PřF rigo Physical geography
Name in Czech: Fyzická geografie
Advanced Master's state examination, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PřF N-FYG Physical geography

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    Graduates of master's degree programs who have obtained the academic title 'Master' can take the state rigorous examination in the natural sciences field, including the defence of a rigorous thesis. After passing the exam, the academic title 'Doctor of Natural Sciences,' abbreviated as 'RNDr.' and placed before the name, is awarded in the field of natural sciences.

    More information can be found here: https://www.sci.muni.cz/student/rigorozni-rizeni

    In the Physical Geography program, candidates must pass an oral exam in one compulsory and one elective subject.

    Compulsory subject:
    - General Issues of Physical Geography

    The candidate selects the elective subject based on the focus of the rigorous thesis:
    - Geomorphology
    - Climatology
    - Hydrology
    - Pedogeography
    - Biogeography
    - Landscape Ecology
    - Environmental Geography
    - Polar Sciences

    The examination topics for the oral part of the rigorous examination are available at:
  • Requirements of the study
    The candidate will submit the rigorous thesis to the study department of the Faculty of Science by the prescribed deadline.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Defended theses are published in IS MU, where they can be searched by faculty, year, department, and field/plan: https://is.muni.cz/thesis/

    Previously defended rigorous theses:
    - Leoš Pelikán (2011): Groundwater research methods and variability of specific groundwater discharge in the basin of Vendolský stream
    - Jiří Jakubínský (2015): The Potential of Floodplain and River Landscape Defining on Small Watercourses

    Proposed topics of rigorous theses:
    - Recurrence interval of floods in the lower part of the Morava drainage basin

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.