FSS PER02 Human resource development and employment
Name in Czech: Personální rozvoj a zaměstnanost
Bachelor's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FSS B-PER Human resource development and employment

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The bachelor's state final exam in the Personal Development and Employment study program takes place every semester and has two parts: the defense of the bachelor's diploma thesis and a written exam.

    The bachelor thesis is focused on processing one of the topics of personnel development and employment in the context of public or private, profit and non-profit sector organizations. The work is based on the reflection of the defined problem and its empirical investigation. The final bachelor's thesis verifies the student's ability to work critically with a professional text and through appropriate concepts and theories, as well as the ability to solve a specific problem at the level of social groups, institutions, or organizations.

    The written exam verifies students' knowledge and their ability to apply and reflect on a specific problem. It has two parts: a test on the topics of Personnel and Organizational Development and a test on the topics of Public Policy and Employment.

    Personnel and organizational development – verifies the student's competence in the field of organizational development and human resources development processes: changes in the concept of management and development of human resources and their importance in the development of the organization; objectives, tools, and impacts of the main HR processes (job analysis and description, personnel marketing and recruitment, selection, acceptance, adaptation and dismissal of employees, training, and development, evaluation and compensation, employee relations); approaches and schools in the field of organizational theory and management with an emphasis on the concept and management of human resources, organizational culture and structure, and their mutual interactions, managerial decision-making and its principles, possibilities of supporting organizational development and human resources development and related problems.

    Public policy and employment – verifies the student's ability to assess and explain processes affecting the situation on the labor market and employment (human capital, labor market segmentation, marginalization, precarization, etc.), their connection to other areas of social and public policy; the connection between social processes (values, interests, institutions, problems, etc.) and the functions of public and social policy, including strategies for the development of human resources; the role of actors in the field of employment, in public and social policy; the link between the goals and instruments of public and social policy and economic policy with the development of human resources; objectives, instruments, financing and legislative regulation of public and social policy and employment policy in the Czech Republic, comparison with EU countries.

  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Analysis of the basic processes of people management in state administration/non-state organization from the perspective of employers and employees (recruitment and selection, development, adaptation and stabilization, motivation, evaluation and remuneration, dismissal)

    The importance of intercultural teams in the organization, management of diversity and inclusion, managerial and intercultural consulting

    Organizational culture and its influence on the work performance of employees

    Employee relations and employee well-being, work with talents

    Digital transformation, e-HRM, and personnel information systems

    Education and development of adults (employed, unemployed)

    Strategic planning in the state/non-state sector

    Social responsibility of organizations, sustainable economy

    Globalization and challenges of public administration (governance, HRM, leadership, ethics, e-governance, sustainability)

    Analysis of the position of selected groups in the labor market and explanation of the causes, manifestations, and consequences of various forms of their disadvantage

    Labor market policy programs and measures, their analysis, evaluation, and comparison at the national, regional, or local level

    Equal opportunities in employment, gender pay gap, strategies and tools for harmonizing family and work

    Approaches of workers of the Czech Labor Office to various groups of unemployed

    Analysis of intersectoral cooperation in the implementation of a selected public or social program at the governmental, regional, or local level

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Společensko-vědní a přírodovědný základ (9 kr.)

Student/ka musí během svého studia splnit alespoň 9 kreditů z tzv. CORE předmětů.

Jazyky (4 kr.)

Podmínkou přistoupení studentů/ek ke státní závěrečné zkoušce je doložení fakultou stanovené minimální jazykové kompetence (úroveň B2 podle společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky – SERR) v jednom z následujících jazyků: angličtina, francouzština, němčina, ruština, španělština.

TV (2 kr.)

Student/ka má povinnost během studia splnit podmínky pro udělení dvou zápočtů z nabídky předmětů povinné tělesné výchovy.

Bachelor's thesis

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PERb1000Bachelor Thesis Project M. Horákováz 1/0/1 Individuálně s vedoucím práce.4 4P
FSS:PERb1001Conceptualization of the Bachelor's Thesis M. Horákováz 0/0/2 Individuálně s vedoucím práce.5 5P
FSS:PERb1002Diploma thesis seminar K. Kubalčíkováz 0/0/2 Individuálně s vedoucím práce.6 6P
15 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:PERb1003Personal Development and Human Resource Management B. Plasovázk 1/1/06 1P
FSS:PERb1004Management and Organizational Behavior I. Zelenkovázk 1/1/05 3P
FSS:PERb1005Theory of Social Policy and Social Development O. Horazk 1/1/05 2Z
FSS:PERb1006Introduction to Public Policy P. Horákzk 1/1/05 1Z
FSS:PERb1007Education and Professional Development Policy M. Horákovázk 1/1/05 2P
FSS:PERb1008Labor Market and Employment Development M. Horákovázk 1/1/05 4P
FSS:PERb1009Sociology P. Horákzk 1/1/04 4Z
FSS:PERb1010Labor Law B. Plasovázk 1/1/05 4P
FSS:PERb1011Introduction to Economics V. Hedijazk 2/0/05 1Z
FSS:PERb1012Quantitative Research M. Suchaneczk 1/1/04 2Z
FSS:PERb1013Introduction to Law P. Navrátilzk 1/1/03 3-
FSS:PERb1014Qualitative Research L. Otavazk 1/1/04 3Z
FSS:PERb1015Professional Practice 1 I. Zelenkováz 0/1/0 Praxe v rozsahu 75 hodin.4 5-
FSS:PERb1016Academic Skills P. Horákz 0/1/13 2-
63 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:BPV_VEF1Public Finance 1 R. Jahodazk 2/2/06 --
FSS:PERb1102Current Topics of Practice M. Horákováz 1/1/02 3-
FSS:PERb1103Research Seminar M. Horákováz 0/0/1 Počet kreditů bude určen vyučujícím (2-5 ECTS kreditů).3 5-
FSS:PERb1104Partial Disciplines of Social Policy M. Horákovázk 1/1/04 3-
FSS:PERb1105Economics of Organization V. Hedijazk 1/1/04 2-
FSS:PERb1106Self-management and Time Management E. Vondráčkovázk 1/1/04 5-
FSS:PERb1107Demography J. Pitnerzk 1/1/04 1-
FSS:PERb1108European Union Public Policy J. Wiltonzk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:PERb1109Statistics M. Suchaneczk 2/2/04 3-
FSS:PERb1110Personnel Development and Education in Organizations M. Horákovázk 1/1/04 4-
FSS:PERb1111Professional Development and Career Identity M. Horákovázk 1/1/04 1-
FSS:PERb1112Organizational Communication and Employer Branding I. Zelenkovázk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:PERb1113Management of Diversity and Well-being of Employees I. Zelenkovázk 1/1/05 5-
FSS:PERb1114Volunteering I. Zelenkovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:PERb1115Interview Skills Training I. Zelenkováz 0/2/03 --
FSS:PERb1116Psychology of Work M. Horákovázk 1/1/05 5-
FSS:PERb1117Employee Relations J. Horňáčekzk 1/1/04 5-
FSS:SPRb1105Social Law P. Navrátilzk 1/1/03 --
FSS:SPRb1130Human Behavior and the Violence P. Navrátilzk 2/0/05 --
FSS:SPRb1131Summer Institute Rome P. Navrátilzk 1/1/03 --
FSS:SPRb1204Social Service Policy K. Kubalčíkovázk 1/1/05 --
FSS:SPRb1207Social Issues of Minorities R. Balážzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1208Social Security R. Trbolazk 1/1/05 --
FSS:SPRb1217Health and Illness Z. Dohnalovázk 1/1/04 --
FSS:SPRb1218Nongovernmental Sector J. Pejcalzk 1/1/04 1-
FSS:SPRb1228Drug Interventions P. Navrátilz 1/1/05 --
108 credits