FF rigo Literature and Intercultural Communication
Name in Czech: Literatura a mezikulturní komunikace
Advanced Master's state examination, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-LMK_ Literature and Intercultural Communication

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state exam has two parts:
    1. defence of the rigorous thesis. The thesis may be a monograph or an author's manuscript of at least 180,000 characters. An unchanged thesis text cannot be submitted as a rigorous thesis. The thesis must contain original results or an original treatment of a comprehensive part of the problems of the field at a level that corresponds to the publication standard of the field.
    2. The oral SRZ is to demonstrate the student's ability to discuss the assigned professional issue, to respond in discussion and to argue substantively, to demonstrate knowledge of the literature and other sources and the ability to use them in a professional argument, to know the factual background, knowledge of basic and advanced methodologies in the field, and knowledge of the literature. The student must be able to formulate theses and claims and support them with arguments, compose a clear and structured interpretation of the assigned topic, and work critically with the professional literature. Knowledge of methodology the ability to interpret phenomena in historical and transnational contexts, and knowledge of the primary literature of the field are assumed. The state final examination aims to verify a good knowledge of the subject matter of the specified thematic areas of SRZ. Candidates always choose four topics from the history of Czech and world literature and culture and four topics from the literary and cultural theory field. At the time of the SRZ, the committee will select one of the student-proposed topics in each area, which will then be included in the SRZ.

    The rigorous examination procedure at the MU Faculty of Arts is governed by Articles 34, 35, 36 and 37, the relevant references of the MU Study and Examination Regulations and the MU Faculty of Arts Directive available here: https://www.phil.muni.cz/pro-uchazece/rigorozni-rizeni/smernice-k-rigoroznimu-rizeni.
    The candidate must graduate from the Master's degree programme in Literature and Intercultural Communication. A condition for a successful, rigorous procedure is submitting a thesis that meets the field of study requirements specified in the section "Components of the MA and their content" and successfully completing the oral rigorous examination.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Literature in the age of new media
    Identity and representation in contemporary media: analysis of cultural themes in literature, film, new media
    Cultural stereotypes in film and literature
    The influence of social networks on contemporary literary production
    The image of Subcarpathian Rus in Czech literature from the perspective of postcolonial studies
    Intersections of literature and media culture
    Adaptation and transmediation of literary classics in new media

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.