Teaching of Technical Drawing for Secondary Schools
Degree programme objectives
The aim of the study is to educate secondary school teachers of descriptive geometry. This follow-up Master's program will provide students with comprehensive education in descriptive geometry, including applications, computer geometry, as well as the necessary methodological, didactic and other general knowledges and skills for granting an approval for secondary school teacher of descriptive geometry. The objective of the optional courses is to get a broad overview of a number of geometric disciplines.Study plans
- ObjectivesThe aim of the study is to educate secondary school teachers of descriptive geometry. This follow-up Master's program will provide students with comprehensive education in descriptive geometry, including applications, computer geometry, as well as the necessary methodological, didactic and other general knowledges and skills for granting an approval for secondary school teacher of descriptive geometry. The objective of the optional courses is to get a broad overview of a number of geometric disciplines.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- prepare and conduct teaching using a variety of methods;
- handle non-standard situations in and out of the classroom and to diagnose and develop the classroom climate;
- motivate and activate pupils and promote democratic principles in the classroom and school;
- understand current school policy and trends in education, and work with their colleagues and school management on the vision and development of the school;
- use diagnostic and evaluation tools to identify the particularities of the environment and the needs of individual pupils;
- use support measures to individualize teaching, cooperate with counselling subjects;
- orientate himself/herself in the possibilities of evaluation of pupils and evaluation of his/her own teaching;
- master the theoretical foundations of all basic imaging methods;
- solve basic spatial problems in all basic imaging methods;
- reconstruct spatial objects from given planar images;
- teach the subject of descriptive geometry at a secondary school or technical college.
- Occupational Profiles of GraduatesThe graduate of this field of study will acquire all the necessary prerequisites to be able to work as a secondary school teacher of descriptive geometry or as a teacher of descriptive geometry at a technical university with the necessary methodological and didactic knowledge. He also has a good level of computer literacy, has acquired basic teaching skills during the teaching practice carried out during his studies, experience with professional spatial imagination and a creative approach to work.
- Regulated Professions
- Secondary school teacher
- Practical TrainingPractical training 1 – three weeks of teaching. The training should take place in September, before the beginning of the first semester. Practical training 2 - teaching under supervision of an experienced pedagogue with 10 lessons of observations, 10 lessons of teaching and 10 lessons of assistant work for the host school.
- Goals of ThesesThe elaboration and defence of the Master's thesis is a compulsory part of the study programme Teaching of Technical Drawing for Secondary Schools. By completing the master's thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to be oriented in the problems given by the topic of the master's thesis, the ability to work professionally under the guidance of his/her supervisor and the ability to make written and oral presentations. The standard thesis assignment period is in the first semester of the Master's degree. By assigning the Master's thesis, the teacher who wrote the topic becomes the supervisor of the Master's thesis for the student who chose it. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics registers and archives the written assignment of the Master's thesis. A student may suggest or agree on a topic for his/her Master's thesis to any teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. In this case, the teacher proposes the topic of the Master's thesis for a particular student.
The guidelines for the preparation of the Master's thesis are regulated by the Dean's Measure.
- Access to Further StudiesAfter a successful completion of the Master's study programme (and satisfying the admission requirements), graduates can continue their studies in the doctoral programme Mathematics.
Basic information
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations
Programme guaranteed by
In cooperation with
Programme guarantor