Document Server Binder represents an application working with centrally administered documents available on Document Server. Provided you wish to use Binder, you should either select at least one department in the "Whose document?" section or at least one label in the "Which document?" section.
You might also want to specify what you are searching the full texts of the selected documents for by entering a text string in the text field titled "Full-text search in the selected documents". The full-text search performed by the Binder application is conducted according to the rules applicable to regular IS searches.
The section "Whose document?" allows you to select several departments, i.e. not just one. Provided you select several departments, the search is conducted within the documents subsumed under each of the selected departments.
Similarly, the "Which document?" section enables you to select several labels at a time. However, if you do so, the application searches for the documents containing all the specified labels (not just one or some). If you check the option "Even only 1 label in the 'Which document?' section", though, the application searches for the documents which have at least one of the selected labels.
The application does not search for documents labeled as attachment, handout or version no longer valid by default. Provided you want to include documents with these labels in the search as well, please check the appropriate option(s).
You might also want to limit the search to the documents valid within a certain period. If this is the case, specify the period in one of the following formats: "day month year", "month year", "year". Provided you are only searching for documents valid within, for example, the year 2012, enter "from 2012 to 2012".
Some documents (this applies mainly to internal regulations) are numbered and their validity is limited by year (not a concrete date), in which case the application returns even those whose validity period was specified with dates falling into the same year as the one you have entered.
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