FF FDOJpSLI Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Name in Czech: Experimentální a aplikovaná jazykověda
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-OJ_ General Linguistics

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The state final examination in the field of general linguistics is oral. It consists of three topics: in the first part, the general theoretical knowledge of the linguistics methodology is determined, in the second part the student demonstrates the ability to apply the appropriate methodological framework on the spot, in the third part, the student demonstrates the appropriate solution of the pre-specified problem.
  • Requirements of the study
    The curriculum is divided into three parts: (i) compulsory, including specialization subjects (Critical work with data I, II: CJDSL002, LgDEA10, Experimental syntax and semantics LgDEA09), but also classical doctoral seminars (Doctoral Seminar I- LgDEA01-LgDEA03). In addition, the student has to participate at a Foreign Conference (LgDEA13) and further publish an article abroad (LgDEA15), another obligatory course is LgDEA18 Methodology of Formal Linguistics and LgDEA16 Foreign Semester Study Study. In the obligatory-optional part (ii) there are other specialization courses (CJDSL001 Corpus linguistics, AJ32059 Use of modern technologies in the humanities, CLDS_a28 Theory of translation for the DS), in whose teaching the lecturers of ÚJABL participate with teachers of Romance, Czech literature, English and German studies. The obligatory optional part also includes Doctoral Day I, II (LgDEA19 and LgDEA20), where the PhD students will present the results of their work to a public (occasionally with the participation of foreign experts); another optional course is (LgDEB11 Publication Output: Domestic Article), as well as pedagogical activities (LgDEB10 Teaching in Doctoral Studies - Practice). In addition, PhD students choose at least one foreign language course (CJV_D_A, CJVAST and LgDEA21 English for Doctoral Studies, English for Study and Internship Abroad and Foreign Language (DS) - a publication and a paper). The individual study plan, in particular within the doctoral seminar, ensures the co-operation of the doctoral student with the supervisor for the realization of doctoral work. Subjects directly related to the completion of studies are Theses (LgDEA12) and Doctoral theses (LgDEA11). Compulsory subjects have a total credit grant of 167 credits, obligatory optional 235.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    1. The text as an autonomous unit of the language system
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/11200/ff_d/
    Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc., Učo 947
    Student: Mgr. Radim Sova, Ph.D., učo 11200, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)
    1. Isotopy / semantic gesture as a tool for grasping the meaning of dramatic text
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/66500/ff_d/
    Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc., Učo 947
    Student: Mgr. Adam Veřmiřovský, Ph.D., učo 66500, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)
    1. Contrasting typology of Finnish and Estonian
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/104475/ff_d/
    Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc., Učo 947
    Student: Mgr. Petra Hebedová, Ph.D., učo 104475, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)
    2. Confrontational study of the cultivated pronunciation of Dutch and Czech from the point of view of the Czech speaker
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/40090/ff_d_a2/
    Supervisor: prof. PhDr. Marie Krčmová, CSc., Učo 2113
    Student: Mgr. Marta Kostelecká, Ph.D., učo 40090, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)
    3. Saussure value and Saussure bi-axiality, theory of mediation, nominal determinations and own
    name: structure (again) at the center of interest
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/320566/ff_d/
    Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Tomáš Hoskovec, CSc., Učo 947
    Student: Mgr. Juraj Mjachký, Ph.D., učo 320566, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)
    1. Czech indefinite pronouns with postfix - any (v)
    Archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/110155/ff_d/
    Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Mojmír Dočekal, Ph.D., učo 15952
    Student: Mgr. Hana Strachoňová, Ph.D., učo 110155, FF D-FI4 OJ comb. (abs)

    1) Expressions sensitive to polarity in natural languages: experimental and theoretical approaches

    2) Expressions of reciprocity and co-variation in natural languages: experimental and theoretical approaches

    3) Semantics of comparatives and superlatives: experimental and theoretical approaches

    4) Plurality referring expressions (entities): experimental and theoretical approaches

    5) Plurality referring expressions (events): experimental and theoretical approaches

Recommended progress through the study plan

povinné kurzy

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LgDEA01Ph.D. seminar I M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA02Ph.D. seminar II M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA18Methodology of comparative grammar M. Dočekalzk 2/0/010 --
FF:LgDEA03Ph.D. seminar III M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA09Experimental syntax and semantics I. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDSL002Critical data analysis I K. Osolsobězk 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEA10Experimental syntax and semantics II. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEA12Doctoral dissertation thesis M. Dočekalz 0/0/05 --
FF:LgDEA11Ph.D. Dissertation M. Dočekalz 0/0/025 --
FF:LgDEA13Conference: participation foreign M. Dočekalk 0/0/010 --
FF:LgDEA14Conference: participation M. Dočekalk 0/0/07 --
FF:LgDEA15Publication entry: paper abroad M. Dočekalk 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEA16Semestral study abroad M. Dočekalk 0/0/020 --
FF:LgDEA17Ph.D. Dissertation M. DočekalSDzk 0/0/0- --
167 credits

povinně volitelné kurzy

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LgDEA04Ph.D. seminar IV M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA05Ph.D. seminar V M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA06Ph.D. seminar VI M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA07Ph.D. seminar VII M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA08Ph.D. seminar VIII M. Dočekalz 0/0/2 seminář.10 --
FF:LgDEA19PhD Day I M. Dočekalz 0/0/05 --
FF:LgDEA20PhD Day I M. Dočekalz 0/0/05 --
FF:LgDEB01Specialized lecture I M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB02Specialized lecture II M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB03Specialized lecture III M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB04Specialized lecture IV M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB05Specialized lecture V M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB06Specialized lecture VI M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB07Specialized lecture VII M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:LgDEB08Specialized lecture VIII M. Dočekalk 2/0/0 přednáška + kontaktní hodiny.10 --
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 --
FF:LgDEB09Semestral study abroad short M. Dočekalk 0/0/05 --
FF:LgDEB10Teaching a course - practice M. Dočekalk 0/0/010 --
FF:AJ32059The Use of Modern Technologies in the Humanities K. Holmqvistk 0/0/015 --
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:AJ32058Analýza diskurzu J. Chovaneck 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEB11Publication entry: paper home M. Dočekalk 0/0/010 --
FF:PGDS00EVResearch Ethics R. Švaříčekz 2/4/015 --
240 credits

Povinné předměty -- cizí jazyky

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJVASTEnglish for Study and Internship Abroad E. Juhasováz 0/2/02 --
FF:LgDEA21Foreign Language - DS M. Dočekalz 0/0/0 blok.5 --
12 credits