Degree programme objectives
Program focuses on acquiring deeper theoretical knowledge in economics, especially in macroeconomics and economic policy. The graduate is able to analyze and evaluate economic phenomena independently, especially in relation to economic policy, he can critically evaluate real economic development, comment as well as independently propose measurements of economic policy. He will be able to check research procedures for a comprehensive analysis of national economic and economic-political situations. He will also be able to create concepts, programs, projects and analyzes in this area.
Study plans
Admission ProceduresAdmission procedure into PhD programmes 2025/2026 (Autumn semester 2025)Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2025
- Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programmeDetailed information about the admission procedure can be found on the ECON.MUNI website
- Objectives
Program focuses on acquiring deeper theoretical knowledge in economics, especially in macroeconomics and economic policy. The graduate is able to analyze and evaluate economic phenomena independently, especially in relation to economic policy, he can critically evaluate real economic development, comment as well as independently propose measurements of economic policy. He will be able to check research procedures for a comprehensive analysis of national economic and economic-political situations. He will also be able to create concepts, programs, projects and analyzes in this area.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- To work independently in government institutions as economic policy makers (eg in central banks, at Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Government) or as a separate expert analyst in banks or the Czech Statistical Office.
- To publish the results of research in leading impact scientific journals.
- To discuss current economic and political issues at domestic expert forums and abroad.
- To make the current economic and political problems clear to the wider public in the form of popularizing texts and lectures.
- To supervise students' qualification work and to teach at universities in the Czech and English languages.
- To create concepts, programs, projects and analyzes in the field of national economy.
- To express opinion on the implemented economic policy measures and to propose such measures independently.
- To critically evaluate real economic developments.
- Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates of the Economic Policy Program are equipped to be employed in a wide range of professional economic professions, higher education and independent scientific careers. They can be authors of strategies to solve economic problems at all levels (central, regional and local), as advisors and experts of political subjects and state administration. They will be employed in the top and executive positions of the state and regional governments and the bodies of the European Union, in central and regional bodies that create conditions for the functioning of economic subjects. Graduates will also be employed in the analytical and research sections of banks, financial institutions and industrial and commercial companies.
- Goals of Theses
Formal and content requirements for dissertation theses are described in the directive of ESF MU: