th century P. Melicharz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB039bHistorie Ukrajiny od Bohdana Chmelnyckého po rozdělení Polska L. Svobodak 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB040bModern history of the Caucasus T. Šmídz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB041bThe Middle Ages Between the Lines: Old Czech Literature as a Historical Source L. Machalováz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB042bSocialist city: from deal to reality P. Roubalz 0/2/04 --
FF:HIB043bTěšín region in the 20th Century J. Friedlk 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB044bModern History of Ukraine L. Svobodak 2/0/03 --
FF:HIB045bThe Moravian countryside between the enlightenment and abolition of serfdom M. Drozdaz 0/2/03 --
FF:HIB057bnExcursion T. Dvořákk 0/0/04 --
FF:HIB058bnHistory and culture of the Roma and professional practice J. Horváthováz 0/0/0 blokově.4 --
FF:AR1B32Church Administration and its Documents in the Czech Lands in the Late Middle Ages II P. Elbelz 0/2/03 --
FF:AR2B77German language handwriting S. Bártaz 0/2/03 --
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II P. Ševčíkzk 1/1/04 --
119 credits

Volitelné předměty (10 kr.)