FF FBRLSpHLJ Latin language and literature
Name in Czech: Latinský jazyk a literatura
Bachelor's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-RLS Greek and Latin Studies

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state final examination consists of an examination and a defence of the bachelor thesis. The defence of the bachelor thesis is oral and consists of a short presentation of the thesis, a response to the opinions of the opponents and a discussion.
    The examination is written and oral.

    The written part tests the ability to translate, using a dictionary, a Latin prose text from the classical period and to apply practically the knowledge of Latin morphology and syntax within the scope of the courses in Latin grammar I-V.

    The oral part tests, on one prose and one poetic text, the student's competence necessary to read, translate, analyse and interpret Latin texts of the classical period. The texts are selected from the works of Cicero and Virgil. The examination also tests knowledge of the development of Roman literature and a basic knowledge of the connections with Greek literature, knowledge of the most important works of ancient literature on the basis of their own reading in translation and in the original, and a basic orientation in the historical and social context of the ancient world. An integral part of the examination is also the demonstration of basic knowledge of the methodological approaches applied in Classical philology. In addition to courses in Latin grammar, this part of the exam builds on courses in Greek and Roman Literature I and II, seminars in reading Latin authors, and an introduction to classical philology.
    More detailed information can be found in the IS MU for the course "State Final Examination for Bachelor of Latin Language and Literature".
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Parenthetical credo and opinor in Cicero's texts, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/z6c4i/ (Martina Ježová)
    Epigraphical evidence of Vergil’s quotations in the Roman Empire, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/sruts/ (Petr Umlauf)
    Cursus honorum: educational board game about political careers in ancient Rome, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/eh1hp/ (Benjamín Juráň)
    Lexical Analysis of Latin terminology used in the works of J. Rowling - Harry Potter 1-7, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/rnff9/ (Kateřina Kolací)
    Translations of Roman literature for high school students, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/cw2sb/ (Markéta Pelikánová)
    The Ancient Water-Organ in the Light of Contemporary Literary Sources and Archaeological Discoveries, https://is.muni.cz/th/397544/ff_b/ (Tomáš Weissar)

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Bakalářská práce (min. 10 kr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS503Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I D. Urbanováz 0/2/03 5P
FF:RLS504Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II D. Urbanováz 0/2/07 6P
FF:RLS506Bachelor's Thesis D. Urbanováz 0/0/0- 6-
10 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS101Latin Grammar I J. Mikulovák 2/2/06 1Z
FF:RLS102Latin Grammar II J. Mikulovák 2/2/06 2Z
FF:RLS103Latin Grammar III J. Mikulovázk 2/2/07 3Z
FF:RLS104Latin Grammar IV J. Mikulovázk 2/2/07 4Z
FF:RLS105Latin Grammar V J. Mikulovák 2/2/04 5P
FF:RLS107Latin Stylistics D. Urbanovák 1/1/04 6-
FF:RLS202Reading Seminar (Caesar) D. Urbanovák 0/2/04 2P
FF:RLS203Reading Seminar (Ovidius) D. Urbanovák 0/2/04 3P
FF:RLS204Reading Seminar (Cicero) K. Petrovićovák 0/2/04 4P
FF:RLS205Reading Seminar (Vergil, Ovid) K. Petrovićovák 0/2/04 5P
FF:RLS207Individual Reading of Ovid D. Urbanovák 0/0/0 0.3 5-
FF:RLS208Individual Reading of Sallust J. Mikulovák 0/0/0 0.2 4-
FF:RLS011Classical Greek Literature: From Homer to Euripides I. Radovák 2/0/04 1Z
FF:RLS012Classical Greek Literature: Attic Prose and Hellenistic Period I. Radovák 2/0/04 2Z
FF:RLS301Roman Literature of the Republic: from Livius Andronicus to Cicero K. Petrovićovák 2/0/04 3Z
FF:RLS302Roman Literature: Augustan and Nero's Age K. Petrovićovázk 2/0/04 4Z
FF:RLS303Essentials of Medieval Literature P. Mutlovák 1/1/04 5-
FF:RLS501Introduction to Classical Philology I D. Urbanovák 2/0/03 1Z
FF:RLS502Introduction to Classical Philology II P. Mutlovák 0/1/03 2Z
FF:DSBcA09History of Ancient Rome I M. Melounovák 2/2/03 2-
FF:DSBcA11History of Ancient Rome II M. Melounovák 2/2/03 3-
87 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:RLS109Tutorium for Latin Grammar I J. Mikulováz 0/2/01 1-
FF:RLS110Tutorium for Latin Grammar II J. Mikulováz 0/2/01 2-
FF:LJ607Latin by Direct Method I T. Weissark 1/1/0 0.3 --
FF:LJ608Latin by Direct Method II T. Weissark 1/1/0 0.3 --
FF:RLS605Latin Translations of Czech and World-wide Bestsellers T. Weissark 1/1/03 --
FF:RLS401Classical Mythology: Gods I. Radovák 2/0/03 --
FF:RLS402Classical Mythology: Heroic myths I. Radovák 2/0/03 --
FF:RLS307Dramatization of Latin texts T. Weissarz 0/2/02 --
FF:RLS108History of Latin Language D. Urbanovák 1/1/04 --
FF:DSMA06Everyday Life in Ancient Rome M. Melounovázk 1/1/03+2 --
FF:DSMA05Everyday Life in Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 1/1/03+2 --
FF:RLS017Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece J. Franekk 1/0/03 --
FF:RLS404Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean (Italy) D. Urbanovák 1/0/03 --
FF:KR013Classical Greek I J. Stekláz 0/2/04 --
FF:KR014Classical Greek II J. Stekláz 0/2/04 --
FF:RLS023Hellenistic Philosophy J. Franekz 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS024Greek philosophy of late Antiquity and early Christianity J. Franekz 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS026Reading Homer's Odyssey J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS028Love, Wine, and Muses: Greek Lyric Poetry J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:RLS030Magic in the Graeco-Roman World J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:LJMedB26Medieval itineracy to the other world L. Mazalovák 2/0/0 0.3 --
FF:DSBcA05History of Ancient Greece I M. Habajzk 2/2/03+3 --
FF:DSBcA07History of Ancient Greece II M. Habajzk 2/2/03+3 --
FF:DSBcB20The History of "Sport" in Antiquity I - Greece J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB26Health, Lifestyle and Medicine in Antiquity J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:ESA112Aesthetics of Saint Augustine and its Sources P. Osolsobězk 1/1/04+1 --
FF:MED02Introduction into Linguistics D. Urbanovák 1/1/04 --
FF:MED09Introduction to the Theory of Literature B. Fořtk 1/1/04 --
FF:MED12Italian Renaissance Humanism P. Tabacchinik 1/1/04 --
FF:MED29Practical Italian I P. Tabacchiniz 1/3/05 --
FF:MED30Practical Italian II P. Tabacchinizk 1/3/06 --
FF:MED50Intensive Study Course K. Petrovićováz 0/26/04 --
122 credits