doctoral combined, language of instruction: Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-SL_ Slavonic Literatures
Study-related information
- Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesisThe state doctoral exam is oral and consists of the discourse on thematic clusters settled by the doctoral student with the members of the appointed commission (each member can assign 1-2 thematic clusters) on the basis of the consultations and with the consent of the student’s supervisor and the chairman of the programme council. The themes are selected in the framework of the study programme and should verify the doctoral student’s knowledge and his/her abilities to discuss and present his/her own views and conceptions. The commission comes to the final decision on the basis of secret vote evaluating the results as “passed” or “failed” and completing them by the marks A, B, C, D, E, F.
- Requirements of the studyFor the access to the doctoral exam and to the dissertation defence the student has to acquire 240 credits on the whole divided into obligatory (170 credits) and obligatory and optional (minimum 70 credits in total) subjects classified into three blocs: theoretical subjects (30 credits minimum), language competence (10 credits minimum) and optional subjects (30 credits minimum). A distinct majority of partial study obligations in the doctoral programme is linked with the preparation and creation of the dissertation (under the supervisor's guidance) having a character of a scholarly monograph based on the original research.
The obligatory doctoral student's activities are being formulated in the individual study scheme and besides the general, special and theoretical courses comprise the research and creative student's activity and its presentation itself (in the form of publication and conference activities) , educational practice and a study stay abroad. The triad of obligatory subjects focuses on the special preparation of a student and is immediately connected with the preparation of the dissertation: General methodology, Doctoral seminar (enrolment repeatedly in the 1st, 3rd and 5/7th semesters of the study). The creative activity itself and its presentation and educational practice (all is closely linked with the subject of the dissertation being prepared) is represented by obligatory subjects A publication of a special study, A review in a special periodical, A paper at the conference abroad, A paper at the conference in the Czech/Slovak Republic, A grant project and Teaching a special subject (extent approx. 25 lessons of direct teaching). The general and theoretical courses among the obligatory parts of the study are represented by the subjects Philosophy for doctoral study a Theory and history of Slavonic literatures.
The compulsory part of the study (the subject Study stay abroad) is the study stay at a foreign university or other research institution (selected due to the subject of the dissertation) in the total extent od one semester (it may be realised one-time or in smaller sections).
In the framework of obligatory-optional subjects the student selects - due to the orientation of the doctoral dissertation and the consultations with the supervisor - the two subjects from the bloc Theoretical subjects, then he/she passes two language exams for doctoral study (he/she chooses from the three offered alternatives: English, German, and another Slavonic language) and the remaining 30 credits are acquired from the bloc Selected subjects. - Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertationsDefended thesis:
1. Mgr. Jana Bujnáková (učo 382966): Odraz česko-slovenských vzťahov v diele Rudolfa Pokorného, archiv:
2. Mgr. Eliška Gunišová (učo 384460): Terézia Vansová v slavistickom literárnom kontexte (estetická a axiologická problematika), archiv:
3. Mgr. Kateřina Judith Krulišová (učo 384475): Postava teroristy revolucionáře v ruské literatuře přelomu devatenáctého a dvacátého století, archiv:
4. Mgr. Marie Zoufalá (učo 145741): Povídková tvorba charvátských spisovatelek v meziválečné Jugoslávii (1919-1941), archiv:
5. Mgr. Markéta Páralová Tardy (učo 40236): Koncentrační tábor v osvětimi v polské memoárové literatuře, archiv:
6. Mgr. Polina Zolina (učo 362978): Poetika a semiotika strachu v paradigmatu ruského prozaického textu Nové doby, archiv:
7. Mgr. Michal Przywara (učo 320565): Literatura Ślaska Cieszyńskiego po 1989 roku, archiv:
Recommended progress through the study plan
Compulsory courses
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
FF:PHDZ1 | Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLT01 | Theory and History of Slavonic Literatures | zk | 10 | 3 | - |
FF:SLOLP01 | General Methodology | z | 5 | 2 | - |
FF:SLOLP02 | Doctoral Seminar | z | 5*3 | 1 | - |
FF:SLOLP03 | Specialized Seminar | z | 5*3 | 2 | - |
FF:SLOLP04 | Scholarly Article | z | 10*2 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP05 | Review in Scientific Journal | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP06 | Conference Paper Abroad | z | 15 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP07 | Conference Paper (Conference in the Czech/Slovak Republic) | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP08 | Research and Study Stay Abroad I | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP09 | Grant Application | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP10 | Teaching a Specialized Course | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP11 | Doctoral Thesis Abstract | z | 5 | - | - |
FF:SLOLP12 | Doctoral Thesis | z | 25 | - | - |
170 credits |
Selective courses
Teoretické předměty
Minimálně 2 předměty.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
FF:SLOLT02 | Slavonic Literary Areas | zk | 15 | - | - |
FF:SLOLT03 | History of the Russian Novel | zk | 15 | - | - |
FF:SLOLT04 | Slavonic Literatures after 1989 | zk | 15 | - | - |
FF:LIKOT02 | Literary Theories and Methodologies | zk | 15 | - | - |
60 credits |
Jazyková kompetence
Student volí dvě ze tří možností: 1) angličtina, 2) němčina a 3) jiný slovanský jazyk (tj. odlišný od jazyka literatury jeho specializace a mateřského jazyka).
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
FF:CJV_D_A | English for Doctoral Studies | zk | 5 | - | - |
FF:CJV_D_N | German for Doctoral Studies | zk | 5 | - | - |
FF:SLOLJ | Slavonic Language for Ph.D. | zk | 5 | - | - |
15 credits |
Výběrové předměty
Minimálně 30 kreditů.
Code | Name | Type of Completion | Credits | Term | Profile Cat. |
FF:SLOLV01 | Scholarly Article (published abroad) | z | 15 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV02 | Scholarly Article (published in the Czech Republic) | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV03 | Conference Paper | z | 5 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV04 | Scientific/Literary reviewing | z | 5 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV05 | Popularization activities: publishing and lecturing activities | z | 5 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV06 | Research and Study Stay Abroad II | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV07 | Scholarly Book | z | 25 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV08 | Allocation of a Grant | z | 10 | - | - |
FF:SLOLV09 | Supplementary Activity | z | 5 | - | - |
90 credits |