Vámi zvolený výběr obsahuje 239 výsledků. Upravit výběr.
Filtrování publikací


    1. SCHWARZ, Michal. Altai in Ancient Southern Connections. In The 66th annual meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Göttingen, 30. 6. - 5. 7. 2024. 2024.
    2. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Early Modern Latin terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In International Conference Pandemic Remedies across History. The Cultural and Discursive Representation of Pandemic Remedies Between the XVI and the XX Centuries. Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 18-19 June 2024. 2024.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. Emotions in political rituals and in Inner Asian tributary relations. In 2024 Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion (section: Conflicts and Politics), Queen's University, Belfast, 18-20 July, 2024. 2024.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal. Environmental complexity of religious interactions in Inner Asian history and ecology. In 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, University of Gothenburg, 19-23 August 2024. 2024.
    5. SCHWARZ, Michal. Changing evolutionary drivers in contemporary language development in Central Asia. In Conference: "Central Asia Language and Education", KIMEP University, Almaty, 16.-17. 5. 2024. 2024.
    6. SCHWARZ, Michal a Ondřej SRBA. Changing understanding of spatial organization of centers and peripheries in the evolution of Inner Asian political and administrative terminology. In From Athens to Samarqand Spatial Perception in Antiquity from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Taklamakan Desert. 20 th Melammu workshop. Innsbruck, January 17 19 2024. 2024.
    7. SCHWARZ, Michal. Iconicity of sacralized human body: Its evolution in mediaeval Inner Asian visual depictions and metaphorical descriptions. In 14th Conference Iconicity in Language and Literature, University of Catania, 30/5 – 1/6 2024. 2024.
    8. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Miracles of calming the storm in early modern Catholic missionary texts. In 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions : Nature, Ecology, and Religious Responses to Climate Change, Gothenburg, 19-23 August 2024. 2024.
    9. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Names of Christian festivals and holy days in Asian languages. In 10th International Conference on Language, Culture, and Mind: Celebrating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity, Brno, 11-14 July 2024. 2024.
    10. SCHWARZ, Michal. Prominent Neighbors in Comparative Inner Asian Chronology: Evolution of Sacred Statecraft in Inner Asian Ethno-political Complexity. In Oriental Meetings in Sosnowiec, University of Silesia, 25. 3. 2024. 2024.
    11. SCHWARZ, Michal. Symbolism and strategies of love in Inner Asian perspectives. In The 21st Melammu Workshop: The Art of Love. University of Gdaňsk, 24-26 May 2024. 2024.
    12. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Translating Creation: Terms for the Biblical Concept of Creation in Translations. In As Above, So Below: Explorations in Myth and Ritual Throughout the World. Traditional Cosmology Society 40th Anniversary Cosmos Conference. University of Edinburgh, 5-9th April 2024. 2024.
    13. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Transsubstantiation, Transfiguration, Metanoia: Three Christian Terms for Transitions and Related Translation Issues. In Central European Symposium for the Academic Study of Religion : Religion in Transformation : Changing the Conditions of (and by) Religiosity. Vienna, Austria, 2024 October 4 - 6. 2024.
    14. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Vietnamese syntax in de Rhodes’ Linguae annamiticae seu Tunchinensis brevis declaratio (1651). In SiRe workshop 2024: Advances in the history of linguistics, Università degli Studi di Palermo, May 27 & 28, 2024. 2024.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. Wealth as interaction with Heaven: Evolution of Cosmological Offerings, Rituals and Beliefs in Inner Asia, Korea and Vietnam. In Traditional Cosmology Society 40th Anniversary Conference: As Above, So Below: Exploration in Myth and Ritual Throughout the World University of Edinburgh, April 6, 2024. 2024.


    1. SAINBUYAN, Mijid. Ach am baridag: Bayadyn khödöölüülekh zan üil. Bayad Funeral Rituals. In Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia, Brno, Masaryk University, 8. 11. 2023. 2023.
    2. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Alexandre de Rhodes and his (mis)interpretation of the origin of Buddhism. In 17th Annual Conference on Asian Studies : Interpretation and Misinterpretation, November 24-25, 2023, Olomouc. 2023.
    3. SRBA, Ondřej. Altai uriankhain Baruun ambany khoshuuny tuslagch, sekheeten, zokhiolch Sambuugiin Zandavaany tukhai tovch temdeglel. In “Mongolyn uran zokhiolyn khariltsaa, kholboo, ulamjlal, önöö" sedevt olon ulsyn erdem shinjilgeenii khural, forum [International conference and forum on "Relationships and connections of Mongolian literature: Tradition and Present"]. National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. 15-16 August 2023. 2023.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal. Altaic religious interferences in the Tarim Basin. In 16th Seoul International Altaistic Conference, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 21-22 July 2023. 2023.
    5. SRBA, Ondřej. Altain Uriankhain khoshuunuudaas Javzandamba khutagt, Ikh khüree zereg busad süm khiided mörgöl üildej baisan tukhai tüükhiin barimtuud. In Uriankhain tüükh, shashin, öv soyol olon ulsyn erdem shinjilgeenii khural [International Conference on the history, religion and cultural heritage of Altai Uriankhais]. Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Philosophy & Gandantegchenlin Monastery, Ulaanbaatar. 24.03.2023. 2023.
    6. SRBA, Ondřej. Altain Uriankhain noyony khatnaar morduulsan Torguud vangiin okhiny araas kharaal tavisan tukhai khuuch yariany Torguudyn negen khuvilbar. In Torguudyn tüükh, shashin, öv soyol [History, religion and cultural heritage of the Torgud]. Gandantegchenlin Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 15 August 2023. 2023.
    7. SCHWARZ, Michal. Between the East and West : Development of Traditional Eastern and Modern Western Symbols in Korean Pop Music. In Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, University of the Philippines Dilimian, Manila, 16-19 May 2023. 2023.
    8. ZIKMUNDOVÁ, Veronika a Ondřej SRBA. Buddhismus v Mongolsku. In Heroldová, Helena. Návrat do Mongolska: sběratelé a sbírky v Náprstkově muzeu. 1. vyd. Praha: Národní muzeum : K-A-V-K-A - knižní a výtvarná kultura, 2023, s. 93-128. ISBN 978-80-7036-800-8.
    9. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Data collecting and analytic approaches towards the oral memory of the human-landscape relations in the Mongolian Altai. In Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 65th Annual Meeting, Astana - Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, 30 July - 4 August 2023. 2023.
    10. VRBKOVÁ, Julie Lien a Michal SCHWARZ. Development of cultural norms in Vietnam, China, and the active forms of love of modern women in the Vietnamese romantic literature. In 7th International Conference on Linguistics and Literature, Vienna, 26. 7. 2023 (online). 2023.
    11. SCHWARZ, Michal. Emotions in the language of continuing protest. In From Voicing Dissent to Declaring a Revolution : The Language of Protest, 47th Austrian Linguistics conference, University of Graz, 9. 12. 2023. 2023.
    12. SRBA, Ondřej. Europa-daki jangGar sudulul-un nom jüi. In Taya, D[awa-yin]. GadaGadu-yin "jangGar"-un surbulji bičig-un sudulul. 1. vyd. Kölün buyir qota: Öbür mongGol-un soyul-ün keblel-ün qoriy-a, 2023, s. 951-977. [degedü]. ISBN 978-7-5521-2314-2.
    13. SRBA, Ondřej. Europa-daki „jangGar“ sudulul-un tobči toyimu. In Taya, D[awa-yin]. GadaGadu-yin "jangGar"-un surbulji bičig-un sudulul. 1. vyd. Kölün buyir qota: Öbür mongGol-un soyul-ün keblel-ün qoriy-a, 2023, s. 3-14. [degedü]. ISBN 978-7-5521-2314-2.
    14. SCHWARZ, Michal. Evolution and revolution as exclusive concepts and interrelated processes in the history of East Asian religious systems. In 2nd International Humanities–Society–Identity Congress : Evolution/Revolution, University of Warsaw, 6.-7. 12. 2023. 2023.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. From Oppression to Modernity : Positive Innovations in the Use of Western Symbols in South Korean Pop Music and Culture. In Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, University of the Philippines Dilimian, Manila, 16-19 May 2023. 2023.
    16. TAMIRJAV, Bilegsaikhan. “Good and bad darga” in Dariganga Memory. In THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ”MONGOLIA AND THE MONGOLS: PAST AND PRESENT”, University of Warsaw, 16.-17. 10. 2023. 2023.
    17. SCHWARZ, Michal. Humor in parasitic and international relations. In 3rd Humor Research Project Conference, University of Silesia, Katowice, 2.-3. 10. 2023. 2023.
    18. SCHWARZ, Michal. Changing roles in semi-open societies and in tributary relations. In Interdisciplinary Workshop "Democratisation, roles and discourse", 12. 9. 2023, University of Bonn. 2023.
    19. SRBA, Ondřej. Kazakhs between brothers and enemies in the mythology and historical oral tradition of the Western Mongols (Oirats). In SIXTEENTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPARATIVE MYTHOLOGY. Mythologies of Violence : War in Heaven, War on Earth. August 21-25, 2023. 2023.
    20. KABELÁČOVÁ, Tereza. Lietuvių literatūra Čekijoje: kaip viskas prasidėjo? 2023.
    21. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Martyrdom and Identity in Catholic Christianity in East Asia. In 16th Conference of the International Association for Comparative Mythology, August 21-25, 2023, Rathcroghan Visitor Centre, Tulsk, Ireland. 2023.
    22. SRBA, Ondřej. Masarikiin Ikh Surguuliin nomyn san dakhi Javzandamba khutagtyn töröl üyeiin tukhai tovch temdeglel [A Concise Record about the Lineage of Jebtsundamba Khutuktus in the Library of Masaryk University]. In "Mongolyn ankhdugaar bogd Öndör Gegeen Zanabazaryn öv soyol“ [Cultural Heritage of the First Reincarnation of the Jebtsundamba Lineage, Öndör Gegeen Zanabazar].Gandantegchinlen Monastery, Ulaanbaatar, 27 September 2023. 2023.
    23. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Medical Traditions of Asia through the Eyes of the Early Modern Missionaries - with focus on Tibet and Korea. In Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia. 2023.
    24. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Ngo, Binh. Vietnamese : an essential grammar. Linguistica Brunensia. Czechia: -, 2023, roč. 71, č. 1, s. 97-99. ISSN 1803-7410.
    25. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Nicolini-Zani, Matteo. The luminous way to the East : texts and history of the first encounter of Christianity with China. Religio: Revue pro religionistiku. Brno: Czech Association for the Study of Religions, 2023, roč. 31, č. 1, s. 179–180. ISSN 1210-3640. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/Rel2023-1-16.
    26. SRBA, Ondřej. Ööldiin gegeen khemeegdsen Tsagaan gegeen Gungaajaltsany aman ulamjlalyn dür. In "Ööldiin khüree khiid: tüükh, soyol" sedevt olon ulsyn erdem shinjilgeenii khural [International conference on the monasteries, history and culture of the Olots]. Gandantegchenlin Monastery & National University of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar. 12.05.2023. 2023.
    27. SRBA, Ondřej. Oral genealogy and ancestral narratives among the Altai Uriankhai (Quest for the core of oral tradition). In "Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia" Organized by: Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. 8th November 2023. 2023.
    28. SCHWARZ, Michal. Prevention of violence in tributary relations and regulatory function of religious systems in Inner Asia. In 16th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, Rathcroghan Visitor Centre, Tulsk, Roscommon, Ireland, 21-25 August 2023. 2023.
    29. SCHWARZ, Michal. Principles of language dispersal in past vs. contemporary East Asian countryside. In 45th International Conference of the Linguistic Society of India, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – Uttarpradesh, India, 16.-18. 11. 2023. 2023.
    30. SCHWARZ, Michal. Principles of semi-open societies and short-term vs. long-term processes in modern development of Mongolia. In Mongolia and the Mongols, Past and Present, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Oriental Studies, 16.-17. 10. 2023. 2023.
    31. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Rady Roldán‑Figueroa: The Martyrs of Japan: Publication History and Catholic Missions in the Spanish World (Spain, New Spain, and the Philippines, 1597–1700) (Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2021, 306 stran, ISBN 978‑90‑04‑43752‑4). Studia theologica. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2023, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 238-241. ISSN 1212-8570.
    32. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages : Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia. 2023.
    33. SCHWARZ, Michal. Remarks on the current project research. In Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia, Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, 8. 11. 2023. 2023.
    34. VRBKOVÁ, Julie Lien. Reprezentace vietnamistiky FF MU na setkání k ochraně a rozvoji dědictví vietnamské kultury. 2023.
    35. TAMIRJAV, Bilegsaikhan. Some remarks on the pasture usage in Dariganga, Mongolia. In Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia, Brno, Masaryk University, 8. 11. 2023. 2023.
    36. SCHWARZ, Michal. Sources of resilience in the Mongolian society. In The Mongols – Tradition and Modernity : Mongolian Communities and their Neighbours Facing Global and Local Challenges, University of Tartu, 24. 03. 2023. 2023.
    37. KABELÁČOVÁ, Tereza. T. Kavtaradzės pjesės "Keletas pokalbių apie (Kristų)" vertimas į čekų kalbą. In Baltistika pasaulyje: patirtys, iššūkiai ir ateitis. 2023.
    38. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. The concept of superstition in the text of early modern Catholic missionaries. In Ethnology Without Borders XI. Borders and Boundaries, 28-30 September 2023, Budapest, Hungary. 2023.
    39. SRBA, Ondřej. “The First Kazakh War” in the Altai Uriankhai Oral Tradition of the Bulgan River Basin. In The 4th International Conference “Mongolia and the Mongols : Past and Present”, October, 16th-17th 2023, University of Warsaw, Poland. 2023.
    40. TERBISH, Baasanjav. The Sart Kalmaks: A Mongol group in Kyrgyzstan. In Relinking Field, Archives, and Languages: Oral and Written Sources in Mongolia and Central Asia, Brno, Masaryk University, 8. 11. 2023. 2023.
    41. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. "They Have Excellent Physicians" : Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Accounts of the Early Modern Christian Missionaries in Asia. In 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, September 4-8, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania. 2023.
    42. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu a Michal SCHWARZ. Vietnamese authors’ international publication trends in the field of social sciences. University of Social Sciences and Humanities (HCMUSSH) - HCMC National University, 2023.
    43. SRBA, Ondřej. Zakhchin and Altai Uriankhai pilgrimages in the 19th century : Connecting the periphery and centre. In III International Multidisciplinary Conference THE MONGOLS : TRADITION AND MODERNITY: Mongolian communities and their neighbours facing global and local challenges: Strategies, responses, perspectives 24-26 March, 2023 Senate Hall, University of Tartu, Ülikooli 18. 2023.
    44. SRBA, Ondřej. Zakhchin günii khoshuuny Mergen tsorj Gendengiin aman ulamjlalyn dür. In „Zakhchiny tüükh, shashin, öv soyol“-yn olon ulsyn erdem shinjilgeenii khural [International conference on the history, religion and cultural heritage of the Zakhchins]. Gandantegchenlin Monastery & Mongolian Academy of Sciences & Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Department of Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies. Ulaanbaatar. 09.06.2023. 2023.


    1. GANBOLD, Möngönhüügiin. Altain Urianhain Baruun gariin Čültem da lam (1886-1939). SRBA, Ondřej (redaktor, autor předmluvy). 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Soyombo Printing, 2022, 240 s. ISBN 978-9919-26-956-2.
    2. SRBA, Ondřej. Altain Urianhain gegeen huvilgaadiin tuhai tuühiin aman ulamjlaliin ögüülehüi ni. In Ágnes, Birtalan; Teleki, Krisztina; Béres, Judit. Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism 3: Tradition and Innovation. 1. vyd. Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2022, s. 129-146. n/a. ISBN 978-2-14-027382-7.
    3. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu a Michal SCHWARZ. Book review: Mariano Anderle (Editor), Innovations in Land, Water and Energy for Vietnam's Sustainable Development. Ekonimická revue - Central European Review of Economic Issues. 2022, XXV, č. 1, s. 29-33. ISSN 1212-3951.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal. Conceptualization of Sacred Light and Tracing of Its Evolution in Inner Asian Archaeology, Religious Texts, and Modern K-Pop Imagination. In Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, 7.-11. 6. 2022, Belgrade - Serbian Academy of Sciences. 2022.
    5. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu. Đổi mới và chuyển đổi kỹ thuật số để bảo quản tài liệu lưu trữ. In Sưu tầm, bảo quản và phát huy giá trị tài liệu lưu trữ quý hiếm của Việt Nam hiện nay (Collect, preserve and promote the value of rare and valuable archival documents of contemporary Vietnam). 2022.
    6. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu. Electronic procurement and sustainable development goals in the Czech Republic. In EGPA 2022 "Public Administration for the Sustainable Future of our Societies". 2022.
    7. SCHWARZ, Michal. Energetika ve Vietnamu. Energetika. 2022, roč. 72, č. 1, s. 17-19. ISSN 0375-8842.
    8. SCHWARZ, Michal. Foreign demons in Mongolian and Central Asian Buddhism throughout the time (with focus on initial L-). In Birtalan, Ágnes; Teleki, Krisztina ; Béres, Judit. Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism. Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2022, s. 90-101. 3 - Tradition and Innovation. ISBN 978-2-14-027382-7.
    9. SCHWARZ, Michal. From oppression to freedom: changes in the use of Western symbols in Korean pop and East Asia. In SOAS GLOCAL CALA 2022, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City (part 1, online). 2022.
    10. SCHWARZ, Michal. Functions of colors in the evolution of Inner Asian Societies. In Progress in Colour Studies 2022 (PICS 2022), 7-10 September, Tallin University. 2022.
    11. SCHWARZ, Michal. Changes in the use of ornaments and motif of light among the Kazakh people. In Khishigsükh, Byambasüren; Riza, Baigabyl. Kazakh ündestnii uuguul zan üiliin sudalgaa tulgamdsan asuudluud [Challenging Questions in Research of Kazakh Folk Customs]. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: National University of Mongolia, 2022, s. 50-60. ISBN 978-9919-27-228-9.
    12. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. “Christianity is not a crime” : expectations of religious freedom in Early Modern Catholic missions. In EASR Conference, 27 June - 1 July 2022, Cork, Ireland. 2022.
    13. SCHWARZ, Michal. Iconicity and types of juxtaposition on Inner Asian preliterary petroglyphs. In 13th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature - Sorbonne University, Paris, 31. 5. - 2. 6. 2022. 2022.
    14. SCHWARZ, Michal. Implications for the spread of the title khan, khagan, khatun and related forms in languages of Inner Asia. Altai Hakpo. Seoul: The Altaic Society of Korea (Seoul National University), 2022, roč. 32, č. 1, s. 191-214. ISSN 1226-6582.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. Jihokorejská energetika a její inovace. Energetika. 2022, roč. 72, č. 3, s. 170-173. ISSN 0375-8842.
    16. KABELÁČOVÁ, Tereza. Lietuvišku tekstu vertimai i čeku kalba : aplinkybes ir raida. In TARPTAUTINE MOKSLINE KONFERENCIJA „ROMANU KALBU TEKSTU VERTIMO AKIRAČIAI“. 2022.
    17. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. Maria Civitas Dei Mystica : Metaphors Comparing a Person to a Sacred Place in Christianity. In 15th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology. Sacred Ground: Place and Space in Mythology and Religion, June 7-11, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia. 2022.
    18. SCHWARZ, Michal. Modernizace správy vodních zdrojů ve Vietnamu. Vodní hospodářství. 2022, roč. 72, č. 3, s. 22-24. ISSN 1211-0760.
    19. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Mongolian Ritual Texts in Manuscript Collections in the Czech Republic. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2022, 497 s. Part 1. ISBN 978-80-280-0237-4. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M280-0238-2022.
    20. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Mongolian Ritual Texts in Manuscript Collections in the Czech Republic. Part 1. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0237-4.
    21. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Mongolian Ritual Texts in Manuscript Collections in the Czech Republic. Part 1. Online. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2022. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M280-0238-2022.
    22. KABELÁČOVÁ, Tereza, Ondřej SRBA a Michal SCHWARZ. Mother Deities across Eurasia : A Comparison of Latvian, Vietnamese, and Mongolian Traditions. In Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, 7.-11. 6. 2022, Belgrade - Serbian Academy of Sciences. 2022.
    23. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu. Một số ý kiến về nghiên cứu và đào tạo đáp ứng yêu cầu lưu trữ điện tử, lưu trữ số. Tạp chí Lưu trữ & Thời đại. Viet Nam: Hội Văn thư Lưu trữ Việt Nam (Vietnam Archives Association), 2022, roč. 4/2022, s. 35-37. ISSN 2734-9519.
    24. LIEN VRBKOVÁ, Julie a Michal SCHWARZ. New Forms of Devotion and Self-Sacrifice of Beautiful Women in the Vietnamese Romantic Literature of Tu Luc Van Doan. In 6th International Conference on Language and Literature. Santander: University of Cantabria, 27. 10. 2022 (online). 2022.
    25. SRBA, Ondřej. Notes on Тexts of the Mongolian Оrnithomancy. In Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism – Animals, Plants and Bioethics International conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Louis Ligeti 20–21 October, 2022, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities. 2022.
    26. SRBA, Ondřej. Oirat Oral Tradition about the Origin of the Russians. In Mongolian Language and Culture in Contact International conference October 26–29, 2022. Institute of Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. 2022.
    27. SRBA, Ondřej. Oral Tradition as Means of Expression of the Landscape Identity : A Case Study of the Altai Uriankhais. In International Academic Conference “Civilization Intercourse and Mutual Learning: Oral Tradition and Epic Gesar”, Qinghai University for Nationalities, Xining, 26.11.2022 [online]. 2022.
    28. SCHWARZ, Michal. Perspektivy zelených technologií v zemích ASEANu. Odpadové fórum. 2022, roč. 2022, č. 9, s. 38-39. ISSN 1212-7779.
    29. SCHWARZ, Michal. Promoters of language dispersal in past societies of Northeast Asia. In The 9th World Archaeological Congress, Prague, Cubex Centrum, July 03 - 08, 2022, Session G17-02: Northeast Asia and the ancient DNA revolution in interdisciplinary perspective. 2022.
    30. LIEN VRBKOVÁ, Julie. Proti pasivitě. Nhat Linh a Xuan Quynh. PLAV - měsíčník pro světovou literaturu. 2022, XVIII, č. 10, s. 9-13. ISSN 1802-4734.
    31. SRBA, Ondřej. Saad totgor khariulakh, gai tüitgerees uridchilan sergiilekh zoriulalttai üsegt khee temdeg tsogtsolson mongol gar bichmeliin khoyor jishee khiigeed tednii tövd, khyatad ug survalj. In Khishigsükh, Byambasüren; Riza, Baigabyl. Kazakh ündestnii uuguul zan üiliin sudalgaa tulgamdsan asuudluud [Challenging Questions in Research of Kazakh Folk Customs]. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: National University of Mongolia, 2022, s. 138-155. ISBN 978-9919-27-228-9.
    32. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu. Solar and lunar eclipse myths in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. In Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology: Sacred Ground. Place and Space in Mythology and Religion. International Association for Comparative Mythology and Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia, June 7-11, 2022. 2022.
    33. SCHWARZ, Michal. Sources of Symbolical Attractivity of Reptiles: Environmental Factors of their Original Use and Development of their Ritual and Protective Roles in Mongolian Culture and Buddhism. In Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism - Animals, Plants and Bioethics; Budapest - Eötvös Loránd University, 20.-21. 10. 2022. 2022.
    34. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu a David ŠPAČEK. Transparency in public procurement and e-procurement – what we know and don’t know. In IRSPM Conference 2022: Facing the future: Evolving socialpolitical-administrative relations and the future of administrative systems. 2022.
    35. SCHWARZ, Michal. Trendy jihokorejských investic v jihovýchodní Asii. Odpadové fórum. 2022, roč. 2022, č. 4, s. 10-11. ISSN 1212-7779.
    36. SRBA, Ondřej. Two Mongolian Ritual Texts from the Early 19th Century : “Incense Offering to Dasibalbar Mountain” and “Prayer for the Longevity of the Fifth Jebtsundamba Khutuktu“. Archiv Orientální. Prague: Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2022, roč. 90, č. 1, s. 115-146. ISSN 0044-8699. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.47979/aror.j.90.1.115-146.
    37. SCHWARZ, Michal. Zavádění eko-průmyslových parků v jihovýchodní Asii. Odpadové fórum. 2022, roč. 2022, č. 5, s. 14-15. ISSN 1212-7779.
    38. VRBKOVÁ, Julie Lien a Michal SCHWARZ. Zobrazování moderní ženy a motiv sebeobětování v nové vietnamské literatuře. ACC Journal. 2022, XXVIII, C, s. 92-98. ISSN 1803-9782.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej. A Hidden Path to Commonality¨: Life Stories in Archive Documents about Trans-Altai Migrations after the Qing Conquest. In 10th International Conference of Oriental Studies : Global and Local Perspectives, November 15-16, 2021, Warsaw, ul. Tyniecka 15/17 (Polish Academy of Sciences / Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw). 2021.
    2. SCHWARZ, Michal. Antropologie sociálních vztahů v soudobém Vietnamu. ACC Journal. 2021, roč. 27, č. 3, s. 103-107. ISSN 1803-9782. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.15240/tul/004/2021-3-010.
    3. SRBA, Ondřej. “Bogd gegeentnii lündengeer togtooj zarlasan dürmiin bichig” khemeekh survaljiin tukhai. In Ündesnii erkh chölöö, tusgaar togtnoloo sergeen manduulsny 110 jiliin oid zoriulsan “BOGD JAVZANDAMBA KHAAN” sedevt olon ulsyn erdem shinjilgeenii tsakhim khural [International Online Conference about Bogd Jebtsundamba Khan Dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Mongolian National Independence], Buddha Production - Ulaanbaatar / Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest, 22 January 2021. 2021.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal a Thi My Dieu NGUYEN. Další východiska ekologických modernizací ve Vietnamu. Odpadové fórum. 2021, roč. 22, č. 11, s. 30-31. ISSN 1212-7779.
    5. SRBA, Ondřej. Frame Narratives Concerning the Chinese Origin of Divination and Geomancy in Mongolian Manuscript Texts. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2021, roč. 74, č. 3, s. 431-482. ISSN 0001-6446. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1556/062.2021.00141.
    6. SRBA, Ondřej. Hovd aimgiin Mönhhairhan sumiin „Ovor“ Bayandelegiin tuhai aman tüüh, aman ulamjlal hiigeed 1944-1990 onii hoorondoh Altain Urianhaičuudiin šašin šütlegiin baidal. In G. Cerensugar. BNMAU : Buddin šašin, süm hiidiin asuudal (1944-1990 on) [Mongolian People's Republic : Buddhism and Monasteries]. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: MU ŠUA, 2021, s. 128-143. mimo ediční řady. ISBN 978-9919-9646-8-9.
    7. SRBA, Ondřej. "Iltgel šastir"-t oroogüi noyod : Manj Čingiin üyiin Altain Urianhaičuudiin zarim hošuunii zasag noyodiin ugsaa zalgamjlaliin tüühiig sudalsan tuhai. In Na. Sühbaatar. Oirad sudlaliin ögüüllüüd - II. [Articles in Oirad Studies - II.]. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Tod Nomiin Gerel Töv & Soyombo Printing, 2021, s. 233-247. Bibliotheca Oiratica CVII. ISBN 978-9919-9654-5-7.
    8. LIEN VRBKOVÁ, Julie. Jak otevřít bránu knihovny vietnamským rodinám? In Impulsy: Inspirace, náměty a trendy dětského čtenářství. Brno: Knihovna Jiřího Mahena, 2021, s. 1-6. Impulsy: Inspirace, náměty a trendy dětského čtenářství. ISSN 2336-727X.
    9. SCHWARZ, Michal a Thi My Dieu NGUYEN. Jihovýchodní Asie na přelomu pandemie. Regionální rozvoj mezi teorií a praxí. 2021, roč. 2021, č. 3, s. 34-43. ISSN 1805-3246.
    10. SCHWARZ, Michal. Journeys to the kings and marriages across boundaries : Asian first ladies and sacralized polygamy in mythological motifs and in practice. In Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology - Death and Migration in World Mythology (online, USA). 23-27 August, 2021. 2021.
    11. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. K. Kale Yu : Understanding Korean Christianity : Grassroots Perspectives on Causes, Culture, and Responses (Eugene, Oregon : Pickwick Publications, 2019, 313 stran, ISBN 978‑1‑5326‑9253‑6). Studia theologica. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2021, roč. 23, č. 3, s. 224-226. ISSN 1212-8570.
    12. SCHWARZ, Michal a Thi My Dieu NGUYEN. Korean Values in Foreign Investment: Comparison of Ethical Principles in Korean Companies in Czech Republic/EU and Vietnam. In Dimensions of Business Language and Culture, DOBLAC 2021, Katowice, 15.-16. 4. 2021. 2021.
    13. KABELÁČOVÁ, Tereza a Adamová JEVGENIJA. Lietuvių kalbos studijos Čekijoje. In 2-oji tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija "Jaunieji humanitarai ir Kazimieras Būga", online, 25.-26. 11. 2021. 2021.
    14. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej. “No One Can Serve Two Masters” : The Biblical Metaphor of Slavery in Translations. In Simpozionul "Explorări în tradiţia biblică românească şi europeană", ediţia a 10-a 3. – 5. června 2021, Jassy. 2021.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. Notes to exactitude and perspectives of botanical metaphors and models in linguistics. In Cambridge PIER Workshop : Revisiting and Rethinking a System. New Approaches to Data and Modelling in Indo-European Studies. University of Cambridge, Faculty of Classics, 14 June 2021 (online). 2021.
    16. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu a Michal SCHWARZ. Nové aplikace a udržitelnost ve vietnamském environmentálním výzkumu. Odpadové fórum. 2021, roč. 2021, č. 10, s. 36-37. ISSN 1212-7779.
    17. LIEN VRBKOVÁ, Julie. O spolupráci interkulturního týmu MMB s Moravským zemským muzeem. Magistrát města Brno, 2021, s. 1-1. Newsletter Odboru sociální péče k tematice INTEGRACE CIZINCŮ.
    18. SRBA, Ondřej, Veronika ZIKMUNDOVÁ a Kateřina ZIKMUNDOVÁ. Oral Tradition and Language Contact: Tuvans as perceived by the Mongolian speaking Altai Uriankhais. In Language Contact in the Altaic World: A Multiperspective Approach, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 19.11.2021. 2021.
    19. SCHWARZ, Michal. Ritual representations of power in Inner Asia : development of early symbols in their modern Mongolian, Manchu and Korean depictions. In 10th International Conference of Oriental Studies : Global and Local Perspectives, Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences – University of Warsaw, 15.-16. 11. 2021. 2021.
    20. SCHWARZ, Michal. Selected remarks to the spread of the title khan, khagan, khatun and related forms in languages of Inner Asia. In Proceedings of the Seoul International Altaistic Conference. Seoul: The Altaic Society of Korea, 2021.
    21. SCHWARZ, Michal. Solární energetika v jihovýchodní Asii a její rozvoj ve Vietnamu. Odpadové fórum. 2021, roč. 2021, č. 12, s. 20-21. ISSN 1212-7779.
    22. SCHWARZ, Michal. Spolupráce na výstavě Vietnam včera a dnes - v Technickém muzeu města Brna, listopad – prosinec, 2021. 2021.
    23. SCHWARZ, Michal a Thi My Dieu NGUYEN. Súvislosti klimatických zmien na území Ázie. Green Magazine. 2021, roč. 5, č. 3, s. 20-23. ISSN 2585-7193.
    24. SCHWARZ, Michal. The Duality of Light and Dark in Buddhist Texts : metaphors in syncretic processes at Central Asian crossroads. In The Third Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC-2021), Budapest, Hungary, 16-18 June 2021 (online). 2021.
    25. SRBA, Ondřej. The Evolution of the Qing Administrative Structure of Hulun Buir and the Relocation of Dagurs from the Old Barga Aimag in 1920. Studia Orientalia Slovaca. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2021, roč. 20, č. 1, s. 151-178. ISSN 1336-3786.
    26. PAZDÍREK, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. The Christian concept of the afterlife in the early modern missions to East Asia. In Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology - Death and Migration in World Mythology (online, USA). 23-27 August, 2021. 2021.
    27. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu a Michal SCHWARZ. Vietnam and Southeast Asia Experiences with COVID-19 : Development and SWOT Analysis. In 10th International Conference of Oriental Studies : Global and Local Perspectives, Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences – University of Warsaw, 15.-16. 11. 2021. 2021.
    28. SRBA, Ondřej. Wandering Behind Death in Western Mongolian Oral Tradition. In Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology: Death and Migration in World Mythology, August 23-27, 2021, International Association for Comparative Mythology (online). 2021.
    29. SRBA, Ondřej a D. TAYA. 18-duGar jaGun-u qalimaG "geser-ün tuGuji"-yin german kelen-ü orčiGulG-a-yin sudulul. Dumdadu ulus-un mongGol sudulul / Zhongguo menggu xue / Mongolian Studies of China. China, Hohhot: Academy of Social Sciences of Inner Mongolia, 2021, roč. 49, č. 1, s. 31-39. ISSN 1673-1247.


    1. SCHWARZ, Michal, Ondřej SRBA a Václav BLAŽEK. A comparative approach to the pronominal system in Transeurasian. In Robbeets, Martine; Savelyev, Alexander. The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages. First edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, s. 554-584. The Oxford Guides to the World's Languages. ISBN 978-0-19-880462-8. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198804628.003.0033.
    2. SRBA, Ondřej. A Cyrillic manuscript of a Mongolian prophetic text from Western Mongolia as an evidence of the literary pronunciation of the Clear script. In Reckel, Johannes; Schatz, Merle. Oirat and Kalmyk Identity in the 20th and 21st Century. 1. vyd. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2020, s. 383-428. ISBN 978-3-86395-464-2. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.17875/gup2020-1334.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. Early Signs in East Asia – their practical background and use. In The 5th International Conference of Semiosis Research Center, Seoul, Korea, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (online), 29. 6. - 5. 7. 2020. 2020.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal. Lexical parallels in calendars and less obvious traces of Chinese influence on ancient Xinjiang languages. Altai Hakpo. Seoul: Seoul National University: The Altaic Society of Korea, 2020, roč. 30, č. 1, s. 205-221. ISSN 1226-6582.
    5. SRBA, Ondřej. “Nam zasag gedeg chini Mönkhkhairkhanii castai mönkhiin tom uul yum shig …”: Khovd aimgiin Mönkhkhairkhan sumiin “Ovor” Bayandelegiin tukhai aman tüükh, aman ulamjlal khiigeed 1944-1990 onii khoorondokh Altain Uriankhaichuudiin shashin shutlegiin baidal. In “BNMAU: Shashin, süm khiidiin asuudal (1944-1990)” [Mongolian People’s Republic: Questions of Religion and Monasteries (1944–1990)] in Ulaanbaatar, Institute of History, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, 6 November 2020. 2020.
    6. NGUYEN, Thi My Dieu. Nâng cao kỹ năng thực thi nghiệp vụ hành chính của đội ngũ công chức, viên chức văn phòng cấp xã. In Xây dựng văn phòng uỷ ban nhân dân cấp xã vững mạnh, đáp ứng yêu cầu cải cách hành chính ở địa phương. 2020.
    7. SRBA, Ondřej. The Dungan invasion to Mongolia in the Zakhchin oral tradition. In 3rd International Conference “Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present, held online on November 18-19, 2020, University of Warsaw, Poland. 2020.
    8. SCHWARZ, Michal. The past and prospects of Mongolia-based taxonomies. In 3rd International Conference “Mongolia and the Mongols: Past and Present”. University of Warsaw, Poland, November 18-19, 2020. 2020.
    9. SRBA, Ondřej. The Sin and Merit of Killing a Tiger: Mentions about rituals connected to the tiger hunting in the oral tradition of Altai Uriankhais. Oyirad Studies. Budapest: Department of Inner Asian Studies, Research Centre for Mongolian Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, 2020, roč. 6, č. 2020, s. 100-117. ISSN 2416-1128.
    10. SCHWARZ, Michal. Thousand faces of Maitreya and real life at Central Asian linguistic and cultural cross-roads. In The Eight Annual Doctoral Research Workshop on Central Asia – History and Historiography of Central Asia. 25 January 2020, London – Senate House, Royal Holloway University of London and University College London. 2020.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej. A History for the Common People : Chronological concepts in popular Mongolian texts of the 18th and 19th centuries. In The “Second International Conference of Eurasian Classics and the Book Launching Ceremony of the Complete Academic Works of Professor Y. Rinchin” on November 15th-18th, 2019. 2019.
    2. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. Altaic Languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019, 358 s. první edice. ISBN 978-80-210-9321-8. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9322-2019.
    3. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. Altaic Languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Online. 1., elektronické vyd. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019, 358 s. ISBN 978-80-210-9322-5. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-9322-2019.
    4. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. Altaic Languages. History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. 1. vyd. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019, 358 s. ISBN 978-80-210-9321-8.
    5. SCHWARZ, Michal. Altaic lexical parallels and mediation in Xinjiang. In The 14th Seoul International Altaistic Conference. Grammars of Altaic languages. 21-24 July, 2019, Chonbuk National University, Korea. 2019.
    6. SCHWARZ, Michal. Altaic lexical parallels and mediation in Xinjiang. In The Altaic Society of Korea. Proceedings of The 14th Seoul International Altaistic Conference. Grammars of Altaic languages. 21-24 July, 2019, Chonbuk National University. Seoul: The Altaic Society of Korea. Jeonju: The Altaic Society of Korea, 2019, s. 381-407.
    7. SCHWARZ, Michal. Dinh Van Duc, Tran Tri Doi et al. (eds.). Tieng Viet lich su truoc the ky XX. Nhung van de quan yeu. Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Dai Hoc Quoc gia Ha Noi, 2018. 579 s. (Recenze). Linguistica Brunensia. 2019, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 68-71. ISSN 1803-7410.
    8. SCHWARZ, Michal. Foreign Demons in Mongolian and Central Asian Buddhism throughout the Time (with focus on initial L-). In Mongolian Buddhism : Tradition and Innovation = 3rd International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism + 3rd traditional European conference organized annually by the International Association for Mongol Studies, April 25-26, 2019, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University. 2019.
    9. SRBA, Ondřej. Gar argaar üildverlesen Orosiin caasnii usan temdgiin ündsen deer mongol gar bičmeliin üüssen cag üyiig todorhoiloh arga (heden tod üsgiin gar bičmeliin jišeen deer). In A. Batsuuri, Na. Sühbaatar. Tod üseg - 370. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Hovd Ih Surguuli - Tod Nomiin Gerel Töv, 2019, s. 108-122. ISBN 978-9919-22-186-7.
    10. SRBA, Ondřej. Iltgel šastirt oroogüi noyod : Altain Urianhaičuudiin zarim hošuunii zasag noyodiin ugsaa zalgamjlaliin tüühiig sudalsan tuhai. In Guravdugaar hugacaanii mongol survalj bičig sudlaliin olon ulsiin erdem šinjilgeenii hural / Third International Conference on Mongolian Historical Sources, Minzu University of China, Beijing, 2.-3.11.2019. 2019.
    11. SRBA, Ondřej. Interpreting Future Histories : Prophetic Thinking in the Oral Tradition of the Bulgan River Basin in Western Mongolia. Mongolica Pragensia. Prague: Triton, 2019, Vol. 12, č. 1, s. 53-97. ISSN 1803-5647.
    12. SCHWARZ, Michal. Mongol-oriented Taxons in Modern Science. In The Politics of Categorizing Linguistic Varieties, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 13 July, 2019. 2019.
    13. SRBA, Ondřej. Reincarnate lamas of Altai Uriankhais according to the local oral tradition. In Mongolian Buddhism : Tradition and Innovation. Third International Conference on Mongolian Buddhism. April 25–26, 2019 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. 2019.
    14. SCHWARZ, Michal. Reptiles, amphibians and their emotional polarity in East Asian folk tales. In Mythology of Metamorphoses : Comparative & Theoretical Perspectives – The 13th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology of the International Association for Comparative Mythology + The 8th Annual Conference of the Center of Excellence in Estonian Studies. June 10-14, 2019, Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu, Estonia. 2019.
    15. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Teüken sedübtü aman ulamjilal-un üliger kiged orun nutuG-un teüke-yin öber-ün oyilaGalta. In Sarangerel; ČoGtu. MongGol jang üile soyul sudulul / Menggu minsu wenhua yanjiu [Studies of Mongolian cultural customs and rites]. 1. vyd. Beijing: Ündüsüten-ü keblel-ün qoriy-a / Minzu chubanshe / The Ethnic Publishing House, 2019, s. 423-440. mimo ediční řady. ISBN 978-7-105-15753-2.
    16. SCHWARZ, Michal. Trinh Cam Lan. Tieng Ha Noi tu huong tiep can phuong ngu hoc xa hoi. Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Dai hoc quoc gia Ha Noi, 2017. 460 s. (Recenze). Linguistica Brunensia. 2019, roč. 67, č. 2, s. 72-74. ISSN 1803-7410.
    17. SCHWARZ, Michal. Water resources and cultural patterns in dry and Mongolian Inner Asia. In Down by the Water. Interdisciplinary symposium on the role of water transit points in past societies. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, 6-8 November 2019. 2019.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej. A Document about the Sibe Resettlement from the Khalkha Archive. In The 2nd International Conference of Sibe Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, October 4, 2018, Císařský sál, Karolinum. 2018.
    2. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Altaic from the Point of View of Tungusic : Past & Present State and Future Prospect. Turk Dilleri Araştımaları. 2018, roč. 28, č. 2, s. 135-156. ISSN 1300-5316.
    3. SRBA, Ondřej. Altain Urianhain Baruun ambanii hos'uunii on cagiin tovc'oon. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Soyombo printing, 2018, 144 s. mimo ediční řady. ISBN 978-99978-3-342-6.
    4. SRBA, Ondřej. Bratrské překlady textů do kalmyčtiny. In Dvorský, Daniel; Říčan, Daniel. Sborník VIII. konference Moravian v roce 2018 : Přínos Moravských bratří zemím a národům. 1. vyd. Suchdol nad Odrou: Moravian, 2018, s. 23-36. ISBN 978-80-904732-6-3.
    5. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Divine Beings Connected with Earth in Indo-European Traditions and Beyond. In Twelfth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, Tohoku University, Sendai, June 1-4, 2018. 2018.
    6. SRBA, Ondřej. Gar argaar üildverlesen Orosiin caasnii usan temdgiin ündsen deer mongol gar bičmeliin üüssen cag üyiig todorhoiloh arga (heden tod üsgiin gar bičmeliin jišeen deer). In CLEAR SCRIPT-370: The VI international conference of Oirad studies for the 370th year anniversary of Clear Script, Khovd State University, Mongolia, 14.-16.9.2018. 2018.
    7. SRBA, Ondřej. Mongol ulsiin Altai Urianhaičuudiin Tod üsgiin hereglee (Aman tüühiin sudalgaa). In Konference: Tod u'seg - 370, pořadatel Tod nomiin gerel to'v, Ulaanbaatar, 22.6.2018. 2018.
    8. SRBA, Ondřej. Mongol ulsiin Altai Urianhaičuudiin Tod üsgiin hereglee (Aman tüühiin sudalgaa). In Na. Su'hbaatar. Tod u'seg-370. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Tod nomiin gerel to'v, 2018, s. 24-34. ISBN 978-99978-761-2-6.
    9. SCHWARZ, Michal. Mountains and Monsoons : Difficult Ways to Harmonize the Spirits. In Twelfth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, June 1-4 2018, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 2018.
    10. SRBA, Ondřej. "Ogtorgui gazriin naiman gegeen" sudriin asuudald: "Hars' zasah naiman gegeen" sudriin negen s'ine huvilbar. In Sampildondov CHULUUN. Mongol Ganz'uur: Olon ulsyn sudalgaa / The Mongolian Kanjur: International Studies. 1. vyd. Ulaanbaatar: Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History and Archeology, 2018, s. 224-246. ISBN 978-99978-976-3-3.
    11. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. On Tocharian Vessel-names with Special Regard to B lwake ‘pot’. In Kroonen, Guus; Mallory, James P.; Comrie, Bernard. Talking Neolithic. Proceedings of the workshop on Indo-European origins held at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, December 2-3, 2013. Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series No. 65, Washington D.C., 2018. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man, Washington, DC, 2018, s. 24-38. ISBN 978-0-9845353-4-7.
    12. SRBA, Ondřej. Prophecies and predictions of the future in the oral tradition and oral history in the basin of Bulgan river. In Colloque international Etudes mongoles et altaïques : renouvellement et perspectives, 23-24 mars 2018, INALCO, Paris. 2018.
    13. SCHWARZ, Michal. Stanislav Brouček : The Visible and Invisible Vietnamese in the Czech Republic. The Problems of Adaptation of the Modern-Day Ethnic Group in the Local Environment of the Czech Majority. Národopisný věstník. 2018, roč. 35 (77), č. 2, s. 98-103. ISSN 1211-8117.
    14. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. The Pronominal System. In Workshop on the Historical Comparison of the Transeurasian languages, Jena, Max-Planck Institute, January 8-11, 2018. 2018.
    15. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. The Transeurasian Pronominal system. In Workshop on the historical comparison of the Transeurasian languages. 2018.
    16. SRBA, Ondřej. Todo bičiq among Altai Urianhai in Mongolia: Oral Histories of its Transmission and Decline. In "The Oirat and Kalmyk in Mongolia, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and China – Looking for an Oirat identity in the 20th and 21st century", Goettingen University, 20th to 23rd February 2018. 2018.
    17. SRBA, Ondřej. Two recently identified Mongolian sources concerning Tibeto-Mongolian relations of the 16th and 17th centuries. In The Conference of Classics of Eurasia between the 12th and 18th Centuries, School of Classics of Renmin University of China, 27.-28.10.2018. 2018.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Altai Uriangqai-yin baragun beyise-yin qosigun-u Jamiyangjab noyan Sin-e Torgud-un noyad-tai urug barildugsan tuqai baragun monggol-un aman ulamjilal-un ögüleküi ni. Journal of Mongolian Studies / Monggol sudulul / Mengguxue yanjiu. Hohhot, China: Kökeqota ündüsüten-ün degedü surgaguli - Hohhot Minzu Xueyan - Hohhot Minzu College, 2017, Vol. 2, Serial No. 103., s. 75-84. ISSN 1671-1076.
    2. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Early Indo-Europeans in Central Asia and China. Cultural relations as reflected in language. Innsbruck: Wolfgang Meid - Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, 2017, 361 s. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Neue Folge ; Band 13. ISBN 978-3-85124-240-9.
    3. SRBA, Ondřej. Ewropa-daki „Jangγar“ sudulul-un tobči toyimu. In Öbür mongγol-un yeke surγaγuli-yin angqaduγar udaγan-u „Jangγar“ sudulul-un olan ulus-un erdem sinjilegen-ü qural / 内蒙古大学首届《江格尔》研究国际学术讨论会 [První mezinárodní džangarologická konference Vnitromongolské univerzity], Hohhot, Inner Mongolia University, Center for Studies of Jangar. 2017.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Jaroslav Vacek (*26. 6. 1943 – †23. 1. 2017). In Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017, s. 115-126. ISSN 1803-7410.
    5. SRBA, Ondřej. Kontinuita a proměny moci mongolských chánů ve 14. a 16. století. In Beránek, Ondřej; Cermanová, Pavlína; Hrubý, Jakub. Jedno slunce na nebi, jeden vládce na zemi. Legitimita moci ve světě 14. století. Vydání první. Praha: Academia, 2017, s. 497-525. ISBN 978-80-200-2738-2.
    6. SRBA, Ondřej. Mongγol ulus-un ündüsün-ü töb arkib-taki Dolon nuur-un süm-e-yin bügüde lama bandi nar-i jakirqu γajar-un barimta-yin čuγlaγulγ-a. In Töb ündüsüten-ü yeke surγaγuli-yin qoyaduγar udaγan-u mongγol surbulji bičig sudulul-un olan ulus-un erdem sinjilegen-ü qural / 中央民族大学第二届蒙古文文献国际学术研讨会 / The 2nd Minzu University of China International Symposium on Classical Mongolian Texts, Peking, Töb ündüsüten-ü yeke surγaγuli-yin mongγol kele udq-a jokiyal-un salburi [Katedra mongolského jazyka a literatury Čínské ústřední národnostní univerzity], Olan ulus-un mongγol sudulul-un qolbuγ-a [International Association for Mongol Studies]. 2017.
    7. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. Mongolian – Ossetic/Alanic relations reflected in lexicon. Mongolica Pragensia. Praha: Stanislav Juhaňák – TRITON, 2017, roč. 9, 16/1, s. 59-70. ISSN 1803-5647.
    8. SCHWARZ, Michal. Nguyen Đuc Ton (ed.) : Canh huong va chính sách ngôn ngu o Viet Nam trong thoi ki công nghiep hoá, hien đai hoá đat nuoc va hoi nhap quoc te. Ha Noi: Nha xuat ban Khoa hoc xa hoi, 2016 (recenze). Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2017, roč. 65, č. 1, s. 131-133. ISSN 1803-7410.
    9. SRBA, Ondřej. "Ogtorgui gazriin naiman gegeen" sudriin asuudald: "Hars' zasah naiman gegeen" sudriin negen s'ine huvilbar. In International conference "Mongol Ganz'uur / The Mongolian Kanjur",20.-23.07.2017, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History and Archaeology. 2017.
    10. SRBA, Ondřej. Paleografická čítanka mongolského písma klasického období (17.-20. století). Vydání první. Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2017, 448 s. Varia; 65. svazek. ISBN 978-80-7308-742-5.
    11. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Raní Indoevropané v Centrální Asii a Číně. Kulturní vztahy v zrcadle jazyka. Vydání první. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2017, 305 s. ISBN 978-80-7422-598-7.
    12. SRBA, Ondřej. “Rašaanii humh” – songodog ömnöh üyiin negen mongol surgaal šülgiin tuhai ögüüleh ni. In Ih zohiolč V.Injannašiin esnesnii 180 jiliin oid zoriulsan Olon Ulsiin erdem šinjilgeenii hural, 27.04.2017, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, National University of Mongolia. 2017.
    13. SRBA, Ondřej. "Rašaany chumch" - songodog ömnöch üjijn negen mongol surgaal šülgijn tuchaj ögüülech ni. In B. Chišigsüch, G. Narantungalag. Ich dzochiolč V. Indžannašijn esnesnij 180 džilijn oj-d dzoriulsan Olon Ulsyn erdem šindžilgeenij churlyn emchetgel. Ulaanbaatar: MUIS-ijn ŠUS-ijn Chümüünlegijn uchaany salbaryn Utga dzochiol urlag sudlalyn tenchim, 2017, s. 207-231. ISBN 978-99978-58-13-9.
    14. SCHWARZ, Michal. (Review of) Nguyen Thien Giáp (ed) & V. Thi Minh Hà: Tu vung hoc tieng Viet. Hà Noi: Nhà xuat ban Giáo duc Viet Nam, 2016. Linguistica Brunensia. 2017, roč. 65, č. 2, s. 129-131. ISSN 1803-7410.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. The Moon in Selected East Asian folk-tales. In Invited lecture at the University of Edinburgh, 1. 12. 2017, United Kingdom. 2017.
    16. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Turkic Numerals. In The 13th Seoul International Altaistic Conference, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, July 13-16, 2017. 2017.
    17. SCHWARZ, Michal. Various Moons : Theonyms, Depictions and Roles in Selected East Asian Traditions. In Eleventh Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, June 08-11 2017, University of Edinburgh. 2017.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Altai Uriangqai-yin baraγun beyise-yin qosiγun-u Jamiyangjab noyan Sin-e Torγud-un noyad-tai uruγ barilduγsan tuqai baraγun mongγol-un aman ulamjilal-un ögüleküi ni. In The Third International Symposium on Mongolian Folklore and Culture, Minzu University of China, Beijing, 20.-22. 10. 2016. 2016.
    2. SRBA, Ondřej. Altai Urianhain Baruun amban buyuu Darhan gu'n Baldandorz'iin tu'uh bolon aman ulamz'laliin du'r. Mongoliin soyol, urlag sudlal - Journal of Arts and Cultural Studies in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar: Soyol Urlagiin Ih Surguuli - Soyol, Urlag Sudlaliin Hu'reelen, 2016, XIX, č. 22, s. 251-272. ISSN 2310-9114.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. André-Georges Haudricourt a jeho příspěvky k jazykům kontinentální jihovýchodní Asie. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Nakladatelství Masarykovy univerzity, 2016, roč. 64, č. 2, s. 77-85. ISSN 1803-7410.
    4. SRBA, Ondřej. Migrations of Altai Uriankhais between China and Mongolia through the perspective of oral history. In Workshop "Central Asia and Migration through the Perspective of Oral History (in the 20th century)", Prague, November 11th, 2016, organized by Oriental Institute, The Czech Academy of Sciences. 2016.
    5. SCHWARZ, Michal a Ondřej SRBA. Mongolian Expansion and Its Influence on Development in the Eurasian Area in the 13 th and 14 th Centuries. 2016.
    6. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Numerals in Mongolic and Tungusic languages - with notes to code-switching. Altai Hakpo - Journal of the Altaic Society of Korea. Seoul, Jižní Korea: Seoul National University - The Altaic Society of Korea, 2016, roč. 26, June 2016, s. 131-155. ISSN 1226-6582.
    7. SRBA, Ondřej. Paleografická čítanka mongolského písma klasického období (17.-20. století). Online. 1. vyd. Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2016, 448 s. ISBN 978-80-7308-714-2.
    8. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Starší dějiny Vietnamu a Čampy. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, 206 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity ; 460. ISBN 978-80-210-8491-9. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8491-2016.
    9. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Starší dějiny Vietnamu a Čampy. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, 206 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, sv. 460. ISBN 978-80-210-8491-9. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8491-2016.
    10. BLAŽEK, Václav, Michal SCHWARZ a Ondřej SRBA. Testimony of Mongolian Expanison in the perspective of Mongolian loanwords in Ossetic. In Mongolian Expansion and Its Influence on Development in the Eurasian Area in the 13 th and 14 th Centuries. 2016.
    11. SRBA, Ondřej. The Nobility of the Altai Urianhai Banners in Archive Documents and Oral Tradition. In Reckel, Johannes. Central Asian Sources and Central Asian Research. Selected proceedings from the International Symposium “Central Asian Sources and Research”, October 23rd-26th, 2014 at Göttingen State and University Library. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2016, s. 171-186. ISBN 978-3-86395-272-3.
    12. SCHWARZ, Michal a Ondřej SRBA. Vietnam v éře západních velmocí. Vydání první. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, 190 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity ; 461. ISBN 978-80-210-8492-6. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8492-2016.
    13. SCHWARZ, Michal a Ondřej SRBA. Vietnam v éře západních velmocí. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016, 190 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, sv. 461. ISBN 978-80-210-8492-6. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8492-2016.


    1. SRBA, Ondřej. Алтай Урианхай аймгийн 1926, 1927 оны хурлууд. In Алтайн урианхайн түүх соёлын судалгаа (Ulaanbaatar, 7.4.2015). 2015.
    2. SRBA, Ondřej. A Collection of Clear Script Manuscripts of S. Naadgai and the Continuity of Clear Script Usage in Oirat Religious Life. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 63, č. 1, s. 37-56. ISSN 1803-7410.
    3. SRBA, Ondřej. Altai Urianhai aimagiin 1926, 1927 onii hurluud. In Byambaz'av, H. Altain Urianhain tu'uh soyoliin sudalgaa. Ulaanbaatar: Tod nomiin gerel to'v, 2015, s. 74-97. ISBN 978-99973-77-66-1.
    4. SRBA, Ondřej. Altai Uriyangqai doluγan qosiγun-u teüken-dü qolbuγdaqu dangse ebkemel ba tegün-tei qolbuγ-a-tai jarim asaγudal / Historical Archives of the Altai Uriankhai Seven Banners. In "Altai. The oldest ski tracks in the World. The International Ancient Skiing Cultural Exchange and Seminar (阿勒泰人類古老的滑雪地域-2015中國阿勒泰國際古老滑雪文化交流研討會)"(Čína, AO Xinjiang, Altay, 14.-20. 1. 2015), dvojjazyčný (mongolsko-anglický) příspěvek na mezinárodní konferenci. 2015.
    5. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Altaic from the Point of View of Tungusic. Past and Present State and Future Prospect. In The 58th Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Dunajská Streda, September 5-11, 2015. 2015.
    6. SRBA, Ondřej. Altajští Urianchajci v Xinjiangu v 1. polovině 20. století. In 9. česko-slovenská sinologická konference, 27.-28.11.2015, Praha, Orientální ústav Akademie věd ČR. 2015.
    7. SRBA, Ondřej a Michal SCHWARZ. Dějiny Mongolska. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2015, 464 s. Dějiny států. ISBN 978-80-7422-331-0.
    8. SRBA, Ondřej. Dvě ojratské legendy zaznamenané v jasném písmu. Nový Orient. Praha: Orientální ústav AVČR, 2015, roč. 2013, č. 4, s. 59-66, 6 s. ISSN 0029-5302.
    9. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Gerhard Doerfer (*8.3.1920 – †27.12.2003). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, s. 84-94. Linguistica Brunensia. ISSN 1803-7410.
    10. SCHWARZ, Michal. Huyn Thi Hong Hanh - Nguyen Huu Chuong (eds.). Nhung van de chinh ta tieng Viet hien nay. TP Ho Chi Minh: Nha xuat ban van hoa – van nghe, 2014. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 3 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 63, č. 2, s.161-163. ISSN 1803-7410.
    11. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Jména nádob v tocharských jazycích. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 63, č. 1, s. 21-35. ISSN 1803-7410.
    12. SCHWARZ, Michal. Li, Bing. A’ertai yuyan yuanyin hebi yanjiu (Vowel Harmony in Altaic Languages). Shanghai: Shangye yinshuguan, 2013. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 3 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 63, č. 2, s. 158-160. ISSN 1803-7410.
    13. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Mongolic personal pronouns: Survey and internal reconstruction of paradigms. Mongolica Pragensia ’15. Linguistics, Ethnolinguistics, Religion and Culture. Praha: Triton, 2015, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 7-14. ISSN 1803-5647.
    14. SCHWARZ, Michal. Name "Buddha“ in old Central Asian Languages with notes on Tocharian and on the Title Khagan. In Abdurishid Yakup. Xiyu-zhongya yuwenxue yanjiu – 2012nian Zhongyang minzu daxue zhuban Xiyu-zhongya wenxue guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji. Studies in Central Asian Philology. Papers of the International Symposium on Central Asian Philology, November 2012, Beijing. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2015, s. 38-54. ISBN 978-7-5325-7725-5.
    15. SCHWARZ, Michal. Nguyen Văn Khang. Tu ngoai lai trong tieng Viet. TP Ho Chi Minh: Nha xuat ban Tong hop, 2013. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 3 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 63, č. 1, s. 104-106. ISSN 1803-7410.
    16. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Numerals in Mongolic and Tungusic Languages. In The 12th Seoul International Altaistic Conference, Seoul National University, July 16-19, 2015. 2015.
    17. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Prehistory of Tocharian ya:staci ‘Juniper’ in the Perspective of Historical Phonetics. Journal of Indo-European Studies. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man, 2015, roč. 43, 3-4, s. 423-431. ISSN 0092-2323.
    18. SRBA, Ondřej. Rasiyan-u qumq-a. Nádobka nektaru. Anonymní mongolská báseň v rukopise z 18. století. Faksimile rukopisu, transkripce a překlad. Vydání první. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 276 s. Spisy Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, Filozofická fakulta = Opera Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Facultas philosophica; 429. ISBN 978-80-210-8010-2. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8010-2015.
    19. SRBA, Ondřej. Rasiyan-u qumq-a. Nádobka nektaru. Anonymní mongolská báseň v rukopise z 18. století. Faksimile rukopisu, transkripce a překlad. 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, 276 s. Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, sv. 429. ISBN 978-80-210-8010-2. Dostupné z: https://dx.doi.org/10.5817/CZ.MUNI.M210-8010-2015.
    20. SRBA, Ondřej. Sbírka mongolských rukopisů a xylografů Pavla Pouchy na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. In Pavel Poucha na křižovatkách české orientalistiky: Workshop u příležitosti 110. výročí narození dr. Pavla Pouchy, 4. listopadu 2015, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Ústav jižní a centrální Asie. 2015.
    21. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Tocharian A kopräNk ‘antelope, deer’. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies. 2015, Neuveden, č. 16, s. 9-15. ISSN 1012-9286.
    22. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Zajmenná deklinace v altajských jazycích. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2015, roč. 63, č. 2, s. 57-83. ISSN 1803-7410.


    1. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Anna Vladimirovna Dybo (*4. 6. 1959). In Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 102-110. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 102-110. ISSN 1803-7410.
    2. SCHWARZ, Michal. Dvě nové čínské knihy o altajských jazycích a jazycích miao-yao. In Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 149-153. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 149-153. ISSN 1803-7410.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. Hansen, Valerie. The Silk Road. A New History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. In Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 139-146. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 139-146. ISSN 1803-7410.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal. Ivanova, N.I. Sovremennoe kommunikativnoe prostranstvo russkogo jazyka v respublike Saxa (Jakutija). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2012. In Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 62, č. 2, s. 120-122. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 120-122, 2 s. ISSN 1803-7410.
    5. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Jmenná deklinace v altajských jazycích. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 89-98. ISSN 1803-7410.
    6. SCHWARZ, Michal. Journal of the Dunhuang and Turfan Studies, Vol. 13. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2013. In Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 62, č. 1, s. 146-149. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, s. 146-149. ISSN 1803-7410.


    1. SCHWARZ, Michal. Dai Qingxia et al. Zhongguo shaoshu minzu yuyan wenzi yanjiu (yi). Dangdai zhongguo minzuxue renleixue yanjiu jingxuan congshu. Beijing: Minzu Chubanshe, 2012. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, 5 s. Linguistica Brunensia 61, 2013, 1-2, s. 267-271. ISSN 1803-7410.
    2. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. On the Classification of Mongolian. Folia Orientalia. Lodz, 2013, roč. 50, č. 12, s. 177-214. ISSN 0015-5675.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. Příspěvky ke středoasijské filologii (I.). Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2013, roč. 61, č. 1-2, s. 35-47. ISSN 1803-7410.


    1. BLAŽEK, Václav a Michal SCHWARZ. Číslovky v sinitických jazycích. Dálný východ. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2012, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 69-116. ISSN 1805-1049.
    2. SCHWARZ, Michal. Geng Shimin & Wei Cuiyi. 2010. Gudai tujueyu yufa. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chubanshe. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 4 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 60, s. 338-341. ISBN 978-80-210-5883-5.
    3. SCHWARZ, Michal. Ji Yonghai. Manyu yufa. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue chunbashe, 2010. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 3 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 60, s. 341-343. ISBN 978-80-210-5883-5.
    4. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Lurje, Pavel B.: Personal Names in Sogdian Texts. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2010, 527 stran. ISBN 978-3-7001-6838-6. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 8 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 60, s. 329-336. ISBN 978-80-210-5883-5.
    5. SCHWARZ, Michal. Name Buddha in Old Central Asian Languages. In International Symposium on Central Asian Philology, Minzu University of China, Beijing. 2012.
    6. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Ronald Eric Emmerick. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 9 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 60, s. 265-273. ISBN 978-80-210-5883-5.
    7. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Sir Aurel Stein (1862-1943). Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 6 s. Linguistica Brunensia, roč. 60, s. 276-281. ISBN 978-80-210-5883-5.
    8. SCHWARZ, Michal a Václav BLAŽEK. Tunguzské jazyky – přehled, klasifikace, současný stav. Linguistica Brunensia. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, roč. 60, č. 1-2, s. 147-170. ISSN 1803-7410.
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