Degree programme objectives
The aim of the Master’s degree study programme is to develop and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor’s degree study programme. Students will become acquainted in detail with the intellectual aspects of the social and cultural evolution of humankind and develop their critical thinking and argumentative skills. The contents of the program include contemporary Anglo-American, French, and German philosophy, ontology, epistemology, comparative ethics, and scientific methodology. Contemporary issues in systematic philosophy, ethics, theory, and scientific methodology are emphasized.
Study plans
- Objectives
The aim of the Master’s degree study programme is to develop and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor’s degree study programme. Students will become acquainted in detail with the intellectual aspects of the social and cultural evolution of humankind and develop their critical thinking and argumentative skills. The contents of the program include contemporary Anglo-American, French, and German philosophy, ontology, epistemology, comparative ethics, and scientific methodology. Contemporary issues in systematic philosophy, ethics, theory, and scientific methodology are emphasized.
- Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- present the contemporary history of philosophy in its main language (national) spheres;
- explain the current problems of systematic philosophy (ontology, epistemology, ethics);
- analyse and interpret various theoretical concepts and systems;
- prepare a coherent professional philosophical paper on a given theme;
- reflect the philosophical background and the implications of contemporary issues of science.
- Occupational Profiles of Graduates
Graduates with this degree are qualified for independent work in state administration, educational institutions, and professional institutions of social sciences and humanities orientations. They can make use of their acquired knowledge and skills in editorial work in journals and publishing companies, and in any positions requiring communicative skills, critical thinking, and unbiased judgment.
- Practical Training
Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan.
- Goals of Theses
A standard scope of a Master's thesis ranges from 140,000 characters including footnotes, cover sheet, content, index, list of literature, and annotations. Students can work with already published texts and data accessible for secondary analysis. They should demonstrate the ability to work critically with specialized texts, process the concepts and theories discovered there, and find relevant answers to the given question.
- Access to Further Studies
After completion of the Master's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in Doctoral's degree programme in Philosophy or Philosophy and History of Science and Technology (or some other related fields after satisfying the admission requirements).