Psychological research as a way to understanding.

Degree programme objectives

The doctoral program in psychology prepares researchers and scholars in the field of psychology, focusing on social, developmental, clinical, general, educational, and occupational psychology. The emphasis is on deepening theoretical knowledge in these psychological disciplines that can be used in scientific research and in solving problems of professional practice. Students will learn the latest theoretical approaches, acquire a critical perspective on theoretical concepts and empirical research, and become familiar with methods of data analysis of both a quantitative and qualitative nature. They will develop the skills and abilities necessary for independent scientific psychological reflection and at the same time the ability for team research collaboration, whether disciplinary or interdisciplinary.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission Doctoral programmes Fall 2025 (beginning September 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2025

  • Acceptance round information

    This application is only for the semester Fall 2025 (beginning September 2025).

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
    Dates for submitting an e-application: 1 January 2025 – 30 April 2025
    Dates for inserting supporting documents to the e-application: 1 January 2025 – 31 May 2025
    Date of Entrance examination: 23 June 2025 - 27 June 2025
    Minimum score for being accepted: 60 points (out of 100)
    Supporting documents:

    • Outline of the proposed dissertation project
    • Curriculum Vitae / Resume
    • Consent of the future supervisor
    • Copy of master's degree certificate or proof of current studies
    • List of publications and papers (if available)
    • Proof of English - minimum B2 level (optional; compulsory only for those who cannot participate personally in the entrance exam)

    Those who cannot participate in the entrance exam in person have to provide additionally 2 Letters of Recommendation. They must be sent by the referees themselves to our e-mail or mail contacts.

    For being accepted, it is necessary to obtain the formal recognition of prior education in the Czech Republic. See the PhD admission website for further information.

    Important information

  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme

    The maximum possible score for the entrance examination is 100 points. A minimum of 60 points is required to pass the entrance examination.

    Criteria for assessing applicants:

    • Research project as a basis for the preparation of the dissertation - max. 40 points
    • Professional knowledge in the given research area - max. 30 points
    • Language skills (English in both written and verbal form) - max. 10 points
    • Previous research experience - max. 20 points


  • Objectives

    The doctoral program in psychology prepares researchers and scholars in the field of psychology, focusing on social, developmental, clinical, general, educational, and occupational psychology. The emphasis is on deepening theoretical knowledge in these psychological disciplines that can be used in scientific research and in solving problems of professional practice. Students will learn the latest theoretical approaches, acquire a critical perspective on theoretical concepts and empirical research, and become familiar with methods of data analysis of both a quantitative and qualitative nature. They will develop the skills and abilities necessary for independent scientific psychological reflection and at the same time the ability for team research collaboration, whether disciplinary or interdisciplinary.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • work in psychological science individually and independently
    • conduct unaided analytical work on the basis of their knowledge of theory
    • interpret and explain evidence from research
    • formulate innovative research problems and propose their solutions
    • gain the methods, techniques and skills in psychological research
    • publish and communicate the results of scienfitic work

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The qualification gained by the graduates of this programme can be put to use in academia and in research institutes. However, graduating from this Doctoral Programme does not qualify one to enter the psychology profession; it is not a substitute for obtaining a Master’s Degree in psychology.

  • Practical Training

    During one's studies, it is compulsory to complete a three-month-long stay at an academic institution or at an institution concerned with applied research abroad. Another required work experience is partaking in teaching psychology students and in research projects at the Department and other academic institutions.

  • Goals of Theses

    The dissertation must contain original results, either already published or accepted for publication.

    The dissertation is written entirely in one language - English (recommended) or Czech, or for native speakers in Slovak. The thesis may be submitted in another language only with the approval of the thesis committee.

    The length of the dissertation is roughly 180 000 - 216 000 characters including spaces. However, the length of the text is only an indicative indicator of the quality of the thesis; it depends primarily on the content of the thesis. Citations and references cited in the thesis must conform to the APA style standard

    The dissertation must be accompanied by a statement from the supervisor confirming the student's authorship of the marked parts of the dissertation and evaluating the student's contribution.

    The dissertation may take a variety of forms, including:

    (a) a collection of previously published work,

    b) a professional monograph

    c) a theoretical-methodological work

    The preferred form of a dissertation is a collection of papers accompanied by an introduction and a summary discussion and general conclusions. The preface of the dissertation should outline the structure of the thesis and should also include a detailed description of the student's contribution to each paper. This should be no less than 50% for two of the three minimum required papers (chapters) and no less than 30% for the third paper. It is also important that the author's contribution should relate to substantial parts of the paper. It is also expected that the author of the dissertation will be the first author of at least two papers.

    The collection of essays should consist of at least three articles (or chapters from an edited monograph). At least two of these three papers should have already been published or at least accepted for publication, the others should have already been submitted for publication. The articles are included in the dissertation in their original form (in terms of content) as published, but the format follows the uniform style of the dissertation (single language, formatting, APA style citations).

    The final discussion (general discussion) summarizes all the findings and integrates them into the theoretical framework. Basically, it answers the question of what is our theoretical understanding of the phenomenon under study, being aware of the knowledge gained and the shifts in the subject area that have occurred during the time of the dissertation.

    A professional monograph, theoretical-methodological work and other forms of dissertation must always have the parameters of a scientific publication, a substantial part of which has already been published or accepted for publication in some form. In the case of a monograph, it is typically a publication in a renowned publishing house (including MUNIPRESS), or a monograph that is based on own published articles but is a new text.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Social Studies
Programme guaranteed by
In cooperation with
The Czech Academy of Sciences
Psychologický ústav AV ČR
Programme guarantor