Let food be your medicine

Degree programme objectives

In accordance with Act No. 96/2004 Sb. the objectives of the Nutrition Therapy (Dietetics) study programme are focused on the preparation of professionals qualified to practice the dietetic profession.

The complex aim of the study programme is the education of specialists who will be able to:

- operate in the field of preventive care (primary, secondary and tertiary) with a focus on nutrition and clinical nutrition (nutritional clinics and nutritional counselling);

- prepare and implement educational programs and other forms of education on issues of nutrition, food, movement and eating, focused not only on children and young people, but also on the adult population and the elderly;

- perform professional, comprehensive nutritional care based on standards of health or social facilities in which the nutritional care process will be carried out, i.e. food/nutrition related history, nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention and nutritional monitoring (nutrition assessment at all available levels, diet plans, dietary nutrition calculations, individual and split diets, the quality and quantity of food served)

- perform diagnostic procedures (anthropometry, laboratory data and tests - calorimetry, bioimpendance and other specific procedures in collaboration with physicians);

- indicate and plan enteral nutritional support and enteral nutrition in collaboration with physicians;

- educate patients and those who care for them;

- apply knowledge about the drug - nutrient interactions in the nutrition care process;

- collaborate on research projects, evaluate and interpret the achieved results;

- collaborate in multidisciplinary teams;

- maintain health etics;

- further education.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    In accordance with Act No. 96/2004 Sb. the objectives of the Nutrition Therapy (Dietetics) study programme are focused on the preparation of professionals qualified to practice the dietetic profession.

    The complex aim of the study programme is the education of specialists who will be able to:

    - operate in the field of preventive care (primary, secondary and tertiary) with a focus on nutrition and clinical nutrition (nutritional clinics and nutritional counselling);

    - prepare and implement educational programs and other forms of education on issues of nutrition, food, movement and eating, focused not only on children and young people, but also on the adult population and the elderly;

    - perform professional, comprehensive nutritional care based on standards of health or social facilities in which the nutritional care process will be carried out, i.e. food/nutrition related history, nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention and nutritional monitoring (nutrition assessment at all available levels, diet plans, dietary nutrition calculations, individual and split diets, the quality and quantity of food served)

    - perform diagnostic procedures (anthropometry, laboratory data and tests - calorimetry, bioimpendance and other specific procedures in collaboration with physicians);

    - indicate and plan enteral nutritional support and enteral nutrition in collaboration with physicians;

    - educate patients and those who care for them;

    - apply knowledge about the drug - nutrient interactions in the nutrition care process;

    - collaborate on research projects, evaluate and interpret the achieved results;

    - collaborate in multidisciplinary teams;

    - maintain health etics;

    - further education.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • Process and evaluate food/nutrition related history.
    • Carry out the examinations necessary to determine the nutritional status.
    • Decide on a nutritional care planning and its implementation.
    • Know the principles of theoretical concepts and basic methods of nutritional interventions  and to understand their use in practice in performing independent professional activities
    • Monitor and evaluate the results of nutritional intervention.
    • Control and organize food preparation in accordance with the knowledge of both healthy nutrition and nutrition therapy.
    • To justify the selection and application of preventive strategies and methods in relation to the health of the client or population, thus actively health promotion and prevention the disease
    • Provide education and counseling to individuals, families and groups in the field of healthy nutrition and nutrition therapy.
    • As a member of a professional team, be able to solve practical problems in the field of nutrition.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The University prepares specialized personnel with application in health care pursuant to Section 15, Paragraphs 1a and 3 of Act No. 96/2004 Sb., (Law on Non-medical Health Professions, as amended).

    The acquired knowledge and skills can be used:

    - in ambulances of medical facilities, in nutrition counselling, educational centers,

    departments or clinics of healthcare facilities, social care institutions, intensive care units, dialysis centers;

    - dietary services and departments of dietetic, hospitals, social care institutions, spas or school canteens;

    - at the workplaces of The National Institute of Public Health and workplaces of national health surveillance in the field of nutrition hygiene;

    - in pharmaceutical companies, food factories, and fitness centers.

  • Regulated Professions
    • Dietitian
  • Practical Training

    Obligatory part of the Nutrition Therapy (Dietetics) programme is supervised practical training of a total of 12 weeks, i.e. 480 hours. Practice starts in the second semester and is spread over five semesters. The Department of Public Health provides praxis at the workplaces with whom the department cooperates on a long-term basis and on which it is possible to practice in the framework of concluded contracts with the MU Faculty of Medicine (e.g. health establishments, including specialized therapeutic institutions, educational establishments, educational centers, The National Institute of Public Health, social care facilities and catering facilities for medical, spa, school and social facilities). Practice is focused on the prevention and nutrition of both healthy and sick patients. The aim of the professional practice is to get acquainted with the activities in the care of client and patient nutrition. In the process of preparing nutrition therapy, practical experience and theoretical knowledge of food service activities are necessary prerequisites. The practice is conducted under the guidance of experienced dietitians in accordance with a description of their work activities and duties. The practice is focused not only on individual work with the patient / client, but also on group education and counselling.

  • Goals of Theses

    Bachelor thesis is a written part of state final examination. It's recommended range is at least 50 standard pages. The student demonstrates the ability to solve and process a specific subject under the guidance of a supervisor. The work has the character of scientific communication and therefore must maintain a certain structure adapted to the addressed problem. Bachelor thesis serves as a base document for the final state exam and is reviewed by oponent.

    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to demonstrate student's ability of:

    - solving and processing a specific subject;

    - applying the theoretical knowledge gained during the study in solving specific problems of dietetic practice;

    - combining lessons learned from different study subjects and evaluate interrelationships;

    - orientate and work with literature, and

    - solving theoretical and practical problems in the field of nutrition.

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completion of the Bachelor's studies and satisfying the admission requirements, it is possible to continue further studies in follow-up Master's programme Dietitian specialized in adult and child nutrition.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Medicine
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor