Slavic areas: both close and different

Degree programme objectives

Doctoral study programme of philological area studies aims at preparing a complexly educated professional in the specialized area programme, that will understand the cultural context and broader literal, linguistic and historical issues of the studied area. Study of such doctoral program at the Department of Slavonic Studies is logical, as Slavonic Studies are an area study itself, engaging in comparative study of often mixed (Slavic – non-Slavic) areas of Central and Eastern Europe and Balkans on the background of other European language and cultural areas. Area studies solders different disciplines of humanities (philology, history, anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies in general) together, what adds to scientific complexity and wide scope of knowledge of the graduate and is therefore designated for graduates of Slavistics master studies, as well as other humanities, mainly history or ethnology.

The main form of the doctoral study programme is systematic preparation for inventive scientific and specialized work under individual guidance of the designated advisor. The comparative typology of artistic, journalist and specialized texts, connected with field research and deep archive heuristics should serve as a base for this aim.

Study of this program will introduce the PhD candidates to all stages of the research process – from preparation of the research project through gathering, analysis, and critical evaluation of the data or source figures to the publication of the outcomes and finishing the dissertation. Credit system of the study provides possibility of planning an individual time schedule and its modification at any time, including planning study or research stays abroad or field research. Doctoral and specialized seminaries should help the PhD candidate in his/her specialized training. During these seminaries, the PhD candidate discusses the topic and problems of his/her dissertation in a broader specialized group of his/her colleagues and advisors, that adds to the development of critical thinking and argumentation skills or critical interpretation of texts and source materials. Special lectures of foreign specialists are included in the curriculum, as these help to widen the knowledge base of a PhD candidate and improve his/her language skills (the study requires mastering of one world language and one other Slavic language outside of original study field of the PhD candidate). It is anticipated that a PhD candidate will present outcomes of his/her research on conferences, colloquia, workshops, or round tables inland and abroad, as well as in a foreign specialized journal (at least once). During this study, a PhD candidate must write at least one review of a specialized publication connected to his/her doctoral project, and prepare for his/her further scientific praxis by composing and submission of a grant application. In additional courses he/she widens his/her competence in theory and methodology and in line with his/her individual study plan attends theoretical, methodological, fractographical or language courses corresponding to his/her areal focus and dissertation project. Study allows him/her to learn how to popularize a research process, work with media and finally will the PhD candidate under the supervision of his/her advisor prepare a specialized course for bachelor students, corresponding to his/her dissertation project and therefore gain a non-negligible pedagogical skill.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30/4/2025

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme

    Deadline for applications: Januar 1 - April 30

    Deadline for delivery of documents for the admission procedure: May 15.

    Documents for the admission procedure:

    • signed CV;
    • list of publications;
    • dissertation project;
    • motivational letter.

      All documents are to be inserted to the e-application ("Documents section"), deadline May 15. Applicants are requested to include their full name and application number in all attached documents.

      The entrance examination takes the form of an oral discussion where the committee examines:

    • degree of readiness for scientific study;
    • an idea of the main directions of one’s own study of the given field;
    • doctoral thesis project;
    • language skills.

      Notice: A poof of completion of a Master’s degree programme (officially certified copy of the diploma, in the case of education obtained abroad also the so-called recognition) shall be submitted by the accepted applicants upon enrolment in the studies. For the entrance examination, a proof of completion of a Master’s degree programme is not required.

  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme

    The applicants can obtain a maximum of 100 points. The minimum number of points for passing the exam is 70. The applicants are assessed in the following areas:

    • dissertation project (max. 60 points);
    • methodology (max. 20 points);
    • professional preparedness (max. 20 points).


  • Objectives
    Doctoral study programme of philological area studies aims at preparing a complexly educated professional in the specialized area programme, that will understand the cultural context and broader literal, linguistic and historical issues of the studied area. Study of such doctoral program at the Department of Slavonic Studies is logical, as Slavonic Studies are an area study itself, engaging in comparative study of often mixed (Slavic – non-Slavic) areas of Central and Eastern Europe and Balkans on the background of other European language and cultural areas. Area studies solders different disciplines of humanities (philology, history, anthropology, ethnology, cultural studies in general) together, what adds to scientific complexity and wide scope of knowledge of the graduate and is therefore designated for graduates of Slavistics master studies, as well as other humanities, mainly history or ethnology.

    The main form of the doctoral study programme is systematic preparation for inventive scientific and specialized work under individual guidance of the designated advisor. The comparative typology of artistic, journalist and specialized texts, connected with field research and deep archive heuristics should serve as a base for this aim.

    Study of this program will introduce the PhD candidates to all stages of the research process – from preparation of the research project through gathering, analysis, and critical evaluation of the data or source figures to the publication of the outcomes and finishing the dissertation. Credit system of the study provides possibility of planning an individual time schedule and its modification at any time, including planning study or research stays abroad or field research. Doctoral and specialized seminaries should help the PhD candidate in his/her specialized training. During these seminaries, the PhD candidate discusses the topic and problems of his/her dissertation in a broader specialized group of his/her colleagues and advisors, that adds to the development of critical thinking and argumentation skills or critical interpretation of texts and source materials. Special lectures of foreign specialists are included in the curriculum, as these help to widen the knowledge base of a PhD candidate and improve his/her language skills (the study requires mastering of one world language and one other Slavic language outside of original study field of the PhD candidate). It is anticipated that a PhD candidate will present outcomes of his/her research on conferences, colloquia, workshops, or round tables inland and abroad, as well as in a foreign specialized journal (at least once). During this study, a PhD candidate must write at least one review of a specialized publication connected to his/her doctoral project, and prepare for his/her further scientific praxis by composing and submission of a grant application. In additional courses he/she widens his/her competence in theory and methodology and in line with his/her individual study plan attends theoretical, methodological, fractographical or language courses corresponding to his/her areal focus and dissertation project. Study allows him/her to learn how to popularize a research process, work with media and finally will the PhD candidate under the supervision of his/her advisor prepare a specialized course for bachelor students, corresponding to his/her dissertation project and therefore gain a non-negligible pedagogical skill.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • conduct an independent scientific research in the area studies (focused on the chosen area);
    • orientate himself in the cultural context and broader literary, linguistic and historical matters of European cultural (mainly Slavic and Slavic – non-Slavic) areas;
    • methodologically correctly and ethically grasp the examined topic;
    • conduct a pedagogical work in the area of lecturing the culture of European (Slavic) areas, or the specific area on universities;
    • popularize the chosen areas in media and unbiasedly introduce their main problems;
    • prepare grant application in the studied field and outside of it;
    • apply a deeper knowledge of the chosen dominant areas in his/her publication work;
    • prepare and present outcomes of his/her work on domestic and international conferences;
    • conduct an organized and publishing work in the scientific area;
    • communicate in one world language and in one or two other languages of the chosen area.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    A PhD graduate is a qualified and competent expert of the matters of the philological area studies in general as well as in the field of one or more cultural areas, such as Central Europe, Balkans, Eastern Europe. He/she is also an expert on the matter of minority cultures, multiculturalism, and cultural comparative studies in the context of the chosen area. By mastering the theoretical and methodological difficulties of the research and mastering skills needed for the organizational and publishing scientific work as well as pedagogical skills, he/she is designated for further scientific career on universities and other scientific institutions. Besides the specialized knowledge, he/she will be able to offer independent thinking and acting, critical and rational reasoning and continuous work with information. Wide offer of specialized courses will prepare him/her for communication with media about the problems of the examined area or areas, as well as for popularization of the outcomes of (not only his/her) scientific work and will be therefore prepared for work also outside of the academic sphere. All the above stated, together with language skills and exceptionally wide area scope will allow him/her to employ in the EU institutions and other international organizations including NGOs, he/she will be also prepared for execution of middle and higher functions in the public sphere, might employ in the political functions connected with international relations, education and cultural politics of the state. Wide cultural outlook, knowledge of history, literature and linguistic issues of the area can point the graduate to the diplomatic service.

  • Goals of Theses

    The PhD studies are completed with a dissertation in the form of autonomous research product that is based not only on original processing of the unique topic, but corresponds to suitable theoretical and methodological base.

    Dissertation should have at least 180 000 characters. Endnotes and bibliography are included in the range, however front pages and addenda are not.

    Thesis should – except of the main text body – include frontpage, declaration of origin, table of contents, list of used literature, endnotes and resumé in foreign language.

Basic information

doctoral degree programme
Length of studies
4 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by