FF FDROJAkSLI Experimental and Applied Linguistics
Name in Czech: Experimentální a aplikovaná lingvistika
doctoral combined specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-ROJA_ Romance Languages

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    1. State doctoral exam. It is a public exam and it takes place in front of a committee of specialists in the field, two of them must be external. Having consulted his or her tutor and the doctoral board, the PhD student chooses three areas of study that must not be identical or similar to the topic of his or her thesis. Areas of study are meant to extend students' knowledge in the field and their argumentation skills. Areas of study cover sychronic as well diachronic Romance linguistics.
    2. Defence of PhD thesis. The thesis s judged by two specialists and one of them must be external. The defence is public and it takes place in front of a committee of specialists in the field, two of them must be external.
  • Requirements of the study
    The specialization puts together a Romance linguistics base with orientation to specialized compulsory courses dedicated to experimental and applied linguistics.
    The key components of the study duties are related to the preparation and processing of the dissertation, which represents a comprehensive scientific publication based on original research.
    Compulsory students’ activities are formulated in their individual study plans. Besides compulsory courses, there are other students’ activities related to their study and research: participation in at least two scientific conferences and publication of at least one study in a peer-reviewed journal are required. Other professional activities at the department may include, for example, teaching, editorial work, cooperation at organizing academic events, etc.
    Part of the study is also a study stay at a foreign university or other research institution chosen with regard to the dissertation theme and allowing for consultation with foreign experts and the research of current secondary literature. It is assumed that this foreign internship will correspond to one semester and can eventually be divided in several periods involving more than one institution.
    Compulsory subjects of doctoral studies include four types of courses.
    Courses directly linked to the regular completion of the study are Research and Study (ROMDSPVJ), Doctoral Thesis Abstract (ROMDTDP), Doctoral Exam (ROMDZKJ) and Doctoral Thesis (ROMDP).
    Other compulsory courses are focused on training in the field. History of Romance Languages (ROMDJA1) and the History of Linguistics (ROMDJA2) represent the general basis of the field. In other courses, students focus directly on their specialization, consulting the supervisors during the process. These Courses comprise two Doctoral Seminars (ROMJASEM1 and ROMJASEM2), two conference papers (ROMDR1 and ROMDR1), a Scientific Paper (ROMDOP01) and a Foreign Internship (ROMDZS). Grant Application (ROMZG) responds to the need to focus on grant applications.
    The following is a block of courses in the field of experimental and applied linguistics, where students have to meet at least four subjects (60 credits): AJ32058 Discourse analysis, AJ32059 Use of modern technologies in humanities, CJDSL001 Corpus linguistics, CJDSL002 Critical work with data I, CLDS_a28 Theory of translation for Doctoral Studies, LgDEA09 Experimental syntax and semantics, LgDEA10 Critical work with data II, PGDS00EV Ethics of research.
    Other compulsory subjects include common base of all doctoral programs, i.e. two courses of Philosophy for Doctoral Studies (PHDZ1 and PHDZ1) and at least one Foreign language course to be chosen from (CJV_D_A, CJV_D_F, CJV_D_N, CJV_D_R, CJV_D_S).
    In addition, students will pass the courses from the choice of optional courses according to their own choice: ROMDOP02 Scientific Paper II, ROMDR3 Conference Presentation III, ROMGC Allocation of a Grant, or others. Students choose optional courses according to the agreement with the supervisor.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    1. Peut-on parler d'un argot des jeunes?
    2. Cortesía verbal en el español del siglo XIX
    3. La clasificación de los adjetivos en relacionales y calificativos y su aplicación a los deonomásticos de persona
    4. Enrichissement du lexique de l'ancien francais: les emprunts au latin dans l' oevre de Jean de Meun
    5. L'évolution des fonctions de l'article partitif en français

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty oborové

Students are obliged to pass all subjects.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.5 1-
FF:PHDZ2Philosophy for doctoral studies 2 J. Krobk 0/0/0 3x2 hodiny za semestr.5 2-
FF:ROMDJA1History of Romance Languages I. Buzekzk 0/0/0 blokově 5 dvouhodinových přednášek za semestr.15 1-
FF:ROMDJA2Dějiny lingvistiky I. Buzekzk in blocks - formou konzultací15 2-
FF:ROMDOP01Scientific paper I P. Kyloušekz 0/0/0 blok.10 7-
FF:ROMDPDoctoral Thesis P. Kyloušekz 0/0/025 8-
FF:ROMDR1Scholarly paper - conference presentation I P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 5-
FF:ROMDR2Scholarly paper - conference presentation II P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 6-
FF:ROMDSPVJResearch and Study I. Buzekz 0/0/0 blok.10 3-
FF:ROMDTDPDoctoral Thesis Abstract P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 8-
FF:ROMDZKJDoctoral Exam I. Buzekzk 0/0/010 7-
FF:ROMDZSResearch and Study Stay I P. Kyloušekz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:ROMJASEM1Post-graduate seminar I I. Buzekz 0/0/05 5-
FF:ROMJASEM2Post-graduate seminar II I. Buzekz 0/0/05 6-
FF:ROMZGGrant application P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 3-
130 credits

Povinné předměty - cizí jazyk

Students are obliged to pass at least one subject, different from their specialization.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 4-
FF:CJV_D_FFrench for Doctoral Studies L. Václavíkzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 4-
FF:CJV_D_NGerman for Doctoral Studies P. Chládkovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 4-
FF:CJV_D_RRussian for PhD Studies - C1 J. Mikešovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 4-
FF:CJV_D_SSpanish for Doctoral Studies V. De Azevedo Camachozk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 4-
25 credits

Povinné předměty - specializace Experimentální a aplikovaná lingvistika

Students are obliged to pass at least 4 courses (minimum 60 credits).

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ32058Analýza diskurzu J. Chovaneck 0/0/015 3-
FF:AJ32059The Use of Modern Technologies in the Humanities K. Holmqvistk 0/0/015 3-
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 4-
FF:CJDSL002Critical data analysis I K. Osolsobězk 0/0/015 5-
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 4-
FF:LgDEA09Experimental syntax and semantics I. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 5-
FF:LgDEA10Experimental syntax and semantics II. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 6-
FF:PGDS00EVResearch Ethics R. Švaříčekz 2/4/015 6-
120 credits

Selective courses

Students are obliged to fulfill at least 35 credits.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ROMDAK1Supplementary Activity I P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 3-
FF:ROMDAK2Supplementary Activity II P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 4-
FF:ROMDOP02Scientific paper II P. Kyloušekz 0/0/0 blok.10 7-
FF:ROMDR3Scholarly paper - conference presentation III P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 7-
FF:ROMDTP4Writing seminar IV P. Kyloušekz 0/0/020 9-
FF:ROMDZS2Research and Study Stay II P. Kyloušekz 0/0/0 blok.5 5-
FF:ROMDZS3Research and Study Stay III P. Kyloušekz 0/0/0 blok.5 6-
FF:ROMDZS4Research and Study Stay IV P. Kyloušekz 0/0/05 7-
FF:ROMGCAllocation of a grant P. Kyloušekz 0/0/015 4-
75 credits