Degree programme objectives
The objectives of the study are primarily based on the innovated graduate profile, which can be described systemically in the following way: economic base of knowledge (dominance of theory) – extension of economic base of knowledge (combination of economic and program specific knowledge) – gaining of relevant competences and skills (dominance of practically usable procedure aimed at regional development management). The study of the master's program Regional Development develops the system knowledge needed to optimal use of territorial assumptions, with special regard to project management and tourism development. Compared to the current field, students will gain deeper skills that are necessary for finding of process harmony between public and private actors of social development in the framework of development strategies creation or managing specific projects. In this context, it is also necessary to mention the theoretical and methodologically anchored capabilities of evaluation of development projects by applying the criteria of purposefulness, efficiency, and effectiveness with respect to social, economic and institutional environment. On the whole, it can be stated that the uniqueness of this creative program lies in the system approach to management or directing societal development.
Study plans
Admission ProceduresAdmission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2025
- Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programmeYou can find detailed information about the admission procedure at ECON.MUNI. Contact information: - questions concerning the electronic application form issues: - questions concerning the payment for the electronically submitted application form: - questions concerning of various fields of study, study purport and organization:
- Recommended reading for the examinations under this fieldPlease see ECON.MUNI .
- Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programmePlease see ECON.MUNI.
- Objectives
The objectives of the study are primarily based on the innovated graduate profile, which can be described systemically in the following way: economic base of knowledge (dominance of theory) – extension of economic base of knowledge (combination of economic and program specific knowledge) – gaining of relevant competences and skills (dominance of practically usable procedure aimed at regional development management). The study of the master's program Regional Development develops the system knowledge needed to optimal use of territorial assumptions, with special regard to project management and tourism development. Compared to the current field, students will gain deeper skills that are necessary for finding of process harmony between public and private actors of social development in the framework of development strategies creation or managing specific projects. In this context, it is also necessary to mention the theoretical and methodologically anchored capabilities of evaluation of development projects by applying the criteria of purposefulness, efficiency, and effectiveness with respect to social, economic and institutional environment. On the whole, it can be stated that the uniqueness of this creative program lies in the system approach to management or directing societal development.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- explain spatial patterns and methodological approaches created in regional economics and related scientific disciplines,
- participate in the creation of development concepts, strategies and projects at regional, national and supranational (e.g. EU) level,
- participate in management of development plans of companies (incl. destination management) with regard to location of investments, optimization of cooperative links, and marketing of sustainable development,
- process applications for project supported from national and transnational public resources,
- prepare opportunity studies and feasibility studies for investment projects,
- communicate with domestic and foreign experts from border disciplines (e. g. business and public economics, spatial planning, sociology and ecology).
- Occupational Profiles of Graduates
A balanced mix of acquired knowledge and skills enables graduates of the program to find a prestigious job in both private and public institutions, starting at local and ending at supranational level. Potential job opportunities include more demanding professional positions in state or local government and self-government and also in corporate management and marketing activities (e.g. at developer companies and tourism) or position of investment analyst and consultant. Passing the study further increases the prerequisites for starting one’s own business.
- Practical Training
Practical training is not part ot the curriculum of this study programme.
- Goals of Theses
The diploma thesis is designed to demonstrate the ability to critically analyze and comprehensively synthesize the information collected on the chosen topic (see ESF Guideline 9/2017).
Scope of work:
- 60 to 80 pages in A 4 format (without attachments).
Requirements of thesis:
- thesis assignment
- annotations of work including keywords in the working language and in English
- statement of the author of the thesis
- a list of used literary sources
- lists of tables, charts, pictures and used abbreviations
- list of attachments.
Structure of thesis:
- content of the thesis
- introduction of thesis
- an overview of past knowledge, main and sub-goals of the thesis and used
- the text of own thesis appropriately divided into chapters and sections
- conclusion and summary of the results of the work (including identification of
own benefit and possibilities of practical use).
- Access to Further Studies
The graduate may continue (after satisfying the admission requirements) to study in the doctoral study program Regional Economics.