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Degree programme objectives

By studying the master's degree, the graduate gains the necessary competencies that will enable him to critically consider the use of pedagogical and psychological knowledge in the practice of a primary or secondary school teacher. The graduate is fully qualified to pursue a teacher's profession. He is ready to base his professional conduct on well-structured knowledge and skills from his approbation fields (content knowledge). The effectiveness of his / her professional conduct is conditioned by his didactic (didactic knowledge of content) and broader pedagogical and psychological knowledge and skills (knowledge of the broader background of education and training, knowledge of educational and educational practices, knowledge of education and education actors, etc.).

The study develops analytical and comparative skills, which enable to understand a diverse pedagogical reality and to use professional, pedagogical, psychological publications for planning, realization and reflection of educational activities. Develops communication skills relevant to communication and collaboration with pupils / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with parents of pupils / clients and practitioners. An important benefit of the study is the development of self-reflective skills that provide space for the development of attitudes to one another, to individuals who are being educated and to the profession: the perception of the responsibility of the teaching profession, the acceptance of the moral obligations of the helping profession and its ethics.

The study emphasizes the principle of interdisciplinarity (interconnection of some pedagogical and psychological subjects); the principle of sequence and gradation of themes and subjects, from more general to more specific. The concept is also characterized by the interdependence of theory and practice. An important part of the concept reflects pedagogical practice. The principles of reflection on practice and self-reflection are related both to practice and other experience-oriented subjects. An important part of the concept is also the promotion of inclusion, which is perceived as a cross-cutting theme (supported by a separate subject).

Study plans


  • Objectives

    By studying the master's degree, the graduate gains the necessary competencies that will enable him to critically consider the use of pedagogical and psychological knowledge in the practice of a primary or secondary school teacher. The graduate is fully qualified to pursue a teacher's profession. He is ready to base his professional conduct on well-structured knowledge and skills from his approbation fields (content knowledge). The effectiveness of his / her professional conduct is conditioned by his didactic (didactic knowledge of content) and broader pedagogical and psychological knowledge and skills (knowledge of the broader background of education and training, knowledge of educational and educational practices, knowledge of education and education actors, etc.).

    The study develops analytical and comparative skills, which enable to understand a diverse pedagogical reality and to use professional, pedagogical, psychological publications for planning, realization and reflection of educational activities. Develops communication skills relevant to communication and collaboration with pupils / clients, colleagues in the workplace, with parents of pupils / clients and practitioners. An important benefit of the study is the development of self-reflective skills that provide space for the development of attitudes to one another, to individuals who are being educated and to the profession: the perception of the responsibility of the teaching profession, the acceptance of the moral obligations of the helping profession and its ethics.

    The study emphasizes the principle of interdisciplinarity (interconnection of some pedagogical and psychological subjects); the principle of sequence and gradation of themes and subjects, from more general to more specific. The concept is also characterized by the interdependence of theory and practice. An important part of the concept reflects pedagogical practice. The principles of reflection on practice and self-reflection are related both to practice and other experience-oriented subjects. An important part of the concept is also the promotion of inclusion, which is perceived as a cross-cutting theme (supported by a separate subject).

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • plan, implement and reflect their own teaching at an appropriate level of established professional competencies;
    • to use the basic professional terminology and information sources of ped. and school psychology in describing, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating typical teaching situations, as well as in describing the educational environment of the school;
    • to use basic methods and tools of pedagogical diagnostics in practice and to obtain data available for individual pupil / client support and data for working with the group, class college.
    • describe and explain on a specific example from their portfolio individually specific learning processes;
    • to reflect the experience of own pedagogical practice in the professional community and to use reflection and self-reflection as a tool of professional learning: it critically views its own attitudes towards education.
    • vysvětlit a při své výchovně-vzdělávací činnosti reflektovat principy inkluzivního vzdělávání na úrovní kultury, politiky a praxe školy; vytvářet inkluzivní prostředí ve třídě.
    • apply different teaching approaches, assess the appropriateness of the teaching methods and justify their use
    • work in other institutions (e.g. free-time clubs)

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduate is fully qualified to pursue the profession of a history teacher at the elementary school and at the appropriate level of multi-year grammar schools. In addition, he is qualified to work in out-of-school (eg leisure-time) institutions. He is ready to start his professional career on well-structured knowledge and skills in the field of history. The effectiveness of his / her professional conduct is conditioned by his / her didactic knowledge of the content of teaching history at elementary schools and broader pedagogical and psychological knowledge and skills (knowledge of the broader background of education and training, knowledge of educational and educational practices, knowledge of education and education actors, etc.).

  • Regulated Professions
    • Teacher of the second level of primary school
  • Practical Training

    Practices are conceived as a coherent and graduating system with an emphasis on interconnection with theory and reflection and self-reflection of the student as a teacher.

    The aim of the teaching practice is to acquire the professional competencies necessary in the daily work of the teacher, to get acquainted with the roles in which the teacher enters his / her work, to become aware of his / her own professional needs and gradually to take responsibility for the planning, implementation and evaluation of the teaching. Throughout the course, students get the idea of what the teacher's everyday work involves.

    Practice forms a coherent system of successive subjects. In the follow-up master's programs, these are subjects of teaching practice 1 (1st semester), teaching practice 2 (2nd semester) of teaching practice 3 (3rd semester). In total, these practices are in the range of 280 hours (two-level study), followed by a seminar on teaching practice. Seminar on Teaching Practice 1 students enroll during their studies twice (in the first and second semesters). The aim of the reflection is to provide students with a space for sharing and reflecting experiences from their own pedagogical practice and helping them to deepen reflective and self-reflective skills.

    The system of practice is regularly evaluated both through closed and open questions, both by students and accompanying teachers. Reflective seminars are also evaluated.

  • Goals of Theses

    The final work of the student demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study to solving a specific professional-pedagogical problem. The type of final thesis corresponds to the content and level of the given degree of study. The student chooses the following types of works: a) theoretical-application, b) theoretical-empirical (research), c) theoretical. Types of work and recommendations for their implementation are further guided by the APA manual. The scope of the final thesis ranges from 81,000 to 130,000 characters, including gaps, ie 45-60 standard pages.

    The standards for the realization of the final works of the departments are in accordance with the Dean's Decree No. 1/2015. To carry out the final work (Bachelor's, Diploma, Rigorous and Final Works of the Life-long-term Course) as of 1 November 2015.

    The final papers follow the following goals according to the profile of the graduate of MU Faculty of Education. Student:

    to demonstrate the ability to orient themselves in the current issues of his / her field of study, he / she can clearly and comprehensibly define the topic of the final thesis and its objectives, describe the initial state of knowledge and propose adequate methods of solution in relation to the stated goals;

    works with adequate primary and secondary sources of information, cites them according to a valid standard (APA) and in accordance with the ethics of scientific work;

    through the creation of his own text, demonstrates stylistic competence, can create expert text.

    demonstrate the ability to ask questions and solve problems, to formulate new ideas and conclusions that bring at least partial new knowledge about the phenomenon being studied, possibly enrich the methodological (research) or methodical (in the field of education) procedures in relation to clearly defined and defined target groups (elementary school pupils, secondary school students, groups with specific educational needs, etc.).

  • Access to Further Studies

    A graduate of a master's degree program may, after meeting the admission conditions, continue to undertake doctoral studies.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Degree in Advanced Master's state examination
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Education
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor