FF FDLMkJ Medieval Latin Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Latinská medievistika
doctoral combined, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-LM_ Medieval Latin Language and Literature

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The candidate will prepare a problem-oriented treatment of five topics from the field of Medieval Latin Studies and during the examination will be asked discuss and defend his/her proposals. These topics will be selected in cooperation with the supervisor and submitted in written form (approx. 3-5 pages per each topic, including literature) at least 2 months before the state doctoral examination takes place. The topics for the doctoral examination must not overlap with the dissertation topic. In the course of the examination, the candidate will discuss and defend at least two topics based on the requirements of the examination committee (the committee will decide on the choice of topics and inform the candidate before the examination; the candidate will then elaborate on and submit the selected topics in more detail). During the examination, the candidate will be also asked additional questions pertaining to medieval Latin literature of Czech and European origin.
  • Requirements of the study
    The key components of the study obligations are intertwined with the preparation and writing of the dissertation, which represents a comprehensive professional publication based on original research.
    In the course of the study, the doctoral candidate must acquire an overview of the following disciplines: medieval Latin language and medieval Latin literature of Czech origin, Latin literature of the European Middle Ages, ancient and patristic Latin literature, old Czech literature, the basics of medieval history, the basics of palaeography and editing work. Obligatory student activities are formulated in the individual study plan: In addition to the mandatory courses, they include their own creative activity and its presentation - active participation in at least two academic conferences and publication of at least one study in an academic journal is required during the course of study. Other professional activities at the department may include e.g. teaching, copy-editing, organisational cooperation e.g. in connection with conferences, etc.
    The study also includes an academic internship at a partner university abroad or at other research institution chosen with regard to the dissertation topic. The internship enables consultations with international experts and to research primary sources and secondary literature. The Department of Classical Studies offers study opportunities mainly within the Erasmus programme in Germany, Poland and Italy. In exceptional and justified cases, the departmental board may decide on an alternative solution to this obligation.

    The compulsory courses for doctoral studies include four types of courses:
    Courses directly related to the regular completion of the degree, such as Source Study and Research I and II (LMDPS and LMDPS2), Doctoral Examination (LMD_DZ), Dissertation Thesis of the Dissertation (LMDTD), Dissertation (LMD15).
    Another type of compulsory courses is focused on academic training, which is implemented in the General Methodology (LMDOM) and especially in the eight Doctoral Seminars (LMD_DS1 to 8) that form the basis of this interdisciplinary programme.
    The compulsory courses include the aforementioned Conference Paper I and II (LMD_OR1 2), Academic Publication (LMD_OP1) and International Internship (LMD_ZS1).
    Required courses also include the common-core courses Philosophy for Doctoral Studies (PHDZ1) and a Foreign Language elective (CJV_D_A, CJV_D_F, CJV_D_N, LMDCJ1).
    In addition, students will take at least four courses from the compulsory electives that aim at the development of transversal competences and include historical, literary or linguistic topics.
    The remaining number of credits will be completed by the students from the elective courses according to their individual academic profile and their own interest.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    - Genealogical characteristics of the Hussite polemic
    - Editions of the sermons of Matthias of Janov
    - Postils of Milíč of Kroměříž
    - Jan Hus as an epistolographist
    - Jakoubek of Stříbro's sermon "Beati pauperes spiritu" in Kremnica codex Cx XIX
    - Cistercian Matthew of Zbraslav and his "Estote misericordes" sermon from Constance
    - Psalms' interpretations from the Hussite environment (second half of the 15th century)
    - Linguistic and stylistic qualities of Latin legal sources of Czech origin
    - "The garden" (hortus) as a reality and symbol in medieval and humanistic Latin literature
    - "The tree" (arbor): reality and symbol in texts of medieval Latin literature
    - Floriger ortus - the versified herbarium of Martin of Tišnov
    - Sentence structure of medieval Latin moral anecdotes (exempla)
    - Methods of abreviation in medieval Latin poetry
    - Lux and tenebrae in the Czech-Latin hagiography of the 10th to 14th centuries
    - The motif of the journey in Czech-Latin hagiography of the 10th to 14th centuries
    - Female figures in Czech-Latin hagiography
    - Humanist commentaries on the Doctrinale of Alexander de Villa Dei
    - Dubravius' commentary on the De nuptiis of Martianus Capella

    Topics of defended dissertations:
    - Matthaeus de Cracovia. Proposicio super canonizacione beate Brigite (St. Brigitta of Sweden in the works of Master Matthaeus of Cracow) (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/6950/ff_d/)
    - Hugo Grotius, De veritate religionis christianae. Book 5 - Refutatio judaismi (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/5892/ff_d/)
    - Contribution to the edition of the formulas in the Třeboň manuscripts C5 and C6 (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/16819/ff_d/)
    - Invectiva prosotetrasticha in Ulricum Polonum (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/5803/ff_d/)
    - The love and nature poetry of Bohuslav Hasištejnský of Lobkowitz in a contemporary context
    - Summa recreatorum (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/19736/ff_d/)
    - Eucharistic texts of Henry of Bitterfeld (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/7752/ff_d/)
    - Peter of Zittau's sermon on the Song of the Songs (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/14117/ff_d/)
    - Praises of Persons in Czech-Latin Historiographical Texts of the 12th century (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/9978/ff_d_b1/)
    - Eschatology in the works of Jan Hus (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/52260/ff_d/)
    - Jan of Holešov and his Largum sero (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/46235/ff_d/)
    - Tractatulus pulcherrimus de custodia quinque sensuum: An analysis of the treatise on the guarding of the five senses (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/365337/ff_d_a2/)
    - University Rhetorical Handbooks: the collection "Formularius epistolarum" in the light of the ars dictaminis (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/75531/ff_d/)
    - Iohannis de Mutha Recommendationes (Recommendations of John of Mýto) (https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/6795/ff_d/)
    - Synodical Sermon of Jan Hus Diliges Dominum Deum
    - Vita sancti Wilfridi in the context of Anglo-Latin Hagiography of the 8th Century
    - The Correspondence between Ceres and Neptune. The part of letter collection of Henricus de Isernia.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LMDPSResearch and Study P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 1-
FF:LMDPS2Research and Study II P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 2-
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.10 1-
FF:LMDOMMethodology P. Mutlováz 0/0/010 2-
FF:LMD_DS1Doctoral Seminar I P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 1-
FF:LMD_DS2Doctoral Seminar II P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 2-
FF:LMD_DS3Doctoral Seminar III P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 3-
FF:LMD_DS4Doctoral Seminar IV P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 4-
FF:LMD_DS5Doctoral Seminar V P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 5-
FF:LMD_DS6Doctoral Seminar VI P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 6-
FF:LMD_DS7Doctoral Seminar VII P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 7-
FF:LMD_DS8Doctoral Seminar VIII P. Mutlováz 0/0/0 blok.5 8-
FF:LMD_OR1Conference Paper I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/05 3-
FF:LMD_OR2Conference Paper II J. Nechutováz 0/0/05 5-
FF:LMD_OP1Article I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/010 4-
FF:LMD_DZDoctoral Exam P. Mutlovázk 0/0/010 5-
FF:LMD_ZS1Research Study Abroad I D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/05 6-
FF:LMDTDDoctoral Dissertation Thesis P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 8-
FF:LMD15Doctoral Dissertation P. Mutlováz 0/0/025 8-
135 credits

Povinné předměty - cizí jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJV_D_AEnglish for Doctoral Studies J. Lennonzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_NGerman for Doctoral Studies P. Chládkovázk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:CJV_D_FFrench for Doctoral Studies L. Václavíkzk 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.5 --
FF:LMDCJ1Foreign language P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
20 credits

Selective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LMD02Medieval Interpretative Seminar D. Stehlíkovák 0/2/015 3-
FF:LMD_006Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe from 5th to 11th century D. Stehlíkovák 1/1/015 1-
FF:LMD_009Latin Literature of the Medieval Europe, 12th and 13th century J. Nechutovázk 1/1/015 2-
FF:CLDS_a33Czech Medieval Literature Z. Urválkovák 0/0/0 blok.15 3-
FF:CJDSM001Old Czech P. Kosekz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 4-
FF:LMD09Medieval History of Western Europe J. Malířz 1/115 1-
FF:LMD08Medieval History of the Czech Lands J. Malířz 1/115 2-
FF:LMD_010Cultural Approaches to Medieval Latin Manuscripts P. Mutlovák 2/0/015 4-
FF:LMD_011Latin Script in the Middle Ages II (1200-1500) D. Havelz 1/1/0 blok.15 4-
135 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CLDS_a34Parallels of Early Modern Period M. Soleiman pour Hashemizk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 --
FF:LJ453Expert lectures: Romanisation and Latinisation of the Roman Empire D. Urbanovák in blocks - Lectures held by foreign lecturers.4 --
FF:LJMedB24Digital Humanities in Medieval Studies P. Mutlovák 1/1/04 --
FF:LMD_005Seminar on Textual Criticism P. Mutlováz 1/1/015 --
FF:LMD_007Bible Seminar (Vulgate) P. Mutlováz 1/1/015 --
FF:LMD_008Auxiliary Sciences of History for Medievalists P. Mutlováz 1/1/0 0.15 --
FF:LMD_012Czech Reformation and the History of Ideas P. Mutlováz 2/0/015 --
FF:LMD_JCSupplementary Activity P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_OP2Article II D. Stehlíkováz 0/0/010 --
FF:LMD_OR3Conference Paper III P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_TPWriting Seminar P. Mutlováz 0/0/020 --
FF:LMD_ZS2Research Study Abroad II P. Mutlováz 0/0/05 --
FF:LMD_ZS3Research Study Abroad III P. Mutlováz 0/0/010 --
FF:LMD_ZS4Research Study Abroad IV P. Mutlováz 0/0/015 --
183 credits