ESF FDLB Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Budgeting
Name in Czech: Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Budgeting
vocational education, full-time, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: ESF C-VES Public Economics and Administration

LLL plan description

  • Presentation of the LLL plan (learning objectives)
    The main objective of the course is to expand students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of fiscal federalism, local budgets, participatory budgets, program budgeting and public service delivery. The course focuses particularly on addressing the question how to organise the different levels of public administration, how to work with budgets and budgeting programmes, including the provision of public services, taking into account the concept of efficiency. Specific attention is also paid to a comparison of different policies in selected countries.
  • Learning Outcomes
    After completion of the course, students should be able to: 

    • distinguish and discuss the concepts of fiscal federalism and decentralization,

    • describe and compare cases of fiscal decentralization in different countries,

    • analyze the costs and benefits of coordination tools in local government finance,

    • understand the sources of local government funding and their implications,

    • comprehend the local budgeting process and local service delivery challenges,

    • provide recommendations for solving issues related to fiscal decentralization.

  • Course of education
    The course is structured in blocks, combining theoretical lectures, discussions, and case study work. Participants will address specific issues related to fiscal decentralization and budgeting, allowing them to apply acquired knowledge in practice.
    Topics: 1. Fiscal Federalism 2. Local Budgets 3. Participatory Budgeting 4. Program Budgeting 5. Local Service Delivery

  • Conditions of graduation
    Preparation of case studies.

Passing the LLL plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
ESF:DXV_FDLBFiscal Decentralisation and Local Budgeting J. Nemecz 0/25/02 -
2 credits