Degree programme objectives
Cílem studia je připravit odborníky pro odbornou a koncepční práci v oblasti celoživotního učení a vzdělávání dospělých. Absolvent studijního oboru Andragogika disponuje širokým spektrem znalostí vědního oboru, zná jeho principy a strukturu a rovněž i souvislosti s příbuznými obory. Absolvent navazujícího magisterského studia Andragogiky je připraven pro odbornou a koncepční práci v oblasti celoživotního učení a vzdělávání dospělých. Rovněž disponuje znalostmi a dovednostmi v plánování, realizaci i vyhodnocení andragogického výzkumu.Studium mj. klade důraz na přípravu profesně zdatných absolventů, kteří budou znalí praxe vzdělávání dospělých, kompetenčně vybaveni pro celou škálu profesních aktivit, orientující se na mezinárodní úrovni, tzn. zaměstnatelné na konkurenčním trhu vzdělávání.
Study plans
Admission ProceduresAdmission to Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2025
- Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
Deadline for submitting applications: January 1 – April 30.
Who the programme is intended for: The programme is intended for graduates of any Bachelor’s degree programme, but primarily for graduates of Bachelor’s studies of the same or related degree programme.
Subject matter of the entrance examination: The entrance examination consists of a knowledge test containing questions with open answers. The duration of the entrance test is 60 min. The test consists of questions from the field of pedagogical sciences and related sciences according to the following topic areas:
- andragogy as a science, system of andragogical disciplines (theoretical and practical);
- the relationship of andragogy to the related sciences (sociology, demography, psychology, human resources management);
- theories of education (academic, sociocognitive and cognitive psychological, spiritualistic and personalistic, technological, social);
- lifelong and all-life learning, formal and informal education, informal learning;
- the educational system and educational institutions in the Czech Republic, school system - basic characteristics, system of educational institutions and their focus, functions;
- methodology of pedagogical and andragogical research, types of research (qualitative, quantitative, applied), their comparison.;
- classical (consensual, conflict, interpretive) and contemporary sociological theories and their interpretation of upbringing, education and school;
- goals and functions of social policy, actors, principles and tools of social policy, the welfare state;
- human resources development and lifelong learning in an international and Czech perspective, intentions and objectives formulated in the basic programming documents of the EU (Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, White Paper) and the Czech Republic (Human Resources Development Strategy, Czech Lifelong Learning Strategy, Strategy 2030+);
- empirical research on adult education, examples of empirical research on adult education published in scientific journals.
Waiver of the entrance examination: The entrance examination for the follow-up Master's degree will be waived for applicants who either have an average of up to 2.0 for the entire Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy or Social Education and Counselling (in the single-subject or major plan of study ) at the Faculty of Arts MU, or who have passed the Bachelor's degree examination in Pedagogy or Social Education and Counselling (in the single-subject or major plan of study ) at the Faculty of Arts MU with a grade of "passed with excellent results". However, no more than two years, i.e. four semesters, can have passed since the final state examination was taken.
Web Department of Educational Sciences.
General information on the course of the admission procedure to the follow-up Master’s degree programmes at FA MU can be found here.Documents for the current admission procedure are kept in Materials for Applicants.
- Recommended reading for the examinations under this field
Beneš, M. (2014). Andragogika. Grada Publishing.
Bertrand, Y. (1998). Soudobé teorie vzdělávání. Portál.
Dvořáková, M., & Šerák, M. (2016). Andragogika a vzdělávání dospělých: vybrané kapitoly. FF UK.
Gavora, P. (2010). Úvod do pedagogického výzkumu. Paido.
Chráska, M. (2016). Metody pedagogického výzkumu: základy kvantitativního výzkumu. Grada Publishing.
Rabušicová, M., ed. (2024). Učení a vzdělávání dospělých. Grada Publishing. (kap. 1.)
Švaříček, R., & Šeďová, K. (2014). Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogických vědách. Portál
- Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme
Pass/fail line of the entrance examination: 50 points (out of 100).
- ObjectivesCílem studia je připravit odborníky pro odbornou a koncepční práci v oblasti celoživotního učení a vzdělávání dospělých. Absolvent studijního oboru Andragogika disponuje širokým spektrem znalostí vědního oboru, zná jeho principy a strukturu a rovněž i souvislosti s příbuznými obory. Absolvent navazujícího magisterského studia Andragogiky je připraven pro odbornou a koncepční práci v oblasti celoživotního učení a vzdělávání dospělých. Rovněž disponuje znalostmi a dovednostmi v plánování, realizaci i vyhodnocení andragogického výzkumu.
Studium mj. klade důraz na přípravu profesně zdatných absolventů, kteří budou znalí praxe vzdělávání dospělých, kompetenčně vybaveni pro celou škálu profesních aktivit, orientující se na mezinárodní úrovni, tzn. zaměstnatelné na konkurenčním trhu vzdělávání.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- Work conceptually in the field of lifelong learning and adult education.
- Lead, manage and evaluate educational and learning activities for adults and to plan an educational course in all its phases.
- Choose adequate didactic and methodological approaches and know how to use such specific approaches as e-learning, personal and social development.
- Characterize and evaluate theories, concepts, and methods of contemporary knowledge acquisition in andragogy (and related) disciplines relevant to the teaching/learning process of adult education.
- Understand both national and European educational policies and practice.
- Understand both qualitative and quantitative research designs and is capable of applying them in research, evaluation, and developmental work.
- Analyse educational needs of various target groups in adult education.
- Employ project management principles in developing and implementing educational projects.
- Apply knowledge of human resources management systems in the organization when selecting, locating and evaluating staff.
- Apply knowledge of basic issues of labor relations in education and in human resources management.
- Recognize the need for counseling and advise adult career guidance services.
- Occupational Profiles of GraduatesThe graduates of the master‘s programme in Andragogy are prepared for expert and conceptual work in the area of lifelong learning and education of adults. Since the graduates of the programme master adequate didactic and methodological approaches to adult education, they are capable of individual planning, managing, realisation, and evaluation of multifaceted educational activities targeted at adults. In addition, graduates possess advanced knowledge and skills in empirical research methodology across the range of fundamental research designs.
- Practical TrainingPractical training accompanied by supervision is an obligatory part of the curriculum for this field to an extent of 100 hours. The aim of practical training is to open a space for students to gain practical skills and competencies for a work in adult education. The presentation of students‘ own work and a reflection are part of the practical training. The practical training is implemented in cooperation with contracted partners. Most of the partners are working together to implement the practical training on a long-term basis. For example, the public administration bodies are represented by the South Moravian Region government, educational institutions by Jan Amos Komensky Academy or the "Center for Education for All", the employers' organizations are represented by Zetor, a.s., among others.
- Goals of ThesesThe recommended length for a bachelor’s major thesis is 120 000 to 200 000 characters.
The text should keep to the one main topic expressed in the title. It should present the current state of knowledge of the topic. Source literature should be up-to-date and representative. The principal arguments should be cogent. The text should be terminologically consistent and terminology should be appropriate. The thesis should have clear conclusions.
The analysed sample and method used should be sufficiently described. A quantitative or qualitative method should be appropriately selected. The presentation of results should be understandable. The interpretation and discussions should be appropriate and correct. Tables should be done well, and be clear and understandable.
An integral part of the thesis is an illustration of data material collected (in the thesis appendix). For qualitative research, this involves the insertion of three to five pages of interview transcript or field notes; for quantitative research it involves the insertion of three to five scanned filled in questionnaires. The data must be made anonymous, i.e. actual names must be replaced by pseudonyms. Where other research procedures and methods are used, the illustration of data material collected should be consulted with the thesis supervisor.
Text: clearly and logically structured with suitable choice of chapters and meaningful linking of theoretical and application or empirical sections. Major and minor theses are written in first person singular.
Theoretical section: demonstrates the ability to work independently with a representative sample of Czech and foreign language literature, expresses his own substantiated position.
Empirical section: demonstrates the ability to understand the research undertaken, shows methodological consideration and the ability to understandably, meaningfully and clearly present the results of research.
- Access to Further StudiesAfter completion of the Master's degree studies, it is possible to continue further studies in any programme of the Doctoral studies (after satisfying the admission requirements) in the field of educational sciences.