FSpS MS Sports Management
Name in Czech: Management sportu
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FSpS B-MS Sports Management

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:b5008English R. Prucklovázk 0/0/0 pouze zkouška.4 2-
4 credits

Bakalářská práce (min. 10 kr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:b5011Methodology M. Bozděchz 1/1/03 3P
FSpS:b5325Bachelor's Thesis 1 O. Racekz 0/0/0 konzultace s vedoucím práce.3 5P
FSpS:b5329Bachelor's Thesis 2 O. Racekz 0/0/0 konzultace s vedoucím práce.5 6P
FSpS:b5331Thesis of the bachelor thesis O. Racekz 0/0/02 4P
13 credits

Povinné předměty (P)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:b5006Theoretical and terminological foundations of kinanthropology P. Vaculíkováz 0/1/03 1P
FSpS:b5007First Aid M. Komzákzk 0/1/03 2-
FSpS:b5301Social aspects of sport E. Hurychzk 2/1/05 1P
FSpS:b5302Basic mathematics for sports managers O. Racekzk 1/2/06 1-
FSpS:b5303IT for managers M. Seberaz 0/2/03 1-
FSpS:b5304Sports training 1 T. Kalinaz 0/1/02 1-
FSpS:b5305Fundamentals of logic, critical and analytical thinking E. Hurychzk 1/1/04 2P
FSpS:b5306Fundamentals of sport psychology for managers P. Fiľozk 1/1/04 6P
FSpS:b5307Basic Anatomy and Physiology M. Gimunovázk 1/1/04 2-
FSpS:b5308Basics of management in sport O. Racekzk 1/1/04 2Z
FSpS:b5309Probability and statistics M. Seberazk 1/1/04 2-
FSpS:b5310Sports training 2 T. Kalinaz 0/1/02 2-
FSpS:b5311Preparation for Practice M. Ročekz 0/1/02 2P
FSpS:b5312Summer course - teambuilding P. Sojákz 0/0/0 kurz 5 dní.2 2P
FSpS:b5313Culture of Speech and Academic Writing E. Hurychzk 1/1/04 3P
FSpS:b5314Sports training 3 T. Kalinaz 0/1/02 3-
FSpS:b5316Sports Management O. Racekzk 1/1/04 4P
FSpS:b5317Professional Practice 1 A. Kyselicaz 0/0/0 4 týdny.7 3P
FSpS:b5318Professional Practice 2 A. Kyselicaz 0/0/0 4 týdny.7 4P
FSpS:b5319Historical milestones in the organisation and management of sport M. Strachovázk 1/1/04 5-
FSpS:b5320Basics of sports training M. Hrubýzk 1/1/04 5P
FSpS:b5321Sports Marketing O. Racekzk 2/2/06 5P
FSpS:b5322Event management O. Racekzk 1/2/05 5P
FSpS:b5323Sports training 4 T. Kalinaz 0/1/02 5-
FSpS:b5324Professional Practice 3 A. Kyselicaz 0/0/0 4 týdny.7 5P
FSpS:b5326Law in Sport J. Novákzk 1/1/04 2P
FSpS:b5327Basics of regeneration and nutrition M. Kumstátzk 1/1/04 6P
FSpS:b5328Sports training 5 T. Kalinaz 0/1/02 6-
ESF:BPE_ZEKOPrinciples of Economics M. Jandovázk 2/0/04 1Z
ESF:BPF_FIMGFinancial Management D. Vágnerová Linnertovázk 2/2/08 4P
ESF:BPF_FIU1Financial Accounting 1 E. Hýblovázk 2/2/06 3P
ESF:BPH_ZMANPrinciples of Management J. Procházkazk 2/1/05 1Z
ESF:BPV_ERNOEconomy and Management of Non-profit Organizations V. Hyánekzk 2/2/08 6P
ESF:BPV_MVVSMarketing, fundraising and Communication in Non-profit Sector S. Škarabelovázk 2/2/06 4P
ESF:BPV_VEEKPublic Economics I. Malýzk 2/2/08 3P
ESF:MPV_EKSPSport Policy M. Pavlíkzk 2/1/05 4P
160 credits

Selective courses

Blok 1

Nutno splnit jeden z nabízených předmětů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:b5012Data analysis in sport M. Bozděchz 1/0/03 6-
FSpS:b5330E-sport M. Seberaz 1/1/03 6-
6 credits