
Degree programme objectives

The study of philosophy gives insight into general but precise ways of recognizing problems, asking questions, specifying the conceptual equipment, identifying possible answers and assessing them. It develops analytical and critical equipment, promotes consistency in thinking, cultivates the ability to accurately interpret the meaning of the message. The key value of studying philosophy is rationality; the student will become acquainted not only with general procedures of rational analysis, but also with their specific forms in traditional questions concerning existence, cognition, acting or decision making. The study of philosophy is a suitable preparation for particular critical engagement, leads to intellectual autonomy and the acquired abilities are well transferable to other research areas thanks to the emphasis on the development of interpretative and formulative habits.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission to Bachelor's and long-cycle Master's degree programmes in 2025/2026
Submission deadline until midnight 28/2/2025

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
    This programme is taught in Czech.

    The criteria for admission for studies are the results of the the Learning Potential Test (TSP) and the written Field of Study Examination. Applicants may also be admitted based on other criteria, see Admission without the Entrance Examination. The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University disregards the results of SCIO National Comparative Examinations.

    You can file your e-applications for studies from 1 November to 28 February.
    The Field of Study Examinations will be held from 22 till 27 April.
    The date and time of the examination will be stated in the electronic invitation for the examination, which will be uploaded to your e-application. The faculty will not be sending paper invitations. Applicants applying for the major study plan and minor study plan in a combined study must comply with the conditions for admission into both plans.

    Learning Potential Test (TSP)

    This test is only in Czech. For up-to-date information, click here

    Field of Study Examination

    This examination is intended to check the applicants’ knowledge of the given field of study. It takes the form of a written test.

    Basic description of the Field of Study Examination:
    The field of study test verifies the ability to understand a philosophical text. The test questions relate to selected parts of the texts listed below; the task is to demonstrate understanding of the assigned texts, so the questions concern the main theses and reasons, not knowledge of the historical context. The test consists of 10 questions with a single correct answer each time. The time to complete the test is 25 minutes; incorrect answers are not penalised. The limit for successfully passing the test are 5 correctly answered questions. The questions relate to the following passages:

    s. 9-21 z DESCARTES, R.: Rozprava o metodě. Oikúmené, 2016.
    s. 90-100 z SINGER, P. Praktická etika. Karolinum, 2024.
    s. 433-435 a 442-449 z TURING, A.: Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind, New Series, 59/236, 1950.

    You can find the texts and sample questions here:  https://filozofie.phil.muni.cz/pro-uchazece/prijimacky.

    Admission without the entrance examination

    You may be exempt from the entrance examination based on participation in a national round of Students’ Professional Activities (SOČ) in the field of philosophy, political studies, and other humanities.
    Please upload the officially certified documents directly to your e-application in the section Application for the Exemption from the Entrance Examination no later than 28 February.
  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme

    • Limit for TSP percentile for successfully passing the entrance examination: 60
    • Total number of points in the Field of Study Examination: 10
    • Limit for successfully passing the Field of Study Examination: 5
    All applicants must take the TSP test and the Field of Study Examination. Applicants who successfully complete the Field of Study Examination will be sorted into the final admission order based on the results of the TSP. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers in the Field of Study Examination.


  • Objectives
    The study of philosophy gives insight into general but precise ways of recognizing problems, asking questions, specifying the conceptual equipment, identifying possible answers and assessing them. It develops analytical and critical equipment, promotes consistency in thinking, cultivates the ability to accurately interpret the meaning of the message. The key value of studying philosophy is rationality; the student will become acquainted not only with general procedures of rational analysis, but also with their specific forms in traditional questions concerning existence, cognition, acting or decision making. The study of philosophy is a suitable preparation for particular critical engagement, leads to intellectual autonomy and the acquired abilities are well transferable to other research areas thanks to the emphasis on the development of interpretative and formulative habits.
  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • adequately paraphrase the text, analyze its structure and components
    • identify and assess arguments
    • recognize the key concepts, relevance and issues of traditional or new topics
    • persuade rationally
    • interpret the text clearly using a variety of interpreting techniques
    • orient themselves independently in different systems of values and norms
    • use traditional philosophical approaches as a model of problem solution
    • write, review, comment on scholarly text

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    The graduate of the program is ready to work in cultural and political institutions, analytical and communication agencies, media, departments of public relations, and managerial positions.
  • Practical Training
    Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan.
  • Goals of Theses
    A standard scope of a Bachelor's thesis ranges from 72,000 to 90,000 characters including footnotes, cover sheet, content, index, list of literature, and annotations. Students can work with already published texts and data accessible for secondary analysis. They should demonstrate the ability to work critically with specialized texts, process the concepts and theories discovered there, and find relevant answers to the given question.
  • Access to Further Studies
    After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in Master's degree programme in Philosophy (or some other related fields after satisfying the admission requirements).

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor