FSS GLC01 Global Challenges: Society, Politics, Environment
Name in Czech: Global Challenges: Society, Politics, Environment
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS B-GLC Global Challenges: Society, Politics, Environment

Introductory information / Instructions

To be able to register for the bachelor’s degree final exam, students must earn a total of 180 ECTS credits constituted by no less than 94 ECTS from compulsory courses (A), 16 ECTS from diploma seminars, 68 ECTS from optional courses (B) out of which 10 ECTS can be replaced from out-of-department optional courses (C) offered by other university departments and 2 ECTS from MU Physical Education.

Bachelor thesis

Students must gain 16 ECTS from Diploma Seminar I and Diploma Seminar II.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:GLCb1018Diploma seminar I: Thesis proposal A. Souralováz 0/0/28 5P
FSS:GLCb1019Diploma seminar II: Thesis writing A. Souralováz 0/0/28 6P
16 credits

Compulsory courses (A)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:GLCb1001Introduction to Global Challenges A. Souralovázk 0/2/06 1Z
FSS:GLCb1002Seminar: Introduction to Global Challenges A. Souralovázk 0/2/06 1Z
FSS:GLCb1003Central Europe: Politics and Society M. Pinkzk 1/1/05 1Z
FSS:GLCb1004Academic Skills B. Jaworskyzk 0/2/05 1P
FSS:GLCb1005Fundamentals in Political Science and Security Studies V. Stojarovázk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:GLCb1006Main Issues in Sociology P. Pospěchzk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:GLCb1007Key Concepts in Environmental studies V. Pelikánzk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:GLCb1008Introduction to Methodology of Social Sciences J. Navrátilzk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:GLCb1009Selected Chapters from Social Anthropology I. Kašparovázk 1/1/05 3Z
FSS:GLCb1010Qualitative Methodology in Action A. Souralovázk 0/2/17 3Z
FSS:GLCb1011Globalization and its challenges C. Szalózk 1/1/06 3Z
FSS:GLCb1012Quantitative Methodology in Action T. Katrňákzk 1/1/17 4Z
FSS:GLCb1013Migration and Displacement A. Souralovázk 1/1/06 4Z
FSS:GLCb1014Social Movements: Multidisciplinary Approach J. Navrátilzk 1/1/06 4Z
FSS:GLCb1015Combating Global Political and Security Challenges and Risks: Practical Workshop V. Stojarovázk 0/2/05 5P
FSS:GLCb1016Combating Global Social Challenges and Risks: Practical Workshop A. Souralovázk 0/2/05 5P
FSS:GLCb1017Combating Global Environmental Challenges and Risks: Practical Workshop P. Gibaszk 0/2/05 6P
94 credits

Optional courses (B)

The students must gain 68 ECTS from optional courses. 10 ECTS of these 68 may be replaced by out-of-department optional courses (C) offered by other university departments.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:GLCb2001Climate Change: Environment, Politics, and Society P. Pospěchzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:GLCb2002Communism: Politics, Culture and Society C. Szalózk 1/1/05 4-
FSS:GLCb2003Culture and Politics of Populism W. Binderzk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:GLCb2004Nationalism: Culture, Society, Politics, and Environment M. Bartoszewiczzk 1/1/05 4-
FSS:GLCb2005Culture, Nature, Technology V. Pelikánzk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:GLCb2006Changing urban and rural environments - global challenges, local experiences and contested futures L. Galčanová Batistazk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:GLCb2007Power, Governance and Global Justice E. Šlesingerovázk 1/1/05 6-
FSS:GLCb2008Future Challenges: Food, Work, Shelter T. Dosedělzk 1/1/05 6-
FSS:GLCb2009Money: Politics, Society and Environment A. Pinkovázk 1/1/05 1-
FSS:GLCb2010Global Radicalization and Extremism M. Marešzk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:GLCb2011Global Security Policy M. Bartoszewiczzk 1/1/05 6-
FSS:GLCb2012It's fake news! M. Gregorzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:GLCb2013Understanding Social-Ecological and Technological Systems Ch. Kimmichzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:GLCb2014Environment and Education J. Činčerazk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:GLCb2015Environmental history L. Kysučanzk 2/0/05 5-
FSS:GLCb2016Global Challenges from the Perspective of Population Studies L. Vidovićovázk 1/1/05 6-
FSS:GLCb2017Global Issues in Social Antrhopology A. Souralovázk 1/1/05 4-
FSS:GLCb2018Inequalities in Global Societies: Ethnicity, Class, Gender K. Nedbálkovázk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:GLCb2019Global Networks and Cultural War R. Maradazk 1/1/05 5-
95 credits

MU Physical Education

Students must obtain a minimum of 2 ECTS credits from courses in MU Physical Education.