PřF STRB Structural biochemistry
Name in Czech: Strukturní biochemie
vocational education, full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PřF C-BIC Biochemistry

LLL plan description

  • Presentation of the LLL plan (learning objectives)
    The rapid development of fields focused on determining the structures of biologically significant macromolecules requires supplementing the knowledge of workers active in the field. The multidisciplinary nature of work in this sector requires expanding qualifications beyond the scope of the field studied (upskilling): technically educated workers and students of technical fields need to supplement their biological education, biochemists and molecular biologists need to acquire technical knowledge. The professional background and experience with current teaching provided by our institute create suitable conditions for expanding upskilling activities within the framework of lifelong learning. The course is taught by experts in the field who are directly working and who also have many years of teaching experience.
  • Target group
    Rozšíření kurzu Strukturní biochemie je zaměřeno: 1) na studenty a absolventy technických oborů, kteří si potřebují v rámci multidisciplinarity své profese doplnit znalosti o biomakromolekulách (např. pracovník ve vývoji el. mikroskopie) 2) na studenty/absolventy biochemie a biologických oborů, kteří si v rámci rozšiřování kvalifikace potřebují rozšířit znalosti v oboru struktury biomakromolekul a metody jejich zkoumání a 3) na jakékoli jiné zájemce o tuto oblast vědy, například z řad středoškolských učitelů.
  • Additional Information
  • Learning Outcomes
    The learning outcomes are focused on acquiring professional skills and knowledge in individual areas of structural biochemistry and on increasing competence in the application of structural data. The basic principles are explained in interactive lectures supplemented by presentations of model examples and open discussions. All lectures are summarized and expanded with additional examples in an electronic textbook, provided to students free of charge. The lectures are followed by practical exercises.
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    The graduate of the course will gain a multidisciplinary insight into the issues discussed. A technically oriented worker in the development of instruments (e.g. electron microscopy, electron spectroscopy) will expand his knowledge of the molecules under investigation, which will significantly improve his possibilities of application in the labor market (e.g. application technician, managerial positions requiring knowledge of both technology and applications). A specialist with a biological or biochemical education will gain knowledge of structural methods, which will increase his applicability in the labor market in areas requiring this knowledge (e.g. drug development, protein engineering).
  • Admission conditions
    The basic requirement for admission is a completed secondary school education and an interest in the issues discussed. Registration takes place via the course website and through the MUNI information system.
  • Course of education

    The semester course is divided into five thematic blocks:

    Structure of biomolecules

    A block of four two-hour lectures describing the basic principles of the structure of proteins, nucleic acids, oligo- and polysaccharides. Explanation of the concepts of internal coordinates, primary, secondary and tertiary structure. Possibility of participation in a practical exercise with models of the molecules discussed.

    Preparation and characterization of biomolecule samples

    A block of two two-hour lectures. Introduction to methods of preparing biomolecule samples (especially recombinant proteins), determination of protein and nucleic protein sequences (mass spectrometry, Sanger method), determination of the representation of secondary structures (circular dichroism, infrared spectroscopy), determination of the shape of a molecule by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Possibility of participation in a practical exercise with data evaluation.

    Computational methods and bioinformatics

    Two two-hour lectures. Introduction to computer simulations of biomolecules (especially molecular dynamics). Analysis of sequence and structural data from databases (sequence comparison and search), structure prediction using artificial intelligence.

    X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy

    A block of two two-hour lectures. Introduction to the fundamental methods of structural analysis with atomic resolution using diffraction. Description of the principles of the methods, sample preparation, solution procedure and validation of structures. Possibility of participation in a practical exercise with a demonstration of the principles.

    Nuclear magnetic resonance

    A block of two two-hour lectures. Introduction to structural analysis in solution, based on magnetic resonance and providing atomic resolution. Description of the principle of the method and application to protein and nucleic acid samples. Possibility of participation in a practical exercise with data evaluation.

  • Conditions of graduation
    A condition for successful completion of the course is personal attendance at most lectures, which is recorded in the form of attendance lists.

Passing the LLL plan

Předměty CŽV

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
PřF:SC01202 -- 0/0- -
0 credits