FF FNCSpH Chinese Studies
Name in Czech: Čínská studia
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-CS_ Chinese Studies

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state exam in the follow-up Master’s Degree Studies in Chinese Studies consists of the following parts:

    1) Cultural anthropology

    2) Modern Chinese Thought

    3) Modern History and Politics

    The individual parts of the state exam follow the he obligatory courses:

    1) KSCA605 Chinese Cultural Anthropology

    2) KSCA606 Constructing Identity in Modern China

    3) KSCA607 Political and Social System of the PRC

  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    1) Lord MacCartney's mission to China in 1793: comparison of Chinese and Western sources

    2) Are Judge Dee stories chinoiserie?: narrative modes in detective stories by Robert van Gulik

    3) Protest Movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong in 2014

    4) The image of Confucius and his thought in Yu Dan's work - an analysis of the book Lunyu xinde

    5) Works by Chan Koonchung in the context of Chinese discourses of modernization

Recommended progress through the study plan

Diplomová práce (min. 20 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:KSCA698Seminář k magisterské diplomové práci I W. Luk 0/2/05 1P
FF:KSCA699Master's Thesis Seminar II W. Luk 0/2/05 2P
FF:KSCDM19Master's Thesis in Chinese Studies W. Luk 0/0/010 --
20 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:KSCA605Anthropology of China W. Luzk 1/1/05+1 1Z
FF:KSCA606Constructing Identity in Modern China D. Vávrazk 1/1/05+1 2P
FF:KSCA607Contemporary Political System of PRC M. Rychetskázk 1/1/05+1 2P
FF:KSCA655Chinese for Academic Work I W. Luk 0/2/05 3P
FF:KSCA656Academic Chinese II W. Luk 0/2/05 4P
28 credits

Selective courses

blok studia čínské kultury

Tato sekce obsahuje nabídku předmětů zabývající se různými aspekty moderní čínské kultury, společnosti, politiky. Z předmětů v této sekci si student vybírá předměty dle svého zájmu. Za celé studium v této sekci povinně získá minimálně 15 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:KSCA608China in International Relations D. Hilbertovák 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB702History of Chinese Communist Party D. Hilbertovák 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB706Taiwanese Identity in Popular Culture D. Vávrak 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB708Understanding Chinese Political Rhetoric: A Cross-Strait Perspective W. Luk 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB726Political nd Social System of PRC D. Hilbertovázk 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB728Intercultural Communication W. Luk 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB803Fieldwork and interview-based research in Chinese studies U. Wallenböckk 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB923Chinese Culture in Chinese W. Luk 0/4/05 --
40 credits

jazykový blok

Tato sekce obsahuje nabídku předmětů zaměřených na komplexní rozvoj pokročilých znalostí moderní čínštiny. Z předmětů v této sekci si student vybírá předměty dle svého zájmu. Za celé studium v této sekci povinně získá minimálně 15 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:KSCA651Practical Chinese for Mgr. program I Y. Changz 0/4/06 --
FF:KSCA652Practical Chinese for Mgr. program II Y. Changz 0/4/06 --
FF:KSCA653Practical Chinese for Mgr. program III Y. Changz 0/4/06 --
FF:KSCA654Practical Chinese for Mgr. program IV Y. Changz 0/4/06 --
FF:KSCB850Translation Studies for Chinese Majors: The Case of Taiwan Mandarin and English W. Luk 1/1/05 --
FF:KSCB902Chinese in Popular Culture for MA. program D. Vávrak 0/2/05 --
FF:KSCB910Intensive Conversation for Master's program Y. Changk 0/2/05 --
FF:KSCB911Reading Modern Chinese Sources U. Wallenböckk 0/2/05 --
FF:KSCB912Intensive Conversation for Master's program II Y. Changk 0/4/05 --
FF:KSCB913Reading in Chinese literature in baihua O. Vicherk 0/2/05 --
FF:KSCB916Online Intensive Conversation for Master's program I Y. Changk 0/2/03 --
FF:KSCB917Online Intensive Conversation for Master's program II Y. Changk 0/4/05 --
62 credits

Elective courses