FF FDLIAJpJ Literatures in English
Name in Czech: Literatury v angličtině
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-LIAJ_ Literatures in English

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The final state exam consists of three thematic areas.

    Based on agreement with the supervisor and the commission chair, the candidate studies:
    a. one topic from a specified traditional area
    (criticism, lterary and cultural periods, schools, and genres)
    b. one topic from the basic methodological approaches (ethnic, gender, queer, postcolonial, regionalist etc.)
    c. one topic from a chosen major cultural area (British and Irish Literature and Culture, North American Literature and Culture, Australian and New Zealand Literature and Culture, Literature, and Culture of Other Anglophone Countries).

    The purpose of the exam is primarily to verify that the candidate has comprehensive knowledge of the field and its current theoretical approaches.
    Members of the commission focus on the candidate's ability of critical reflection and application of acquired knowledge, both with regard to their respective research area as well to the wider cultural contexts.
  • Requirements of the study
    The key components of the study requirements are related to the preparation and composition of the dissertation, which represents a comprehensive scientific publication based on original research. Compulsory student activities are formulated in an individual study plan, approved by the supervisor.
    The study requirements include the following activities:
    - the completion of these compulsory courses: AJ 34003 - Conference I (5 credits), AJ 34004 - Conference II (5 credits), AJ 34006 - Publications I (10 credits), AJ 34009 - language (4 credits), AJ 34030 - Source Research (10 credits), AJ 34110 - The Profession of English (15 credits, 5 block seminars), AJ 34120 - Literary Value and Canonicity (15 credits, 5 block seminars), AJ 34210 - Doctoral Seminar I (5 credits), AJ 34350 - Doctoral Exam (10 credits), AJ34140 Selected Chapters of Literary and Cultural Theory (15 credits, 5 block seminars), AJ 38400 - Dissertation Prsopectus (5 credits) (Block Seminar), AJ 39400 - Dissertation Composition (25 credits), NARD50 - Methodology of Literary Science (15 credits, block seminars), and PHDZ1 - Philosophy for Doctoral Studies 1 (3x2 hours).
    The compulsory subjects focused on anglophone literary studies are complemented by the course Philosophy for Doctoral Studies (PHDZ1) and one of the foreign language courses.
    Furthermore it is also necessary to complete at least three elective courses (15 credits each). These subjects are shared with other literary-oriented doctoral programs from collaborating departments of the faculty.
    The students gain the remaining credits by taking the optional courses. These will be agreed upon with the supervisor.

    Publication is understood as publishing of one's research results in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
    Conference participation means active participation in a national or international conference held at an established university, predicated on a prior approval by the supervisor.
    The minimum student internship/study stay abroad is one month. The recommended length of internship/study stay abroad is one semester.
    Foreign language is completed either as an exam at the Center for Language Education or by a publication in a foreign language (one from the list of recognized foreign languages).

    Full-time students are also expected to be actively involved in the academic activities of the department in teaching and/or participating in joint publications and research projects. Other professional activities at the department may include, for example, editorial work, assisting with conference organization, etc.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Zuzana Klímová: Shaping the Text, Shaping the Mind: Role of Transcultural Imagination on the Building of Spiritual Bridges of Solidarity Across Boundaries of Difference (2016)
    Jiří Šalamoun: The New Satire of Ismaeal Reed against the New Racism of the United States of America (2016)
    Veronika Vencúrik Pituková: Murder Taken out of the Venetian Vase and Dropped into the Alley: Adapting Hard-boiled Masculinity and Femininity (2016)
    Dušan Kolcún: Good Death in Vietnam War Literature (2016)
    Antonín Zita: How We Read: The Reception of the Beat Generation
    in the United States of America and the Czech Lands (2016)
    Lucie Seibertová: Translations as Original Works of Literature (2017)
    Asma Hussein: Alternative Semantics of Water: Watery Images in Derek Walcott's Poetry (2017)
    Dita Hochmanová: Henry Fielding between Satire and Sentiment (2018)
    Petra Kalavská: The Shift in the (Feminist) Discourse as Reflected in the Plays of the 1980s and 1990s by British Women Playwrights (2018)

Recommended progress through the study plan

Compulsory courses

Students are required take the following compulsory courses. The subjects Publication, Conference, Study stay abroad, and Foreign language are offered each semester.

  • Publication: published journal articles (J), book chapters (C) or articles in peer-reviewed proceedings (proof of acceptance is not sufficient).
  • Conference: a presentation of a research paper at a conference (other types of participation such as panel discussion and poster do not count).
  • Study stay abroad: a stay for research of at least 30 days, which must be officially registered as such in the IS (other trips abroad do not count).
  • Foreign language: either by completing an exam in a foreign language for PhD students administered by the Center for Language Education, or by publication or conference presentation in a foreign language.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ34003Conference Participation I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34004Conference Participation II T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34006Publication I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 --
FF:AJ34009International Research Stay I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34010Foreign Language I J. Chamonikolasovázk 0/0/04 --
FF:AJ34030Research Activities T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 --
FF:AJ34110The Profession of English J. Smithzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:AJ34120Literary Value and Canonicity M. Kaylorzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:AJ34140Selected Chapters in Literary and Cultural Theory T. Pospíšilzk 0/0/015 --
FF:AJ34210Doctoral Seminar I T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34350Doctoral Exam T. PospíšilSDzk 0/0/0- --
FF:AJ38400Doctoral Dissertation Proposal T. Pospíšilz 0/0/0 Blokový seminář.10 --
FF:AJ39400Doctoral Dissertation T. Pospíšilz 0/0/035 --
FF:NARD50Methodology of literary criticism B. Fořtzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:PHDZ1Philosophy for doctoral studies 1 J. Krobz 0/0/0 6x2 hodiny.10 --
159 credits

Selective courses

Students choose at least three elective courses.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ34130Constructing the Book, Reconstructing the Text J. Chamonikolasovázk 0/2/010 --
FF:AJ34160Film Adaptations of English Speaking LIteratures T. Pospíšilzk 0/0/0 Bloková výuka.15 --
FF:CLDS_a26Methods, analysis and interpretations Z. Fišerzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a27Intermediality and adaptation P. Bubeníčekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:NARD51Fiction and fictionality B. Fořtzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:NJDSL4_31Chapters from the world literature A. Urválekz 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:ROMDJKMultilingualism and cultural interfaces P. Kyloušekzk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
100 credits

Elective courses

Students have also the opportunity to gain more credits by enrolling in the following optional subjects. The subjects "publication", "conference", "study stay abroad" and "text seminar" are offered every semester.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ34005Conference Participation III T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34007Publication II T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 --
FF:AJ34008Publication III T. Pospíšilz 0/0/010 --
FF:AJ34011International Research Stay II T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34012International Research Stay III T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34013International Research Stay IV T. Pospíšilz 0/0/05 --
FF:AJ34014Textual Production T. Pospíšilz 0/0/020 --
60 credits