LF DPSYCH Psychiatry
Název anglicky: Psychiatry
doktorský kombinovaný se specializací, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: LF D-NEUR_A Neurosciences
doktorský kombinovaný se specializací, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: LF D-NEUR_A Neurosciences
Informace o studiu
- Státní závěrečná zkouška a obhajoba disertační práceREQUIREMENTS FOR STATE DOCTORAL EXAM:
Obtaining sufficient results and preparing the dissertation in the phase where these results can be presented.
Obtaining theoretical knowledge and mastering the basic subject of Psychiatry, focusing on the topic of dissertation.
Obtaining the knowledge of statistical data processing and the basis of the methodology of scientific work.
The State Doctoral Exam consists of an Examining Board.
A necessary prerequisite for the submission of the final state doctoral examination application is the fulfilment of all the requirements determined by the doctoral board. At the latest, on the date of submitting the application, the student must submit the doctoral thesis statements (if they are determined by the decision of the doctoral board). The state doctoral examination will then proceed within one year after the submission of the application. Commonly, a part of the state doctoral examination is the discussion regarding the statements of the doctoral thesis, unless stated otherwise by the doctoral board or doctoral committee.
The state doctoral examination and the defense of the doctoral thesis are carried out according to the MU SZŘ, Articles 31, 32 and 33.
Doctoral studies are completed by writing the dissertation thesis and its defense. The following study and research duties must be fulfilled before defense of the dissertation.
The preparation of the dissertation includes especially participation in educational events, literature studies, preparation of an own project, work on an own project, data collection, sample processing, lecture presentation and clinical practice.
Partial results of the dissertation are presented in clinical seminars.
The standards of dissertation theses at LF MU are regulated by the Dean's Directive No. 5/2021 "Guidelines on the formal requirements of dissertation theses prepared at the MU Faculty of Medicine"
The curriculum-specific courses include: Imaging Methods in Psychiatric Research, Psychopharmacology, Brain Neurostimulation Methods and Their Application in Psychiatry, Paediatric Psychiatry. For non-medicine students studying the Psychiatry discipline, the courses Psychiatry Exercises (VLPY9X1c) and Psychiatry Lectures (VLPY9X1p) are required.
Further conditions for non-medical students include: Regular attendance at the Clinical Psychiatry seminars (hosted once a week in the autumn and spring semesters), regular attendance at the PhD café (once per month meeting of all the Psychiatry students with their lecturers, including discussions about current literature and issues connected to doctoral projects) at the Psychiatry clinic. For all intents and purposes, the attendances at the ad hoc hosted educational events can be considered as discipline-specific courses, such as the MAFIL CEITEC workshops, international methodical courses (e.g. SPM, EEGLAB...), Psychopharmacology courses (e.g. ČNPS, ECNP summer school) etc.
The publishing activity requirements include the faculty-wide conditions (1 original publication published in a journal with an impact factor in the 2nd quartile of the WoS discipline related to the doctoral thesis topic, or 2 original publications in a journal with an impact factor in the 3rd quartile), plus in the second year of studies the publication of systematic review literature relevant to the thesis of the doctoral thesis published in a reviewed SCOPUS registered journal also becomes a requirement. - Studijní a výzkumné povinnostiThe basis of the doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine of the MU is the procedural pursuit of preparation of the doctoral thesis in close and regular interaction with the tutor and supplemented by the faculty-wide applicable terms for completing the postgraduate studies.
Before the defence of the doctoral thesis is performed, the following conditions need to be met:
- fulfil the requirements of the given individual study plan
- complete at least 4 courses of a common basis
- complete at least 4 subject-area courses (within the competence of the doctoral board)
- meet the publication activity requirements at least in the specified range (see below)
- undergo an internship abroad (with the duration of at least one month)
- present original data at an international conference
- submit the doctoral thesis
- pass the final state doctoral examination
- acquire the total amount of 240 credits over the course of studies (in case the MU study and examination regulations change, the credit system may be bypassed at the discretion of the doctoral board).
The participation in teaching can then only reach the maximum of 150 hours/4 years
The common courses encompass the stated fields of scientific knowledge and capabilities. They can be completed as a part of the organised courses at the MU (with cooperation with CEITEC, Faculty of Science, etc.).
Every doctoral student enrolled at LF MU after 1 September 2023 is required to take an online course FR_p2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Careers.
Completion of the course DSEBRa Ethics of Biomedical Research is highly recommended for all Ph.D. candidates of the Faculty of Medicine.
1. Scientific Information, medicine based on evidence
2. Ethical and legal aspects of research
3. Organisation of research projects and clinical trials
4. Data analysis (e.g. the Analysis of Clinical Data courses)
5. Publication, presentation and grant-related skills
6. Computer Network User - Návrh témat disertačních prací a témata obhájených pracíAnatomical Brain Connectivity and Movement Sequencing in Schizophrenia
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/udqrb/
Importance of the molecular genetic diagnostics of CYP2D6 gene for clinical practice
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/liz0x/
Neuropsychological profile in first episode schizophrenia patients
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/v02kg/
Personality and cognitive functions' profiles in first-episode patients with schizophrenia
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/wvswo/
Cognitive functions and quality of life in the context of work placements for pacients suffering from chronic schizophrenia
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/ooqjh/
Neuropsychological performance in patients with acute phase of bipolar disorder
Archiv: http://is.muni.cz/th/eg49k/