LF CZL01 Dentistry: first year study
Name in Czech: Zubní lékařství: studium prvního ročníku
in accred. degree programme, full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: LF C-ZL Dentistry

Passing the LLL plan

1. semestr (podzim)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
LF:ZC011Handling chemical substances J. Dostálz 0/0/0 2.- -
LF:ZLAN0121pAnatomy I - lecture M. Joukalz 3/0/0 45.1 -
LF:ZLAN0121sAnatomy I - seminar M. Joukalz 0/3/0 45.3 -
LF:ZLBF0121cMedical Physics and Informatics I- practice V. Mornsteinz 0/2/0 30.2 -
LF:ZLBF0121pMedical Physics and Informatics I - lecture V. Mornsteinz 1/0/0 15.1 -
LF:ZLBI0121cBiology I - practice I. Slaninováz 0/2/0 30.2 -
LF:ZLBI0121pBiology I - lecture I. Slaninováz 1/0/0 15.1 -
LF:ZLET011cEthics in Dentistry - practice M. Světlákz 0/0.5/0 7,5.1 -
LF:ZLET011pEthics in Dentistry - lecture M. Světlákk 0.5/0/0 7,5.1 -
LF:ZLLC011pMedical Chemistry, Dental Materials - lecture J. Tomandlzk 1/0/0 15.3 -
LF:ZLLC011sMedical Chemistry, Dental Materials - seminar J. Tomandlz 0/2/0 30.2 -
LF:ZLLT011cBasic Medical Terminology - practice L. Švandaz 0/2/0 30.2 -
LF:ZLLT011sBasic Medical Terminology - seminar L. Švandazk 0/2/0 30.3 -
LF:ZLPO011cFirst Aid - practice P. Štouračz 0/1/0 15.1 -
LF:ZLPO011pFirst Aid - lecture P. Štouračk 0.5/0/0 7.5.1 -
LF:ZLPR0131cPreclinical Dentistry I - practice L. Roubalíkováz 0/5/0 75.4 -
LF:ZLPR0131pPreclinical Dentistry I - lecture L. Roubalíkováz 2/0/0 30.1 -
29 credits

2. semestr (jaro)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
LF:ZLAN0222cAnatomy II - dissection M. Joukalz 0/1.7/0 25.1 -
LF:ZLAN0222pAnatomy III - lecture M. Joukalzk 3/0/0 45.4 -
LF:ZLAN0222sAnatomy II - seminar M. Joukalz 0/3/0 45.2 -
LF:ZLBF0222cMedical Physics and Informatics II - practice V. Mornsteinz 0/2/0 30.1 -
LF:ZLBF0222pMedical Physics and Informatics II - lecture V. Mornsteinzk 1/0/0 15.2 -
LF:ZLBI0222cBiology II - practice I. Slaninováz 0/2/0 30.1 -
LF:ZLBI0222pBiology II - lecture I. Slaninovázk 1/0/0 15.3 -
LF:ZLHE0221cHistology and Embryology I - practice A. Hamplz 0/2/0 30.1 -
LF:ZLHE0221pHistology and Embryology I - lecture A. Hamplz 1/0/0 15.1 -
LF:ZLPO021cInformatics in Dentistry S. Bartákováz 0/1/0 15.1 -
LF:ZLPP0241Vacational Training in Preclinical Dentistry L. Izakovičová Holláz 0/0/0 90.2 -
LF:ZLPR0232cPreclinical Dentistry II - practice L. Roubalíkováz 0/6/0 90.4 -
LF:ZLPR0232pPreclinical Dentistry II - lecture L. Roubalíkováz 2/0/0 30.1 -
LF:ZLPT0221Prosthetic Technology I - Materials S. Bartákováz 0/1/0 15.1 -
25 credits