Degree programme objectives
The Business Informatics study programme prepares students to become experts in the development of business processes and in the implementation and control of information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT). For that reason, students become familiar with the knowledge of economic disciplines as well as of applied informatics, both of which are needed for such jobs. In business, graduates operate as a bridge between corporate management (including the operative management that knows the details of business processes at the operative level) and ITC specialists.
The aim of the study is to create condition for successful employment as consultants, managers, and developers of business IS/ICT, as members of implementation teams, and as projects managers, and to provide students with quality background knowledge allowing the continuation of the studies at the Master’s degree level in the same or similar studies.
Study plans
- ObjectivesThe Business Informatics study programme prepares students to become experts in the development of business processes and in the implementation and control of information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT). For that reason, students become familiar with the knowledge of economic disciplines as well as of applied informatics, both of which are needed for such jobs. In business, graduates operate as a bridge between corporate management (including the operative management that knows the details of business processes at the operative level) and ITC specialists.
The aim of the study is to create condition for successful employment as consultants, managers, and developers of business IS/ICT, as members of implementation teams, and as projects managers, and to provide students with quality background knowledge allowing the continuation of the studies at the Master’s degree level in the same or similar studies.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- understand thoroughly the link between businesses economics and corporate information needs
- develop and apply relevant methodology in tasks related to the analysis of current IS/ICT and to design modifications of IS/ICT based on corporate technical and conceptual information needs
- propose the development of IS/ICT and participate in managing IS/ICT
- apply the general methods of scientific work
- communicate about profession-related issues in a global language
- to understand the theoretical background of business management and applied informatics at a level that will enable him/her to continue in the same or similar master study
- to effectively search and process information.
- to formulate their ideas into an academic text.
- Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates can take part in the analysis of the economic processes and of the specific system requirements when customizing information systems. They can work as leaders of smaller information system projects and as workers supporting the operation of IT economic functions.
- Practical Training
Practice is not compulsory, but only an optional part of the study, through the choice of the course "Traineeship".
- Goals of Theses
The final project is a structured written output, which is primarily intended to summarise the student's achievements. It verifies the student's ability to apply knowledge and skills in solving a specific problem that corresponds to the focus of the degree programme. The specific form is chosen in consultation with the supervisor of the Final Project. The Final Project takes the form of a brief document that presents the problem, its solution and explains the student's thinking in solving it. The total length of the Final Project is expected to be 10-15 standard pages.
Guidelines for the Final Project and other information can be found in the ECON MUNI Student Handbook available at
- Access to Further Studies
The graduates of the branch have the possibility to continue with the follow-up master study program Business management.